The Scourge of Socialism, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 8 months ago to Philosophy
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It's easy to be the great guy in the bar when you're buying rounds on someone else's dime. Uncle Bernie is peddling poison and calling it craft brew. If you encounter someone who's feeling the Bern, listen patiently as they wax enthusiastic about the coming socialist utopia...if only we'll all wise up and elect him. When they're done, offer to buy them a one-way plane ticket to North Korea, Cuba, or Venezuela, but only if they’ll stay there for a year. That, of course, is not what they have in mind, and those nations are not, of course, the intended models for the United States. Intentions, of course, don't mean squat. You shall know socialism by its dark deeds. Nothing would be more gratifying than seeing its proponents discover darkness the hard way. Unless, of course, they take the rest of us with them.

This is an excerpt. For the full article please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2016/04/14/the-scourge-of-socialism-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 8 months ago

    For the life of me, I just don't understand how there is any support in this country for socialism. Are people really that blind or stupid?
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 8 months ago
      The desire for socialism both in the US and moreso elsewhere illustrates how right Rand was about envy being hatred of the good for being the good. I have never seen anyone else who described envy so clearly. In her mind, envy was the embodiment of evil.

      To understand how there is support for socialism, one must understand both why some people are evil AND why such evil is tolerated in a society.

      To answer your question, most people are both that blind and that stupid, but worse yet, such people are also evil.
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    • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 8 months ago
      This is what our Hegelian based national education system has produced! The one thing it did not produce are "Critical Thinkers" who would have under a better system been asking the intelligent questions rather than swallowing the swill our system is now promoting.

      They are not stupid just terribly ill-informed by teachers who are the same products of the system. Hegel was the basis of the educational systems of both Hitler's Nazis Germany as well as Stalin's Soviet Russia. What more need be said about why our educationally manufactured morons are thinking Socialism (oh, it is Communism that is really being pushed!).....

      For what its worth!
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  • Posted by sailfast 8 years, 8 months ago
    I was working with a Russian woman on her English while she helped me brush up on my Russian.
    We read letters from her sister in Kiev. The sister told of being at the market with her 6 year old daughter.The daughter saw some strawberries and asked her mother if she could have one. Imagine having to tell a six year old that you could not afford to buy her a single strawberry. My grand daughter eats a quart of strawberries flown in fresh from California when she's at our house.
    Now, thinking of the look in that child's eyes, explain to me the greater good of socialism.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 8 months ago
    As usual, I enjoyed the article, Robert.

    I do have one problem, however. You said, "When they’re done, offer to buy them a one-way plane ticket to North Korea, Cuba, or Venezuela, but only if they’ll stay there for a year." In my world, they would have to stay there forever.

    If it is OK for Democrats to drive their voters to the polls, would it be OK for us to pay for moochers' one-way plane tickets?
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 8 months ago
    Uncle Bernie appeals to the Gen-X'rs because they were raised from birth understanding that they were/are special! They never had to compete for anything. Everyone gets participation trophies, no one should be a winner because that creates losers and have been taught that they cannot be losers. Everything is within their grasp! Or so they thought! Now they are in their 20's and they are finding out they were fed a line of baloney by their families, their schools and society at large!

    Now the unvarnished Truth is smacking them upsides their heads and their only hope now of getting everything promised from birth is that some Snake Oil salesman like Bernie comes along promising them the world when all he will produce is more disaster with which they will be engulfed by! That is the sad legacy of the Baby Boomers and the 1960's mentality now infesting our once great nation.

    Too bad these poor young folks are going to have to live with the evils of Socialism (and worse) that will be their due if Sanders or Clinton ever get elected! For what its worth!
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      I used to consider myself a cutting edge baby boomer having born a the end of WWII. Thank Greyihound they changed the definition I'm no longer responsible for those idiots.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 8 months ago
    I can't wait for the day they wake up and realize that after paying for everyone else there is nothing left to live on...the cupboards are bare and not even a bone for the dog...cause they eat that last night.

    Another nice piece Robert...
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  • Posted by chad 8 years, 7 months ago
    Socialism sells because the majority of people are indolent. I don't care if they want it and impose it on themselves as long as they can't impose it on me or any who do not desire it and any who after trying it decide they want to leave it. Socialism requires the use of violence to achieve its ends while free market capitalism and liberty require an individuals right to choose and to be left alone. That distinction alone should make it easy to understand the moral choice, yet the majority has always preferred slavery.
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 8 months ago
    perhaps the humor in this is that HillaryBeast has no defense against Bernie...she is at a loss as to what to do...if not for the super delegates she would lose again....
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 8 months ago
    Thank you for another excellent essay Robert. It is amazing how much I forgot from College. I don't undedrstand the fascination with Bernie Sanders. Even my son who is the generation before GenX is pro-Sanders. It seems that the public schools were infected with this leftist streak for years. The media hasn't helped educating the newer generation either.
    I'm still of the mind that a Jeffersonian Revolution is needed. Unfortunately, it will only be 10% of Americans who will participate as in the original American Revolution.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 8 months ago
    Robert, in the third paragraph of your otherwise superb article, I'm sure you meant to write "prior to the twenty-first century" or "prior to this century."
    It's okay. I've spotted a lot more of my own glitches in the Gulch when it was too late to edit.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
      Same thing. We are in the 21st Century prior to it was the 1900's the 20th century. Amazingly they got one thing wrong at the change over and celebrated it one year too early. That may account for the confusion. 'Why Johnny Can No Longer Read A Calendar Nor Tell Time.'
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 8 months ago
        What same thing? I was born in 1947 and as a kid started to see movies made by Twentieth Century Fox for that century.
        Get back wid ya later. Me dino gots to go somewhere. I smell stegosauri.
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