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Previous comments...
I am fortunate in that I do not get sick very often. I rarely even get a cold. I have only missed a few days of work in decades due to illness. A few times I may have stayed home due to a stomach bug or the flue, but otherwise I soldier on. I have chalked my good fortune, health wise, to the fact that we have never had any children that would bring home viruses from school and my company does not deal directly with the public. I am not exposed to others and their germs to the degree of most.
I am running a tight ship and there is no one at my company to cover for me for long. I am in the same boat as lostinamerica.
royally pissed off my wife, doctor, pharmacist ...... !
well, I was waiting for the Rx to be filled. . I picked
it up and took it, after work. -- j
in food service. I worked in a margarine & butter
plant for nearly 10 years; that overlapped with a
hot dog vendor job I held for 27 years. (Before
that, I worked in the commissary kitchen of a local small restaurant chain; the commissary
was like a little food factory for the whole chain).
If I had had a seizure in bed that morning (I did
not learn that I had epilepsy until I was working
in the restaurant chain), I might or might not go
to work that day, depending on how nauseated
(etc.) I felt. (I went once one day, had a seizure,
found myself in the hospital, walked to the cart,
opened up, and found myself in the hospital a-
gain. And I wish people would leave me the
h--l alone when I have a seizure. I can't afford
the ambulance and hospital bill, and I come out
of it all right when I have one at home alone).
When I had the flu and was running a tempera-
ture, I would definitely not go to work and risk
getting germs in the food and breathing my germs near other people. People who are con-
tagious and are responsible should have e-
nough sense to stay away from other people,
especially when they work with food.
But if the larger question is "do you work when you're sick?", then the answer is yes.