I do not recall ever hearing or reading of this piece of American history.
Posted by lrbeggs 10 years, 10 months ago to Government
A little history:
This is almost unbelievable. I had never heard of this.
Rare Film From 1932. Can It Happen Again?
FANTASTIC NEWS VIDEO: 1932 - young Patton, young Eisenhower, young MacArthur, Pres.Hoover, Walter Winchell reporting. I don't recall this from any history classes.
This is almost unbelievable. I had never heard of this.
Rare Film From 1932. Can It Happen Again?
FANTASTIC NEWS VIDEO: 1932 - young Patton, young Eisenhower, young MacArthur, Pres.Hoover, Walter Winchell reporting. I don't recall this from any history classes.
And all the while, Congress snuck out the back door, because they would rather let those who fought, suffered and died in the lurch than do the right thing.
Now, let me give you this... if you like houses of cards... It was the inaction of Congress that caused Hoover to so forcefully enable this fiasco to grow. Cause and Effect. They snuck out, dumping it on HH's lap. There was a person who was in Congress at the time (and his first name wasn't "Teddy") with plans for the white house. What a better way than to create a situation chucking the then CiC out on his ear over this mess (OK, many messes... Google "Hooverville" for example...) .. and then bringing his New Deal to bear, so people would remember his good... and forget his creation of the riots of '32...
Ahhh... the joys of Socialism. How many folk realize every major world power was run or directed by a socialist and held on to power as long as possible? Hmmm...
Remember the Maine? There's evidence the Maine exploded, not due to sabotage, but due to system malfunction. But it got us the Spanish-America War.
We got into WWII by cutting off Japan's supply of steel. They really had no choice but to attack us.
Vietnam was even more of a con job. The "Gulf of Tonkin" incident is now known to have been a lie.
The Gulf Wars? Weapons of Mass distraction?
Obama wanted to get a war going with Syria - but the weight of evidence is on the side of Asad and the Syrian government regarding the use of chemical weapons.
And why did Obama lob cruise missiles at Ghadaffi?
So if nobody wants to serve in the future… maybe that's a good thing. The US manufactures and ships trillions of dollars of resources to other countries just to blow them up and kill thousands of Americans for no purpose other than to enrich the military-industrial complex. What if we didn't do that? What if we spent those trillions on make America better?
I didn't have to put that decision into action; they called it off.
I watched this video and wanted to puke! Can it happen again? Of course it can. Any travesty of the past can come back to us again when the circumstances support it.
It's enough to "make a grown man cry!"
I have made my plans--have you?
1) DC isn't a state and thus Posse Comitatus prohibits the federal military from enforcing state laws. Since DC is a federal zone, federal troops are not covered by PC in this situation.
2) Remember this was the depths of the Great Depression. The original proposal for the bonus payment was that it was to be deferred until 1945 but instead 1/2 of it was paid earlier. The nation did not have the remainder of the payment money and being on the gold standard at the time, could not just print the money.
3) There was a communist instigator (don't remember the name) who is suspected of ramping up tensions in order to bring down the US gov't.
4) Despite the newsreel footage, the evacuation of the shantytown was orderly and without incident. What remained was burned down so as to dissuade the protestors from returning. While tear gas was used, the only injuries were caused on an earlier day when the DC police chief (who was actually helping the protestors) was attacked by the protestors with a policeman being knocked out by a thrown rock and the police returning fire and killing 2 of the protesters.
5) The show of force by MacA was meant to be just that - a show. As will materialize more fully during WWII and later in Korea, MacA was quite a showman and want-to-be politician.
the difference between then and now is a very simple fact of life there are over 100 million armed citizens now. how many uniformed will willingly attack other citizens is a good question. fema once asked the Marine at Pendleton if the would and to a man the answer was NO. whether that will be the case now is a question.. I like to think the answer is no, but I am more realistic and know there are some who are deranged and won't care who the shoot. I am told about 150 secret service or some such number are already in LV. who knows what will happen?
Txs for reminding us.
And the US Army has been used against American citizens on US soil (and not merely the Civil War).
And we're just those sharing the information with our students.
Keep posting this film.
And those who erase history are driven to repeat it.
Growing up, our neighbor was a veteran of WW1. It was not only a terrible war (no honor in using an inescapable gas to permanently incapacitate your enemy) it literally changed the course of the planet. What if Ferdinand and Sophie had never been assassinated? What if the "great war" never happened? (What a premise for an alternate history novel...)... I think of them, those boys (but in my childhood, old men) who fought over there almost 100 years ago, and wonder how their lives, and the world around them, would have been different had they not had to go "over there"...
Such has been from the very beginning of our nation.
It starts with this event in our American history and shows men in pursuit of honor protecting the horses of the American Calvary as MacArthur moved to a mechanized force. I don't know if the journey the Canada really happened, but many of the events portrayed in the film did.
Certainly not one of the highlights of our treatment of our soldiers - those with 2 legs and those with 4.
they did not believe that their own country would ignore the plight for which the depression had placed them. Many did not believe that US troops would take the field against the unarmed."
This is how a powerful US government acts.
This is how military leaders rise to powerful ranks.
This is how soldiers are trained: to follow orders without thinking.
This has happened repeatedly in the US since Lincoln set the example in 1860-1865.
And it has all been covered up by federal government indoctrination in public schools.
The Posse Comitatus act passed in the late 70's eliminates the Legal use of force by the U S military inside our own boarders. I'm not a lawyer, just an old fighter pilot. That was one of the delays in ordering the shoot down of remaining hijacked planes on 9/11.
See Lt. Heather “Lucky” Penney
real eye-opener!! Thanks much for the
Thanks for the history on the insurrection act. I must read more on it.
They caused that economic collapse and profited from the demise of most of their competitors and siezed the properties of their customers. They did all this by creating money that they did not have, lending it in the billions without having any stake of their own at risk.
I didn’t learn about the Louisiana Purchase being illegal and how our “hero” Jefferson engineered “a way around the Constitution” to permit the deal. Very controversial in 1803, not even discussed in history classes I took.
Don't they teach this in military ethics classes?
Tactically, the bonus vets should have given way to the troops without resistance, and then come back again afterwards.
And yes, they do teach this in military ethics - you might find my other reply elsewhere in this topic.
I find this kind of blanket statement illogical and unreasonable. My personal experience is exactly the opposite. There is no way to discern or prove that most soldiers like to kill.
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