Panama is Small Change, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 9 months ago to Government
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Redistribution is only one of many rackets run by the government. In this “increasingly dangerous world” the US is supposedly beset by threats at every turn, the justification for perpetual war. The government accounts for about a third of the entire world’s military and intelligence spending and maintains over 700 military outposts around the globe. It has been at war for decades in countries that have posed no threat to the US populace. Why? “Threats to interests” has replaced threats to the populace as the rationale for war. What are “threat to interests”? Anything that threatens the government’s and its corporate allies’ confederated global empire. The American people are given a false choice: their money or their lives. Their money funds Orwellian oxymorons designed to enslave: wars for peace, eliminating liberty to save it.

This is an excerpt. For the full article, please click the above link.

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