Ammo Company Sells Pork-Laced Bullets

Posted by khalling 11 years, 7 months ago to Culture
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1. logistics: when the bullet is fired, is the pork removed? Does the pork become rancid? If not, is it enough to effect the purpose? Do you just need a molecule of pork to keep you from heaven? Do we have statistics on whether silver bullets actually worked on vampires? If these bullets keep them out of Heaven, will we now just have muslim terrorist zombies, thereby compounding our problems? Will the supply of virgins be so large that demand wanes? If the muslim terrorist is ignorant that the bullet is pork laced, and so therefore is not impeded from Heaven, is there a further market opportunity to advertise pork laced bullets are in use- like laser lights shows against the rocks at night.

Is this the only ammo currently on the shelves?

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  • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 7 months ago
    I'm all for that and I love your questions that will never be answered by the koran or any immam (besides, they will lie to you, they have to)

    However, for a more personalized experience, I like these: <evil grin>

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    • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 7 months ago
      Hey uncommon,
      I mentioned a few things I've heard you say from the Koran (or however you spell it) to some friends and one of them refuted it... I said, "I cant find it for you if you want me to." And she said, "No, that's okay." .. wtf. I came home and looked them up and found them... She was attempting the religion of peace thing. blaht.
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      • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 7 months ago
        That's sad to hear. I've been in that situation too and there's nothing you can do to get people to accept the's just too disturbing for them to take.
        The typical response/area they usually resort to is to talk about all the bad things about Christianity IN ITS PAST. I counter that by reminding them this is about Islam both in the past AND today, not Christianity.

        Whenever they persist about making the conversation to turn Christianity (thus avoiding the truth about Islam) I ask them to point to me a currently active Christian Terror Group and when was the last attack done by them?

        The next thing to ask (if the conversation is in this area) is to have them point to you in the New Testament where Jesus instructs his followers that they are permitted to kill anyone who does not accept Christ. At this point, you can steer the conversation back to Islam and Mohammed.
        Hopefully, your friend will get over the shock of the truth and will come around to accepting it.
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  • Posted by ShruginArgentina 11 years, 7 months ago
    Why use bullets at all?

    I once read about the British smearing the railways in India with pork fat to discourage Hindu suicides. If I remember correctly, it worked.

    Why not replace the salt based fertilizer with some rendered pork fat in the slurry that is used to combat wildfires using air tankers?

    Keep the red dye in the mix just so those who have been contaminated will know what hit 'em and their friends and family will shun them.

    Just imagine the effect that releasing 3000 gallons of pork laced liquid would have if it was released over a suspected terrorist hideout..,or any place groups of terrorists might congregate... at the right time of year.
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