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  • Posted by ShruginArgentina 11 years, 8 months ago
    This is a false choice.

    The economic system follows from the type of government system and the degree of control of economic activity by the government defines the type of economic system.

    A constitutionally limited government based on laws protecting individual rights to act and own property creates a free market economic system, aka "Capitalism" which has always resulted in greater productivity and prosperity.

    A government which regulates or prescribes economic activity creates "controled" economic systems, aka socialism and communism, both of which always lead to less productivity and prosperity.

    The "motto" of Capitalists should be (and always should have been), "Give me liberty and I'll give you a higher standard of living."

    It should be followed by, "Don't give me liberty and I won't make a damn thing."
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 8 months ago
    I prefer to live with both systems working in accordance with Freedom.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
      Personally I think more freedom is gained with the appropriate economics and minimal government, regardless the type of government. If the government is based on a solid foundation of supporting individual rights and restricting it's paternal oversight, shouldn't that impact the individual about the same regardless the system? Wouldn't the economic structure have a much larger impact on the people, I.e. Me? Both in how the culture thinks en mass and how the individual is willing to grow/create?
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