Marguerite - Movie review

Posted by DrEdwardHudgins 8 years, 11 months ago to Movies
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There's an Ellsworth Toohey character in the French film Marguerite. It offers a sometimes amusing but ultimately painful tale of a would-be singer who is so shielded from her own lack of talent that the ending can only be opera-tragic. Lying hurts.

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  • Posted by Mamaemma 8 years, 11 months ago
    "wants to tear down the great and the beautiful and does so by praising the mediocre and the ugly".
    I saw this as my children went through school. My daughter won every award at the end of her fifth grade, as the awards were based on the child's numerical average for the class. As people were offended by this, the next year, all the award recipients were chosen by the teacher, and all were given to the children who were mediocre at best and who were great at kissing ass. I just stood there and thought, Rand was right, and this is ridiculous. I wonder if others have seen this "celebration of mediocrity" in their lives? I would like to hear about it.
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