Chris Kluwe - The NFL player's take on Rand and Atlas

Posted by ajp 11 years, 8 months ago to Entertainment
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This is my first post, but my boss brought this article to my attention and I found it very compelling. So, I wanted to put it out in the community and see what everyone has to say. According to Kluwe, John Galt is "a remorseless shark feeding on those unable to get out of his way..." - my reaction (aside from being amazed an NFL player can string together a coherent sentence, let alone write an entire book [I hope he thanked his editor]) is that Kluwe was raised to be the ultimate team player. He makes a living being a part of a team and has had it beaten in to him from youth that no one person is or can be the star on the field (even though MVPs are named after every season). Kluwe not only missed the entire point of Rand's novel - recognizing and fulfilling YOUR best work should not be a deterrent for your neighbor to do the same but should rather encourage others to follow suit in pursuing their own passions and best self-interest - but he rankly spreads his misguided malcontent to the susceptible masses who consume anything, no matter if it's based in truth or (in this instance) on an ignorant fallacy. So, those were my thoughts. I'd love to hear yours. And I'd REALLY love to see intelligent comments left on all the news articles who've picked this story up - so far, it's just dribble....

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  • Posted by SnakebiteJones 11 years, 8 months ago
    First of all, every Fortune 500 Company President owns a copy of Atlas Shrugged. They also love football. Why you would start your post by insulting football players and their fans is difficult for me to understand. Secondly, Chris Kluwe is kicker and so he is more like a European Futball player than a red-blooded American football player. Finally, Chris Kluwe is better known for his LGBT advocacy than he is for anything he has done as an athlete. I have observed Kluwe making false statements on multiple occasions and so I highly doubt he read Atlas Shrugged. Read some of Kluew's other commentary; he justifies breaking rules, blames others when things don't go his way and said this about a black player on the opposing team: "Long story short, Joey Porter's an asshole and I'm really sad I wasn't able to get him to roll an ankle or blow out a knee stepping on a loose ball. In my entire career he's the only person I've ever met that's been a total dickhead." Chris Kluwe has zero credibility.
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    • Posted by $ 11 years, 8 months ago
      As always, I appreciate your insights (and am a little sad you didn't get a chuckle over my dig at football players). But I certainly didn't know about his other comments (breaking rules, blaming others, etc.) so thank you for bringing that to my attention!
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 8 months ago
    I had to look this guy up to see who/what he is. NFL. Now there's reality for ya. $1.6M a year for kicking a ball down a field in 2012, down to $840K in 2013. I wonder how much of that fat salary he's giving for the public good? My guess isn't much. You're right that he missed the whole point, but it's hard to use your mind when it's been stuffed full of the touchy-feely progressive pablum.
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  • Posted by TheBestWithinUs 11 years, 8 months ago
    Whenever you hear "critics"bring up Nietzsche and Hickman; compare their own conventional selfishness with Ayn Rands rational selfishness; claim that Galt was a sociopath who needed only himself and ignore actual contributions; you know you are dealing with someone who didn't read the book.

    At most they scanned it and read their own viewers into it.
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  • Posted by Eudaimonia 11 years, 8 months ago
    A hit-piece from he useful idiot celebrity wing of the Ruling Class posted on a media mouthpiece web-rag of the Ruling Class.

    Why bother refuting an idea which is not gaining traction?
    A hat-tip to all the Marxists at Salon!
    Many thanks, and keep 'em comin'!
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