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  • Posted by KWHodges560 12 years, 4 months ago
    I saw the movie at the 7pm showing in Nashville tonight. Wasn't exactly a crowded screening, but still quite a few people there. Mostly the over 40 crowd. Perhaps we are the only ones that understand?
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    Posted by norbert_numberguy 12 years, 4 months ago
    Let's be realistic. The odds of reaching $4 million are actually pretty slim at this point. The battle now is going to be whether or not it gets to $2 million. I figured it will, but that was before seeing the Friday figures.

    My prediction, given the estimated Friday take and comparing it to the take for Part 1, is that there's a good chance it's going to be under a $2 million dollar weekend, and that will be a major fail, on the order of "Last Ounce of Courage" or "Won't Back Down."

    Enthusiasm is one thing, but realism is important too. The sequel of a flop is generally not positioned to do well, and that's what we've got here.
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    • Posted by overmanwarrior 12 years, 4 months ago
      Oh and for the record, I LOVED 'Won't Back Down.' I wouldn't expect union types, PTA moms, greenie weenies, long haired hippies, losers, welfare recipients, politicians, and other fools, losers and social parasites to like the movie. But I did, and that's all that matters to me.
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    • Posted by overmanwarrior 12 years, 4 months ago
      Money is important, but I think you're missing the point. Think of this as a military excerise. Missils and bullets cost money, with the aim of breaking the will of your enemy. Correct? And in a war of ideas, movies are the missils and bullets. If the filmmakers were concerned about making money in the standard line of a blockbuster, do you think they would have given the green light for a movie like Two when One didn't do well at the box office? Yes, I am rooting for the movie to make money in a traditional fashion, but more importantly, people are talking about this topic, including you, which is what we want. The weapon is doing the job we intend. : ) And that end result is an erosion of collectivism. We know that the message insults a lot of people, and it makes them feel guilty......and those people are probably going to see Taken 2 or Argo so they can feel worldly, without being so. But, when they see this movie on Netflix at home in their PJs in the quiet of their own living rooms when nobody is watching, they will turn it on to see what all the fuss is. And in that fashion the objective is successful.
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