Harry Reid Doubles Down on Bundy Ranch: 'If They're Patriots, We're in Big Trouble'

Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 5 months ago to News
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Harry Reid is one sick individual! He doesn't know what a patriot or a terrorist even is. And the lies that fly out of his hideous mouth are endless. What a power monger. A-mazing!
SOURCE URL: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/04/18/Harry-Reid-Debates-Dean-Heller-on-Local-NV-TV-over-Bundy-Ranch

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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 5 months ago
    If ole Harry is so concerned over the overpriced grazing fees, maybe he should be as concerned over the numerous Democrat Congressmen who have not paid their taxes to the IRS for years! He may call supporters of ranchers being bullied "terrorists", I call it standing up for what is right. I call government abuse criminal. What next, they'll play "Boots" until the rancher moves off? I am really sick of government thugs getting into personal lives.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 5 months ago
    I think Reid is nuts.
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    • Posted by peterchunt 10 years, 5 months ago
      Reid is an example of a politician who has been in Congress for far too long. He now believes “he" owns the land. Why hasn’t anyone asked how did he become a millionaire many times over on a Congressional paycheck. He may want us to think he is nuts, but behind the lying is a plot to make himself more money. Lying just comes naturally to him. He has honed to to a fine art and been doing it for many years.
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  • Posted by Notperfect 10 years, 5 months ago
    Yes he is a pathetic excuse for a man. Not only does he wreak of stench. His actions are malign as cancer. He has some fooled so they have vote him in time and time again. Some of those have left Nevada and have come back here to Michigan to bring that cancer back with them. So it is true when something is rotten in Denmark the stench follows. All they say is more unions, taxes as if we do not pay enough already. If Reid has a problem with the Bundy Ranch then leave and drag your problems with you. It is A-mazing on how he considers himself. If anyone is a Terrorist his name is Reid. Just getting a little off my chest.
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  • Posted by NealS 10 years, 5 months ago
    So that's what we elect Senators for, to represent the government and attack its citizens. I've recently wondered what their job is. Something is definitely out of balance in wonderland.
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years, 5 months ago
    couldn't listen beyond the first two minutes. he is a very sick individual as LetsShrug states. people like him always have a s--t eating grin. unfortunately he gets an audience from the media and just says what ever he wants regardless if it makes sense or not, most it doesn't . you could never show him that HE is not the patriot, my opinion HE is the enemy. any suggestions as to how to stop this piece of turd other than somehow educating the voters in NV that would vote him out of office.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 5 months ago
      This is the crucial point: He defaults to getting media attention whenever he wants it; anyone who opposes him has to work for the publicity. He also bears the label of 'Senator' which has, since Roman times, carried with it an aura of respectability and responsibility. These are important cards (which can be played multiple times) and one has to keep in mind that this is a loaded deck. He can still be beaten by Law, but it is going to take work.

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      • Posted by RevJay4 10 years, 5 months ago
        Always thought that honorific titles such as "Senator" etc. should be eliminated for elected office holders. "Mr.", "Ms.", "Mrs." should be sufficient just like for the rest of us. They are our employees and I have not had anyone call me "Mr." when I was their employee. Same should be true for them. Gives them too much power.
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        • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 5 months ago
          I saw a TED talk recently on the term "President". It was the title selected by the founding fathers because, until that time, it simply meant, "the person who presides over a committee". That is to say, a title with the Least possible connotations of power was selected. As the TED talk points out, does anyone think that the term 'President of the United States' now lacks connotations of power?

          I have also heard/read presentations by an objectivist speaker (Robert...) who talks about the need for ritual in the human life. He favors trying to swim with, rather than against, that tide and suggests that materialists try to incorporate some elements of holiday and ritual into their lives deliberately, least these psychological eco-niches fill spontaneously. So I like Darwin Day and Pi Day and Talk Like a Pirate Day because these are benign rituals that - at least at this point - do not carry with them a heavy load of agenda.

          So perhaps we should do as LetsShrug suggests (below) and call the senators "HeyYou" for a while. (We can change the title every 20 years or so to keep it from accreting status.)

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  • Posted by Retired24-navy 10 years, 5 months ago
    You need to give Harry a break. He looks in the mirror every morning and sees a terrorist. He just does not realize its him. Just vote him out and be done with it.
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