President Clinton warned: ‘The right wing has seized upon the internet’
"The internet has become one of the major and most dynamic modes of communication. The internet can link people, groups and organizations together instantly. Moreover, it allows an extraordinary amount of unregulated data and information to be located in one area and available to all. The right wing has seized upon the internet as a means of communicating its ideas to people. Moreover, evidence exists that Republican staffers surf the internet, interacting with extremists in order to exchange ideas and information."
I am proud to be part of this online community, the very type which our Ruling Class feared.
Galts' Gulch Online - Giving agita to the ruling class whenever possible.
I am proud to be part of this online community, the very type which our Ruling Class feared.
Galts' Gulch Online - Giving agita to the ruling class whenever possible.
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- 1Posted by SRS66East 10 years, 10 months agoAmazing how the establishment fears a method of uncensorable free speech.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
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