Procrustes' Classroom - A New Satire from Papa Possum (Papa Possum takes on Common Core)
Ok, Common Core's been irking me long enough.
Enjoy, or not.
Procrustes' Classroom
“But again and again there comes a time in history
when the man who dares to say that two and two make four
is punished with death.” - Albert Camus, "The Plague"
Young Winston, pay attention close.
Are my words loud and clear?
Perhaps I'll shift my boot a bit
so you might better hear.
The question is a simple one,
“How much is two plus two?”
The answer matters not for it's
Free Will we must subdue.
What matters is our protocol,
not your damned answer earned:
was “social justice” any part
of what you think you learned?
Don't, “What about us children?”, cry
and dare co-opt our line:
we've learned much from old drunken ted's
“no child left behind”.
We've got procrustes' fabled bed.
We've got platonic forms.
We'll force fit false realities.
Our whim defines the norms.
We're ruling class idiot spawn,
ivy league hordes untold,
sausages fixing what's not broke,
simply because it's old.
Your World exists to bear our mark;
your mind, our point of view.
We've claimed your Parents' Country, Wealth,
and Freedom - and now you.
So, let's return to “two plus two”,
we care not what you say:
the common core is karl marx;
the lesson, to obey.
Procrustes' Classroom, Copyright © 2014 Papa Possum
Two Strike Policy in Effect:
Enjoy, or not.
Procrustes' Classroom
“But again and again there comes a time in history
when the man who dares to say that two and two make four
is punished with death.” - Albert Camus, "The Plague"
Young Winston, pay attention close.
Are my words loud and clear?
Perhaps I'll shift my boot a bit
so you might better hear.
The question is a simple one,
“How much is two plus two?”
The answer matters not for it's
Free Will we must subdue.
What matters is our protocol,
not your damned answer earned:
was “social justice” any part
of what you think you learned?
Don't, “What about us children?”, cry
and dare co-opt our line:
we've learned much from old drunken ted's
“no child left behind”.
We've got procrustes' fabled bed.
We've got platonic forms.
We'll force fit false realities.
Our whim defines the norms.
We're ruling class idiot spawn,
ivy league hordes untold,
sausages fixing what's not broke,
simply because it's old.
Your World exists to bear our mark;
your mind, our point of view.
We've claimed your Parents' Country, Wealth,
and Freedom - and now you.
So, let's return to “two plus two”,
we care not what you say:
the common core is karl marx;
the lesson, to obey.
Procrustes' Classroom, Copyright © 2014 Papa Possum
Two Strike Policy in Effect:
Share it with your friends against Common Core.
simply because it's old." There was a time we venerated things that worked year after year without need for updating or replacing. Now those days are gone because the Bureaucrats need to justify their employment, they invent things to replace or repair so we think they are actually needed. Wake up ... they are not and their salaries would go along way to fixing the holes in our budgets.
Honestly, far too many people on this forum seem to be so convinced that every problem and bad idea in this country comes from the left that they completely ignore right-wing politicians who do the exact same things. Well, this is an example of that. I've said before that saying tyranny can only come from the left is like saying a boxer can only punch from the left. Having that kind of political blind spot can get you knocked out.
I encourage you to start one.
The piece only mentions our Ruling Class as the villains.
From Dr. Angelo Codevilla's piece "America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution" -
"Differences between Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas are of degree, not kind."
I encourage you to read Dr. Angelo Codevilla's piece.
The line is "the common core is karl marx", which address what many have claimed is an ideological slant to the program.
There have been many articles written on this subject, especially on the readings selected for English.
I encourage you to read a few of these articles.
"Tell me, are you remembering to account for the fact that the federal government was setting the standards already...?"
The line is "we've learned much from old drunken ted's 'no child left behind'”, so, yes.
Do you have any other questions?
Ever since the Department of Education was founded, the Federal government has been in charge of setting educational standards for the entire nation. People are acting like Common Core is some new attempt by the Federal government to take control of education, and I'm just pointing out that the Federal government has ALREADY been in control of education for over 30 years now. When I asked you if you had factored that into your theory, that's what I was talking about.
As for whether or not Common Core actually advocates Marxism, I have yet to see any legitimate evidence to support that theory. I've seen assignments which advocate environmentalism, sure, but environmentalism is not Marxism.
Should get you started.