Moochers versus Producers

Posted by MaxCasey 10 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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With an almost 2:1 lead is there any hope for the Producers in the USA?

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  • Posted by SRS66East 10 years, 8 months ago
    The are very few alternates available to us at this late stage in the game. 1. reform from within -using constitutional conventions on the state level through state legislatures (unlikely) 2. revolution -gun owning Americans outnumber the military by roughly 100 to 1 (assuming the military stands with the government over the people)
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  • Posted by MattFranke 10 years, 8 months ago
    Excellent Max! You are right. Bitching on the web is only the smallest part of what we need to do. Real life choices must be made regardless of the cost. As a younger person who knows that Socialist insecurity will probably be all but cashed out by the time I need it; I see NO reason for my child to have it. Tell ya what, that has been a frickin' hassle; can't say that I've really lost any sleep over it though.
    I say work hard for your own good and work harder to keep the fruit of your labor out of the reaper's basket.
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 8 months ago
    I was just relistening to Murray Rothbard's "For a New Liberty - The Libertarian Manifesto." It is quite fascinating and prescient - for it was originally written in 1973. It is fascinating that in the 40+ years since the original publication the country has moved progressively (and I use the term precisely in both meanings) further towards insolvency, and moral bankruptcy.

    It is interesting that at that time there were studies that basically identified the difference between the productive and non-productive as those who had a long-term orientation and those whose orientation was immediacy. The long-term folks were productive and the immediate folks were moochers relying on the looters. In the interim we have done nothing to support more long-term thinking, in fact, we have done everything to wipe it out. Instantaneous gratification of every want is the objective (look at the housing bubble that burst mostly because those that could not afford the house that they purchased had that short-sightedness come back to bite them when interest rates rose just a little bit).

    Instead of a strike or the economic equivalent, we need to do everything that we can to foster long-term thinking.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 8 months ago
      Interesting observation, to what do you attribute the lack of long term thinking? Personally I believe there to be an all out assault on the rational faculties of the Amerikhan public at large. When signs like this are hanging at the worlds largest retailer, what then for long term thinking?
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 8 months ago
        That's just too funny. 'course it depends on those in line 1) being able to read a basic sentence, and 2) that they give a shit. Most fail both.

        Lack of long-term thinking: Most on welfare and social programs are trained to think that way - when is the next payment, not "If I get a job and save up I can get a better place to live, better furnishings, better car," etc. Plus, the culture has turned to instant gratification - how many people play board games, chess, or anything that might take some time anymore? It's video games and video entertainment, movies on demand, instant popcorn, etc. Not to say that those things are "bad" just that they condition people to want instantaneous gratification. Saving to buy a house or a car or much of anything is unheard of in the middle to lower socio-economic classes. They have rent-to-buy stores everywhere (and nobody ever ends up owning anything since the payments are so huge over the long haul), pay advance places, etc.
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