Holy Cow! Texan Makes Record-Shattering 4,210 Yard Rifle Shot

Posted by dbhalling 9 years ago to News
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The rifle in this video is part of Trails of Injustice (The 2nd Hank Rangar Thriller)
SOURCE URL: http://bearingarms.com/holy-cow-texan-makes-record-shattering-4210-yard-rifle-shot/

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years ago
    Quite the sniper!
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    • Posted by Herb7734 9 years ago
      No real sniper in his right mind would attempt a shot like that. It would almost guarantee death ... to himself.
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      • Posted by TheRealBill 9 years ago
        At 2.4 miles away I'd have had no qualms about my safety. As hard as that shot is it is even harder trying to figure out where it came from at that distance, especially given the lag. The shot was fired ten full seconds before impact. At that distance I doubt the sound of the shot would register and unless someone was looking right at you they would not see the muzzle flash. So the chances of them finding me as the putative shooter are worse than at one mile, which I gotta say is still difficult with specific training.

        To me the question would be the lethality at that range with that caliber. I was trained to only take lethal shots. You'd probably be surprised how often a stationary target presents itself. Add to that the predictive movement training and it is not out of question. Just really damned rare. If you look at body movements of your fellow dinner patrons you'll find there are often considerable lengths of time where there is minor movement at best and not enough to throw off a trained predictive shot.

        While not common it isn't hard to conceive of an opportunity to take a couple shots at that range. It would require those shots not impact the target's surroundings. An open backdrop would do. A restaurant would not. With serious practice and uv laser sighting I could see this being quite practical.

        The long term threat to me in sniper combat is single-suit lasers. We don't have them yet but we will. Then you'll see sniper shots out to several miles. I've done laser shots out to nearly ten miles on moving targets. The adjustments are dramatically easier though they still consequential. It won't make sniping common but will extend the range dramatically.

        All that said that shot is damned incredible, putative practicality aside. Serious kudos to all involved. Even just the trigger pull ... Dayum.
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        • Posted by Herb7734 9 years ago
          So, we are on the verge of automated wars? If it weren't for the crazy terrorists, we could all just build robots, have them fight until only one is left, call it the winner and award a chunk of land to the country it represents.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years ago
    Pretty awesome! I'd be interested in the arc seconds of the aim, but prefer just to say, "awesome". Amazing what a person can do.

    Our parent company makes a prevalent 76mm naval gun that can shoot ~2/sec and 26 miles maximum range! It can hit air targets at ~5 miles. Clearly not handheld though. It is aimed by the scary robots of the world.

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
    The reason we fire three round bursts with smaller automatic weapons and six rounds with the larger calibers (in the military...don't get all panicked) is not just to keep the barrel cooler but to put maximum rounds, at a distance, in what's called a beaten zone. Even that changes shape if the target area is down hill or up hill but the idea is to put a lot of bullets in an area of the actual target eventually one will do the job. Good for formations or groups. For single targets nothing beats a sniper. The mathematics involved in selecting an aim point for this shooter based on a spotter feeding information then brain computed into a perfect shot is in itself phenomenal. That's for a stationary target. Skill levels indicated for this one are off the scale. One is left with the mouth trying to say Wow but the vocal chords are in shock.

    Ten second travel time equals a hundred yard dash no less than fifty for a decent ball carrier.
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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years ago
    I like the comment - hard to see the target at that kind of range! The optics rigging would be a story in itself.
    Question- What was the exit velocity? and would the ammo have any special aerodynamic characteristics? The drop, do I read that right that the aim has to be 16'8" above the target?
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      Yes the bullet does have special aerodynamic characteristics. I did some patent work for the creator of the rifle and the bullet.. The bullet is first and foremost lathed from solid stock and is balanced along the long axis. On long shots like this the bullet starts to tumble end over end and then quickly loses velocity and accuracy.
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    • Posted by Technocracy 9 years ago
      no, that is the 100 yard "impact point" the way the optics are setup.

      They never said how high over impact the bullet travels specifically. They did say that moving to this range from the previous one added another 267 feet of drop.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      "The last 400 yards adds 1.5 seconds to time of flight and the bullet drops an additional 265 feet"

      The bullet is in the air for about 10 seconds so you would have to aim about 1600 feet ignoring air resistance
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years ago
    I find this kind of shooting interesting. A while back I was out at a very nice outdoor shooting facility and they had a range that must have been at least half this distance - huge. There were these diehard guys out there with long range black powder guns. I sat for quite a while watching them. I know I'd get addicted to this kind of shooting. I was an excellent shot with a rifle when I was a kid. My eyes, however, aren't what they used to be.
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