Hi. My name is A Knights Life
Posted by AKnightsLife 11 years, 8 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
Your question for me is "Why am I here and you have stated that I know more about you than you do about me - Truth is I don't know alot about you but the little I do know has caused me to come. Why? Because of the questions I have about our country America. And what got her off course and can she be cleaned up, dusted off and Resurrected to something greater than she has been. Or is that a loss cause? Do we instead, like John Gault and his friends, go off and build another community with those who have got it right with in their particular sphere. And - as I have not read Atlas Shrugged yet - do we create that community with in the same borders of America or outside it in another country or on a huge Island OR do we do both and create many, many United Communities (in Spirit & Truth) but spread out through out this world. And if so what is our purpose in doing so? (remember I haven't read any of Rands books) Are we waiting for the destruction of our country so that we can rebuild it from the ash heaps that will follow its fall? And or do we build the Strength of/in our own Galt like communities so that like minded people will follow or whom we can bring to us (if they pass our test and have the muster). Why am I here? I am here to Learn. And learn from those who know more than I do ! Let me also say that I am new to all this for reasons I won't devulge at this time. Let us just say that in one way I am behind the times and catching up. And in another way I was held back for reasons I don't truely know of as yet - but one I know of was so that I would not be sucked into the mire that has slowly over taken our America during the last 100 years and especially since the 60's. What is my goal and aim? To help people! To help them grow in The Good Things that God has provided for us in Spirit, Soul, Body, Occupation and to give back to one another and to others as God Wills, Directs and Empowers. And also when and where possible to protect them ( I am a fan of the Machine Gun Preacher - if you have seen the movie you know what I mean). And I am also a great fan of the movie and the Great people as depicted in the movie "300" and look very much forward to its upcoming sequal). I do not place my hopes in man but I do in God and in true Godly - though like me - imperfect men and women. I believe in His Grace (Inward and outward) and in His Mercy, His Love, His Wisdom His Power and in His Might. As well as in His Justice and His Rightousness (for which I need His Wisdom in such matters). For though I do Love God and Trust in Him explicitly - I also fear Him a Great Deal - So in that what I am saying is that any society and its people who do not have a Continual Relationship with The God of The Bible via His Inward Presence has no chance of either surviveing nor of protracted existance. Do I believe in having good principles and i doing what is right with your fellow man - yes! But man with out God and His Inner Direction and Empowerment does not have the capacity to truely do right with out Gods nor with out His Inner Council and outward Help. BUT God has placed with in certain men and women His Wisdom His Understanding and His Knowledge - even those who do not know Him as yet. For that reason I am here to learn from those that have much of His Wisdom in economics and in governemnt and in finance, education and arts and sciences. Also I am a member of the Laissez Faire book club - though don't ask me to pronounce it and I receive e-mails from the Daily Reckoning and will be signning up for a couple of their writters news letters. I am a huge fan of both Ron and Rand Paul (thought just came to me - did Ron name his son Rand after Ayn?) but am new to libertarian thought and Von Misses economics (though really liked the song video Fear the Boom and Bust www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0nERTFo-Sk - if you haven't viewed it you should). I agree with our Constitution and Bill of Rights but am not sure if a democracy is the right government for it - unless the populous is educated enough and dedicated to it follow and uphold it for everyones good - not just special interest groups. Well that's enough for now. I do look forward to meeting John Galt and or his many proteges and hope that they will reach out to me too as I desire to learn and apply Truth. Also there is one last item I would like to add and that is this. With all of the upheavel that has over taken and has been over taking our country in the last 40 to 100 years - where are the good guys? Its the one question that has been on my mind for the last 3 years! Why haven't the good guys done any thing about and or too the bad ones? After all we know who they are - David Horowitz (yep I'm a fan of his too) has a whole list of them - Why isn't any thing being done to stop them? Thats my big Q ! And that's another reason I think I am here - are you the good guys? And if so what are you doing to help? Best ! - A Knights Life -
No one should like slavery and neither do I nor should nay one be bound to it but if they are they should do all they reasonably can to get out of it!
hoy..whew... Christ Almighty!!
HINT 1: Paragraphs are your friend.
HINT 2: Read the book.