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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
    ok, we commented. first we took on the lies, which shows the author has not read Rand nor knows anything about her life other than the normal BS the progressives keep recycling
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 10 months ago
    I have seen Glenn Beck blend Objectivism with Christianity. Always makes me squirm.
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
      instead of blending it, as Christianegoist would do, I am personally more comfortable just acknowledging where there is a straight-forward agreement. I'm with you abaco, somehow trying to force a blend is somewhat intellectually dishonest. There's so much to appreciate where both philosophies align.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 10 months ago
    I keep getting updates from this site. I'm doing my part to let people know about the books and hopefully the films.

    Despite all the arguments, it will maybe stick in people's minds that Fountainhead has more rough D/S sex than politics. I seriously think the commenters who are saying they struggled through Fountainhead or AS and found them to be a partisan fantasy didn't really read the books at all... I mean didn't even skim through them at all.

    Ron Beyer:
    I agree Charles. What these right wingers fail to acknowledge is we account for half of the world's defense spending so even if we cut it in half we'd still outspend any other individual nation.

    Ron Beyer Thank you. Many non-rightwingers (non-partisans, leftwingers, etc) don't realize how good Ayn Rand is. I esp liked Fountainhead. It hardly mentioned politics. It's about living the life you want and avoiding the temptation to life for a reaction from others. Once we have that foundation that you own your life unequivocally, we can go out and help people or shoot for whatever goal we want and do a better job at it. It's not all about making money. The money grubbers in Fountainhead were the villains.

    This article correctly states that _some_ partisans claim Ayn Rand's book is their handbook. I don't get that at all.

    I also agree with your statement about drug tests and your hinting at the motivations of *some* rightwingers. Someone hurt them, and now they're itching to hurt someone else. They're like Gail Wynand in Fountainhead. People were always pushing him around as a young man saying, "you don't run things!" Now he has a yacht named "I do.", as in I do now, a-hole. He spends his time undermining people who might get power over him. One fall driving his car to a cabin retreat and watching the leaves turn he suddenly realizes he likely has only a couple decades or two of life yet, and instead of having a relationship with the female protagonist, he's undermining people to make himself feel better about stuff that happened when he was a kid.

    Ayn Rand's books are not all rightwing IMHO.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 10 months ago
    I had to go back in there and smack someone down, who posed that I agreed with the author's points. go give me some likes or comment:
    "There were many factual errors in the article. The ultimate point of the article is to vilify both Conservatives and students of Objectivism, and so misses completely why there is political overlap between many individuals. 1. Individuals thinking for themselves and not like a group 2. Capitalism as defined by natural rights and Locke is the only reason significant numbers of people are not living on the edge of the malthusian trap. Let's look at socialist regimes around the world and how it works out for them. How's Venezuela working out for its citizens?
    Capitalism is pro-human. Regressivism supports the deaths of millions of people. 100 million people in the name of socialism in the last century and another 100 million people in the name of environmentalism, while openly advocating less population worldwide. Just exactly how do you get rid of people without killing them off through anti-technology policies."
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  • Posted by 10 years, 10 months ago
    Thanks all, appreciate the help and responses. I know it is a FB posting but it was by my Radical - Rabid DImocrat Brother in-Law.
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    • Posted by SRS66East 10 years, 10 months ago
      I feel your pain, I too have a Rabid Progressive Liberal for a Brother in Law, he is currently disseminating a diatribe against the obstructive abuses of the Republican Party, and while I don't often agree with the GOP either, they are the only group of size standing between us and the runaway train that is Democrat entitlement spending.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 10 months ago
    Wow. It reads at a very basic level. It feels like he has one claim, "rightwingers like Rand's capitalist ideology but not her atheism," and stretches it into a 400-word post.

    Did Rand really die poor?

    I should write a post about "progressives" should adopt Ayn Rand's philosophy, but I don't want to promote the whole progressive/rightwing narrative.
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    • Posted by SRS66East 10 years, 10 months ago
      No she did not die poor. She owned a home and numerous incomes from royalties related to her body of works. During her treatment for lung cancer she begrudgingly allowed her attorney's assistant to enroll her in medicare and social security (Which she helped fund through her tax payments).
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