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  • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 5 months ago
    I know where the money didn't go.. I know it every time I get in and turn the key. I am still driving the 2001 VW Golf that I bought off the showroom floor back in October of 2001. It is now approaching 300K miles. Since I refuse to take a car loan out I will keep driving it till I can afford to buy a new car in cash. Of course I spend roughly an Audi every year on Federal Government. As it turns out my single largest expense every year is Federal Government. Heck lets just look at the value. Back in 2001 I paid 16k for a nearly new golf... ( The dealer had broken in the engine for me ) Since then it has driven me to and from Chicago ( Milwaukee to Chicago and back ) every work day for years. It got me from Milwaukee to Boston in one piece. It got me from Boston to Seattle in One piece. It got me from Seattle Back to Milwaukee them back to Seattle then back to Milwaukee then back to Seattle. So far I have replaced the exhaust, some windows tires, breaks and an annoying number of light-bulbs. Ohh and that annoying O2 senor.. But, the cost of parts per year has been pretty close to nothing. If this car was a federal program I would need to dump another 100% of its cost into it each year and it would still leave me on the side of the road somewhere in the black-hills with no cell reception.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 5 months ago
      It's also not going to my kids' college funds. I pay more per month on Social Security than I ever spent on a car - not even close.'s higher than my mortgage now, higher than my energy bills, probably half what I spend to feed my family. What a friggin joke. I'll never see a dime of it, either. Total theft...
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
      1998 Honda CRV here (179,000 - no rust (perk of Arizona). The paint looks like hell, it runs okay, and is fair on gas for its size. Its fully paid for. Best part is SUV's always made the irrational hate me. But it has always suited my needs so they can **** ** ***.
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    • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 5 months ago
      I commuted and ran cross-country DJ jobs (1000 watts, 350 CDs, 250 custom tapes) in an '83 saab 900 for about 300k miles, with a monthly total cost (including gas, oil, insurance, parts, service, everything) of $200 per month -- for 21 years. it's still here, resting, as am I. if the govt could work such an efficient deal, we'd have jobs for everyone!
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  • Posted by Be_a_Winner 10 years, 5 months ago
    I wish I could have put my Social Security & Medicare money into a bank instead of into the government hands. I would have triple or more monthly. I pay almost $600/month on health insurance...Medicare, supplemental, part D, co-pays, dental, and eyes. So your wrong when you say my benefits should be cut. If you removed ALL illegal (forget about undocumented) we would have more than enough money. Obama told everyone he was going to take,benefits, rights. But not enough people listened.
    So now it sounds like you want me to pay AGAIN. So you want my meager money to go Where?
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 5 months ago
    What they don't show is how much of those percentages are consumed by bloated government administration and how much actually gets used for the purposes shown. In that view, the only one that would approach levels that are advised for where you send your charitable contributions (typically 90% or greater) would be national defense, since most of the personnel there are actually doing the task. Most of the others have a high admin cost and low ratio of benefit to admin cost.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 5 months ago
    Who in their right mind would add another entitlement program when you see how much the existing ones are costing?
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 5 months ago
      Therein lies a problem. If you have a child born with a permanent disability now it can be very difficult to get any help for them. Where, if anywhere, should we be helping people? Disabled children? Homeless 80-year olds with no family? Well...we don't help those types too much, in my opinion. But, the fat ghetto slobs who want to lay on the couch and watch Ofrah all day get plenty and should get none.

      What a mess.
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      • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 5 months ago
        our little family spends an extra 30+% more than the government transfer payments to help the disabled kids and homeless octogenarians ... much more effective than the govt pmts !!! our charities average more than 80% of the $$ going to the people; I bet that the govt pmts average less than 60%.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years, 5 months ago
    Just paid more than 2x average US wage in taxes. Suppose this is the contribution I owe the country for the right to have busted my butt in school. Have my parents unable to spend a dime for my college education, but still too white and rich to get a dime in student aid. (of course I was so silver-spooned to get through undergraduate school in three years). Worked 50-60 hrs/week for 15 years to be successful...but yay! made get to work 60 hrs/week as an executive to cover two government people to exist.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years, 5 months ago
    Kill Medicare and Medicaid. Allow this to be covered by charities, with unlimited campaign contributions.
    Hand Social Security over to a competed private company with one (1) person in government to pay the bill. Fire all others. Contract has the objective to manage the payments, and can take 20% of any savings generated over present projections, base lined at 5 yr out present estimates.
    Military is peanuts, but to fix that 18% too... compete private contractors against the government GS-clowns on 5-year private contracts by agency and department.
    Leave, uniformed military alone, except eliminate up-or-out requirements for officers, allowing long-tern employment and retirement from mid-levels.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 5 months ago
    "Boomaly boom on the big bass drum,
    Where is the money coming from?
    It's used in research, children dear,
    For ways to increase the tax next year."
    ---Ogden Nash
    Considering that O.N. wrote this in the 40's, things haven't changed all that much in 70 ears.
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