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Are you really surprised that Mr. & Ms. USA are getting f'd over tax-wise? It's been happening for so long it doesn't even make the back pages anymore.
Government uses manipulation and propaganda to turn us all into sheep who will allow them to take what they want and order us around.
No wonder Trump has so much support. People are tired of all this, and they need to realize that government operates for itself, and could care less about the citizens.
Call this view unpatriotic and politically incorrect, but I think its far closer to the truth that what we hear from government people.
choice between 2 every time.
My state requires residents to pay taxes on catalog/internet purchases out of state. I think most states require this. I used to just go down my checkbook and add up everything that was an out-of-state vendor. But now many purchases from, say, Amazon, were from vendors who had a presence in WI, so I already paid the tax at the time of sale. I find this confusing and onerous to keep track of. They should tax it all at the point of sale, if they're going to tax it at all. This year I'm probably an accidental tax evader because I had no idea how to add up purchases that didn't collect the tax.
Expanding this authority to harass and intimidate across state borders under a maze of a multitude of different complex state regulations enforced by unaccountable incompetent and often malicious state bureaucrats is a nightmare of statism and violation of civil rights.
States don't dare try to enforce the so-called "use tax" against the large majority of residents who do not "voluntarily" pay it. They are looking to impose the burden of collection on out of state businesses with no recourse against them.
Expanding state tax authority across state borders only serves to put the burden on businesses to enforce the illegitimate, unenforceable so-called "use tax" substituting for illegal sales taxes. The result is a massive tax increase posturing as an "existing duty" to pay the unenforceable and mostly unpaid "use tax", which for all practical purposes does not exist as a current tax.
The "use tax" should be abolished, not expanded into what would for all practical purposes be a massive new tax in a bureaucratic nightmare.
If a State just ReDefines what They Mean by Out-Of-State Business to mean 'any company that delivers a product or service into their state, Everyone from Amazon to Etsy vendors get sucked into that black hole.
and it's "measurable" so they can figure out how to apply a tax. Simple as that...
Yes. I find it is the most onerous, nit-picking part of taxes. Even setting a limit under which it could be ignored would make it easier.
Whether or not the "use tax" is abolished there is no excuse to allow state bureaucratic power and jurisdiction to reach outside state borders. That is yet another instance of trying to solve problems caused by government by expanding government power to create more problems.
I think they just tax carbon emissions according to some formula that's the best guess for the damage the emissions cause. They should offset that by lower taxes on income (i.e. work and investment). There would be no need for the gov't to pick winners among wind, solar, nuclear, etc. If someone comes up with a widget that produces energy or captures carbon, he can help people avoid the tax or get a credit from people who need to burn fossil fuels or cut down trees. Then if someone has a great idea for a valuable product that requires burning coal, he can do it without gov't red tape.