Hello Democrats! I have more “lady parts” than you think.

Posted by stargeezer 10 years, 10 months ago to Government
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You gotta read this! I may not be a lady, but I know a few - and they are all republicans - this is why.
SOURCE URL: http://joeforamerica.com/2014/04/hello-democrats-lady-parts-think/

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  • Posted by Lucky 10 years, 10 months ago
    There is a global trend for women to be more highly and sometimes over-represented in liberal green progressive left movements. This does not show superior thinking or emotions but the reverse.

    There is a reason which may possibly be in the genes. It is verbal ability. This skill becomes more important with more democracy, the ability to debate and speak well becomes more important than abilities to think logically and produce.

    I rather think that this observed trend is from the expectation that women were and had to be more sympathetic, more generous, and more caring than men.
    Thus, the observations here of BambiB are correct, but the attitude implied is wrong. This over-representation of women in silliness, whether harmful or not will pass as women take their place according to their individual abilities rather than stereotypes.

    To sum up - It is due to past repression of women.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 10 months ago
    Hello stargeezer,
    Great article. Women are no more monolithic than men in their thinking. If all of us, men and women alike, place reason ahead of emotion our political discourse would be so much more profitable.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 10 months ago
      I try to be careful of what I bring into the gulch. I know some will bring any piece of trash they find dead on the roadside LOL, but I like to think that what I post, I can show to my wife and kids.

      I also want it to be stuff that reflects the values I stand on. That makes defending the things that the author brings forth MUCH easier. It's hard to find things that are a complete match, but they're out there.
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    • Posted by BambiB 10 years, 10 months ago
      Except, if you look at the facts, you'll notice that the gender gap is now 20%. That the Republican Party is mostly male, and the Demoncrat party is mostly female.

      Some conjectures on why that may be.

      I think men generally look at government as the social "grease" to keep society from developing too much friction. Got a beef with your neighbor? Don't shoot it out, go to small claims court. Some moron wants to do 100mph through your neighborhood? Don't string a steel cable a head-height… let the cops handle it.

      But I think women fundamentally view government through different lenses. They see government as a means to increase their access to resources… other people's resources. The evidence that deficit spending is directly tied to the female vote in America is incontrovertible. In every state, and at the federal level, deficits were small and generally amounted to unforeseen expenses which were paid for in the next year's budget. So basically, debt was resolved - at all levels - on an annual basis.

      Once women got the vote, that all changed. In each state individually, and at the Federal level, once women got the vote, deficits began to grow out-of-control.

      So men want to (generally) use government to make things work better, while women want to use government to steal from other people for their own purposes.

      Is this a "monolithic" characteristic? Of course not. There are, after all, male Demoncrats, and female Republicans. But when push comes to shove, women will vote to take your food off your table and put it on their own. That's what a 20% gender gap tells us.

      What is the consequence? A $17.3 trillion debt, $210+ trillion in unfunded mandates and about 25% of the Federal budget funded through loans. This is the equivalent of the female who in abject confusion declares, "I can't be out of money… I still have checks."

      Bottom line: The majority of men have it right. The majority of women are working to destroy America (and probably don't even realize it.)
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 10 months ago
        I think that this might have more to do with a short-term focus vs. longer-term. Women are nurturers and the raisers of children which is a very "now" type activity. You can't spend a lot of time thinking about what you are going to feed the kids tomorrow if you don't have anything to eat today.

        On the other hand, the males tend to be more longer-term oriented. They are the builders of shelter, those that plant today so as to reap tomorrow.

        I had a comment on a post (maybe even this one) that described this in more detail. This would not seem to be a gender specific thing, rather a role response. If the males were the caregivers and females the builders and providers, then I think the rationality would be reversed. Just a thought.
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        • Posted by BambiB 10 years, 10 months ago
          You may be right. But for the moment, the only interest in WHY women are so determined to destroy America isn't quite so important as establishing beyond doubt that THEY ARE. Some deniers on this very site are in DENIAL about what women are doing to America.

          Ironically, their effort to get more and be safe will bring them less and endanger them. Not a very bright strategy… but as you point out, it may be that women are purely tactical in their "thinking", while men are more strategic.
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      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 10 months ago
        Do women have any redeeming qualities at all Bambib?
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        • -1
          Posted by BambiB 10 years, 10 months ago
          Depends on what you mean.

          Are you asking if there's a redeeming quality that all women have, or if all women have at least one redeeming quality, or if there exists at least one woman who has at least one redeeming quality… or something else.

          Let's say that asking a clear question is NOT one of your redeeming qualities.

          But quite apart from that, the tendency of SOME women to make facts personal is NOT a redeeming quality. For example, I give you hard facts, and you respond with a non sequitur. Not a redeeming quality. Inability of some women to engage on a factual, rational level - NOT a redeeming quality.

          Does that help?
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    Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
    "At the 2012 Democrat Convention, actress Kerry Washington made it sound as if Republicans were elected, the Civil Rights Act would be repealed (even though a Republican controlled Congress passed it), women’s suffrage would be repealed (even though Republican controlled state legislatures passed it), and slavery would be re-enacted (even though the Republican Party was FOUNDED to abolish slavery.)"
    I would just like to point out that all those things happened prior to the 1960s and 1970s. Those two decades literally flipped the political spectrum around. I've noticed many Republicans like to point out how the KKK was founded by Democrats, while totally ignoring that the KKK is Republican today...

    I agree with most of the article, but this girl is blind to reality if she doesn't think the Republicans in several states have been actively trying to strip away the laws which protect African Americans and other minorities.

    I'm also suspicious of the whole school voucher thing. I admit I don't really understand the voucher program, but I don't see why anyone needs some special ticket to switch schools.

    She also says that adoption is a viable alternative to abortion, which it may be in some cases, but certainly not in every case, and getting rid of abortion and insisting that all women always carry their babies to term and then give them up for adoption if they don't want them isn't going to help solve anything. The debate over exactly when life beings is dumb. Technically, a sperm and an egg are already living organisms in and of themselves. I don't see why it makes any sense at all to say that life suddenly begins when the two merge (conception), but that prior to that point there is no life. If your argument that life begins at conception is based on the fact that a clump of cells is technically alive, then you must logically say that life actually begins BEFORE conception, because an egg and a sperm are clumps of cells.

    Aside from those few issues, I pretty much agree with everything else she says.
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    • Posted by BambiB 10 years, 10 months ago
      Ironically, abortion may be one of the major reasons that our overall crime rate is down the past couple decades. Women who don't want babies and don't have them don't wind up with babies who are raised to be psychopathic killers (in general).
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    • Posted by SRS66East 10 years, 10 months ago
      WOW I'm not even sure where to start..
      1st. The KKK is neither a Republican or Democratic organization, it is a hate group. They have members from both sides of the aisle, and aren't very selective due to their massively dwindling numbers (a sign we are heading in the right direction racially).
      2. Pertaining to the statement that republicans in several states are actively trying to strip away rights from minorities. The right to vote illegally is not a right, the right to mislead and intimidate voters is not a right. The bottom line is these restrictions are not made only for one racial group they are applied universally, therefore the uproar caused by the left must be seen for what it is ...an attempt to keep the playing field unleveled in their favor.
      3. Regarding school vouchers, visit a underachieving school and then visit a school that excels, if you had a child wouldn't you want them in the best possible environment? If you were a school administrator and parents started pulling their kids from your school and placing them into schools that outperform yours, wouldn't you see a NEED to improve and act on it?
      4. Abortion, while the writer did state she believed abortion was wrong I don't believe she was advocating a ban on abortion, but actually was advocating individuals should restrain themselves after having given the matter due consideration.
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        Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
        1. Fair enough.
        2. Laws that are applied universally but only impact certain groups are still a form of institutionalized discrimination.
        3. Yes, but I don't see why parents need a special voucher to change schools.
        4. I agree that abortion should be carefully considered, but to me, she did absolutely sound like she was advocating banning abortion, or at least severely limiting women's ability to access it.
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        • Posted by $ 10 years, 10 months ago
          Dealing with some people, I can almost be persuaded that abortion might have been a good idea.....

          Now, if at ANY level you can feel insulted by that, perhaps you might consider that the human beings that were murdered by abortions this past week just might have grown into men and women who were valued members of our society, hard workers with families, social and political leaders or even just the folks who dry clean your suits, but whatever they might have been, some young woman with confused ideals decided that they were going to be incontinent in her life and the potentially great man or woman was murdered on a out-patient table. What if that woman had been YOUR mother 20 years (whatever it was) ago.

          I think EVERY life is important, even those who can't speak for themselves. And yes, even yours maph.
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          • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 10 months ago
            What about the life of the mother involved? Isn't her life important? Doesn't she get a say in what happens with her own body?
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            • Posted by $ 10 years, 10 months ago
              Some people are so dense (or so wrapped up in themselves?) that they couldn't notice a nuke being set off beside themselves.

              If she can't "endure" the next 18-20 years of a kid like you under foot, she shouldn't be playing adult games. (I guess I better be blunt) She should not be having sex if she's not prepared to raise a kid. Abortion is murder, not birth control.
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    • Posted by Bobhummel 10 years, 10 months ago
      Hello ! That KKK wack job who stabbed the jews and christians before a sadder dinner in Kansas City was a full blown DEMOCRAT. see


      Max Blumenthal is the son of Sidney Blumenthal, who is, of course, Hillary Clinton's confidant. But Max Blumenthal, if I'm not mistaken, works at Media Matters for America. And Max Blumenthal is one of a cabal of left-wing journalists that despise Israel, and this guy found his way to things that these people had written, and he was inspired. He admits he was inspired by all this, and that's why he took action against the three Jewish people in Kansas City.

      Good grief. All good liberals assign the worst possible attributes to anyone they disagree with to destroy them and the valid arguments they make. Maphesdus, what specific laws are conservatives trying to strip away that prortect blacks and"other minorities" in america. I guess actually presenting an ID to prove citizenship is stripping away the right to vote illegally.
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      • Posted by $ 10 years, 10 months ago
        Every mass killer or wack-job that's triggered the democrat gun grabbing fever has been a full blown liberal democrat.

        Every single nut case that's killed a bunch of innocent jews, blacks, or any other racial mix has been a democrat.

        BOTH of the Ft Hood shooters have been democrat.

        Does ANYBODY except maph see a pattern????
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        • Posted by Bobhummel 10 years, 10 months ago
          the crazy cop in LA was too. as was the Batman theater murderer in Aurora Colorado, the shooters in NH and AZ and at the navy ship yard. Yes, definitely a trend.
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          • Posted by $ 10 years, 10 months ago
            There's enough of a trend that I think that liberalism MUST be defined as a disease and anyone who has been diagnosed with it (discovered voting for democrats) must be incarcerated and forced to undergo treatment for their psychotic metal breakdown. LOL I'd suggest a long course of Western Civ and American History - the real history, not the pap they "teach" today.
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      • Posted by Bobhummel 10 years, 10 months ago
        The 12 unspoken rules for being a liberal
        1) You justify your beliefs about yourself by your status as a liberal, not your deeds.
        2) You exempt yourself from your attacks on America.
        3) What liberals like should be mandatory and what they don’t like should be banned.
        4) The past is always inferior to the present.
        5) Liberalism is a jealous god and no other God may come before it.
        6) Liberals believe in indiscriminateness for thought.
        7) Intentions are much more important than results.
        8) The only real sins are helping conservatism or harming liberalism.
        9) All solutions must be government-oriented.
        10) You must be absolutely close minded.
        11) Feelings are more important than logic.
        12) Tribal affiliation is more important than individual action.
        Read more at http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/6e...
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 10 months ago
      Why would you assert that the KKK is republican today? How would you know such a thing? You merely attribute your prejudice to an organization with a vile history, thus equating the two.

      And even if such were the case, what of it? Most of the KKK are in the south, does that mean that all southerners are racist? Most KKK are white, does that mean that all whites are racist? Your logic and reasoning are so shallow as to be meaningless.
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    • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 10 months ago
      Hello Mephesdus,
      I too have a question. Can you substantiate the claim that today's KKK is made of predominately Republicans. Do they have a census? I remember the 60s and the 70s and I recall only a diminution of their influence and membership. Regardless, the membership numbers are down significantly and they are largely irrelevant today. I believe that all significant parties in America today largely disavow any relation.
      Many today, especially in the MSM try to paint the Tea party as racist and the modern day equivalent, and while there is likely to be a bad apple in any large gathering, that wide brush smear is unjust.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 10 months ago
      you and I are just not going to agree on life since I see every life as having the same value. If some bubble brain can't manage her birth control (both subjects should really involved, but it is her body) I hate to see what a mess she/they would make raising a child. I do hold the view that life begins at conception for reasons that you would never accept so we do to need to discuss that either. I assume you believe life begins at some arbitrary time based on birth, which is about as logical as your jest that some might claim that it begins before conception. ha ha.

      The logic involved is based on the fact that neither the egg nor the sperm contain a complete nucleolus until they join and begin to divide. This is unlike any group of cells in the body. A unfertilized egg cannot live more than (as I recall) a few days at most. Again you show a complete absence of knowledge of biology when you refer to the biological process as you do.

      The goal of radical feminists has been to relegate the unborn child to be no more than the lump of cells in the manner you describe them. Congratulations, you have been successfully brainwashed by their propaganda. They and you say that belief in life beginning at conception is dumb, even though it is when the combined egg and sperm have successfully joined and fertilization is complete, But you offer no other point at which a child is a human being and not just a clump of cells - which is all any of us are. So do you hold to 16 weeks, 22 weeks, at birth, when they are 12yo? Do more the regurgitate propaganda, take a stand.

      Now, please expand on how the republican party has "been actively trying to strip away the laws which protect African Americans and other minorities"? Apart from claims from various "race-baiters" and known hate mongers who infest MSM I've not heard anything about that. Enlighten us please, or are you just throwing more bombs with no substance?
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