Venezuela 11 April
Posted by sender47 10 years, 11 months ago to Government
Well, what have been happening in the last days?
We are currently stalled.
Protest continues, repression continues, death continues.
Barricades continue, scarcity continues, each day things are harder to find, and if you find them the price is gigantic… An example: Our highest denomination bill the 100BsF bill is not enough to buy a tuna can. With the minimum wage you buy less than 3 Listerine bottles a month (Well if you find Listerine, it is a rare item).
Insecurity continues: Aside of the deaths because of the protest we continue around 25 daily assassinations just in Caracas.
Lines of four or more hours to buy food when it gets to a market, in government owned food sellers, line starts the night before.
Out of Caracas, things are worse.
But nothing more have happened, I don’t know what will crack first the government or us.
As I have explained before the government has the guns monopoly, so for now we can protest and resist.
Last night there was a “Conference for the peace”, of course it is again the government buying time, and trying to look good for other countries (As some chancellors of other south America countries where there). Some leaders from the opposition went some didn’t, I will not say that not going would be completely useless as it was televised, and is the only form opposition can get to TV (56% of the population has no access to internet), and protests will not stop because of some fruitless reunion (This has happened in the past many times, each time was for nothing, and the government never did what they promised). But the bad side is that it can somehow try to clean the face of the government outside. As an example, there have been movements in USA about freezing the accounts of Venezuelan government officials, but with this and following what Kerry said that USA will not intervene as long as there is dialogue…. Things are not bright in that.
Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying USA should come and solve things, but if they recognize that high government officials involved with this murders, repression and whom are also recognized as involved in drug traffic (many of them are the top officials of the army here), and they know they have large quantities of money and businesses in USA, how can they just say ”Oh, is ok, if there seems to be some dialog, we don’t care if it is just an act, we should let all this people, most of them involved in drug traffic to the USA and Europe, continue their business as usual”, I will not be surprised if some Colombian FARC members have business in USA under the knowledge of the government -.- .
I haven’t had classes in my University as the government armed gangs entered an attacked many students, beat them and naked them (This is the second time it happens in 3 weeks).
I will left this link this are articles in English in Venezuela.
Also, I have been trying to find a good recompilation of photos up to day. This account is in Spanish and is a shows promotion twitter account (so there are show promotions in there), but it post many photos of what is happening, and don’t put any opinion, just date and place of the images.
Well, that is for now, I have no idea of what will happen even in the next hour.
Thanks for your concern, and for spreading the word
We are currently stalled.
Protest continues, repression continues, death continues.
Barricades continue, scarcity continues, each day things are harder to find, and if you find them the price is gigantic… An example: Our highest denomination bill the 100BsF bill is not enough to buy a tuna can. With the minimum wage you buy less than 3 Listerine bottles a month (Well if you find Listerine, it is a rare item).
Insecurity continues: Aside of the deaths because of the protest we continue around 25 daily assassinations just in Caracas.
Lines of four or more hours to buy food when it gets to a market, in government owned food sellers, line starts the night before.
Out of Caracas, things are worse.
But nothing more have happened, I don’t know what will crack first the government or us.
As I have explained before the government has the guns monopoly, so for now we can protest and resist.
Last night there was a “Conference for the peace”, of course it is again the government buying time, and trying to look good for other countries (As some chancellors of other south America countries where there). Some leaders from the opposition went some didn’t, I will not say that not going would be completely useless as it was televised, and is the only form opposition can get to TV (56% of the population has no access to internet), and protests will not stop because of some fruitless reunion (This has happened in the past many times, each time was for nothing, and the government never did what they promised). But the bad side is that it can somehow try to clean the face of the government outside. As an example, there have been movements in USA about freezing the accounts of Venezuelan government officials, but with this and following what Kerry said that USA will not intervene as long as there is dialogue…. Things are not bright in that.
Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying USA should come and solve things, but if they recognize that high government officials involved with this murders, repression and whom are also recognized as involved in drug traffic (many of them are the top officials of the army here), and they know they have large quantities of money and businesses in USA, how can they just say ”Oh, is ok, if there seems to be some dialog, we don’t care if it is just an act, we should let all this people, most of them involved in drug traffic to the USA and Europe, continue their business as usual”, I will not be surprised if some Colombian FARC members have business in USA under the knowledge of the government -.- .
I haven’t had classes in my University as the government armed gangs entered an attacked many students, beat them and naked them (This is the second time it happens in 3 weeks).
I will left this link this are articles in English in Venezuela.
Also, I have been trying to find a good recompilation of photos up to day. This account is in Spanish and is a shows promotion twitter account (so there are show promotions in there), but it post many photos of what is happening, and don’t put any opinion, just date and place of the images.
Well, that is for now, I have no idea of what will happen even in the next hour.
Thanks for your concern, and for spreading the word
Good for you and our country people for standing up for what is right and staying the course.It should not be this way. Keep us informed and let us know how we can help.
Can this be a preview of coming attractions for the USA? I hope not, but then.....
There is a long and unbelievable huge corruption in the customs here. Everyone knows of the (guarded by the armed forces) about the containers full of drugs, and more. I will try to find a good article about this in english
I use twitter, the link I posted is to an account that doesn't talk too much, they just post photos (with date and place), although it also post about events (show promotion is the reason of the account), for the moment they also post a lot about the protests, check their history they have a lot of images.
to solve anything, this administration can only do
what it is doing here, create more and bigger
problems. And on a daily basis it seems.
I am always concerned whenever I see statements like yours. I'm sure that you actually believe the concept of a world without bankers and politicians, however in a society based on commerce at least bankers are necessary. Sadly, even politicians are needed to run a basic economy.
“Run,” may not be the best word to use, as I prefer a very limited government. There is very little doubt that if we still had a Constitutional government that provided defense for our nation against anyone that desires to be our enemy by attacking this nation.
Attacks are not limited to military adventures against us, but also include cyber attacks whether they are directly sponsored by an enemy nation or by individuals.
However, the word Utopia is a scary word for you to use, there can never be such a thing as Utopia. It is a state of mind not based on a realistic expectation for the world populated by human beings. All any nation can do is to create very basic rules of conduct that doesn't interfere with anyone’s freedoms.
Fred Speckmann
The world should rid itself of all politicians and monetary systems through the World Bank & Federal Reserve. When you think about it, we ry don't need either. It is what keeps humanity in the dark and unable to reach a true utopian way of life. How it was meant. Not this that we have today: The continuos world violence, famine, debt, & war! --all caused and in many cases, CREATED by politicians. And we are so oblivious to it because we continue to re-elect or seek out a better candidate. In politics that just does not exist.
If we could rid ourselves of all politicians, the World could truly be a utopia.
It is the method by which politics is practiced that is critical to the preservation of individual rights. When politics are used to control or destroy individuals, the politicians are amoral, even when they claim it is it the " public good". No, it is evil. Politics is the logical result of ethics. Without politics, rights have no method for protection. The basic principle of politics, according to Objectivism, is the principle of individual rights. Ayn Rand states ... " rights are a moral concept - the concept that provides a logical transition from the principles guiding an individual's actions to the principles guiding his relationship with others - the concept that the preserves and protects individual morality in a social context. Rights are the link between the moral code of a man and the legal code of a society, between ethics and politics. Individual rights are THE means of subordinating society to moral law.
Any power of government, therefore, must derive from those of the individual who created it. In a proper society, the government ( and the politicians ) is the servant of the citizens, not their ruler.
The purpose of government is to bar men's use of physical force against others for any reason - in part, by protecting men from aggressors, domestic and foreign; in part, by settling impartially disputes that involve men's rights.
The only three functions of government are , ..." The police, to protect men from criminals, - the armed forces, to protect men from foreign invaders - the law courts, to settle disputes among men according to objective law." AR.
Excerpted from Objectivism - The Philosophy of Ayn Rand. Ch 10. Government
Outside Venezuela 1) You are making good money, with business or taking advantage of the exchange controls. 2) You fanatically believe that what happens (scarcity, poverty, violence) is a plan of "The empire" (USA), the international right wing, and anyone who is vs them.
Is a way to put an enemy under one common name, and make easier to their followers to hate. In the opposition to him, there are even former communist guerrilla .-.
And as I've said, probably too often now, "An electorate stupid enough to vote Obama into office TWICE is probably stupid enough to elect Hillary to the Presidency, too."
Things may get better for you and us, but I'm expecting things to be worse before things improve.
Sympathy and good luck wishes to all of you and all of us.