My reply to the Prez

Posted by jimslag 10 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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Hello, I just read your email on the House of Cuts and I have few questions for the Prez and his staff. Why is the government being the nanny for the American people? Where is the money coming from that would be used to pay for these programs? Is it being borrowed from China or Belgium or US Taxpayers or whoever the Government is borrowing from? Why am I being forced through the heavy hand of Government to conduct charity? To me charity should be voluntary and only after I have taken care of my family and my needs for things like getting to and from work (yes, I am one of the few who still works for a living), electricity bill, mortgage, heating, food on the table and such. Then, if I choose I can give to the charity of my choice. With government, I have no choice, if I don't pay my taxes, you or your guys come with guns and court orders. You throw me in jail so I cannot provide for anyone anymore. I think it is sad that we have sunk so low in our great country that we are no more than cattle to slaughtered and bled for more and more to keep the masses and the illegals going. I am being robbed of my goods and food and being forced to provide for others. I do not work my ass off to have just be given to others who are unable or unwilling to work for a living. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, as you guys are obviously smoking something in side the Beltway to believe the crap you put out. Sincerely...James Slagowski and yes, I am probably already on a NSA hitlist

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