Producer of the Week: RichRobinson

Posted by sdesapio 10 years, 11 months ago to Featured Producers
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RichRobinson may be relatively new to the world of “Atlas Shrugged” but says the ideals the novel represents have long been a part of his life.

Gulch Profile:

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*Favorite Ayn Rand book:
LetsShrug recommended I read “The Virtue of Selfishness”. It was like reading the book of common sense. As much as I enjoyed it, “Atlas Shrugged” will always be my favorite. I loved reading about characters that were struggling with all the issues we struggle with.

*Favorite Ayn Rand character:
Hank Reardon. My family owns a small business and I know what it takes, day in and day out, to make it profitable. I am always impressed with those who can run large scale operations and be successful. I complain at times about those who are wealthy as a result of crony capitalism. I am shocked at how often I have to explain the difference to people. Another reason why I love the Gulch. Everyone here gets it.

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Q & A

*When were you first introduced to Ayn Rand?
Unfortunately, I first heard about “Atlas Shrugged” and Ayn Rand when promos for the first movie came out. I say unfortunately because I wish I was further along in studying the philosophy and reading her other works. I don't think my beliefs changed as a result of reading AS much as they were reinforced.

*How has Ayn Rand influenced your life?
Objectivism is the philosophy I have believed in for a long time but didn't have a name for. I was unable to articulate my views as well before reading “Atlas Shrugged”.

Her [Ayn Rand’s] personal story is amazing. I have tried placing myself in her life. If I were young and the communists took over would I have the strength to stand up for what I believed in? Could I leave and build a new life? Watching interviews with her I am amazed at her confidence and the ease with which she explains her beliefs.

*What passion projects are you working on right now?
Running a small business takes a great deal of my time and energy. I have also sponsored a child in the Philippines for eight years now thru Children's International and I have really enjoyed it.

That being said, without a doubt, my passion project is ASIII Who is John Galt?. My brother says I am spending way too much time in Galt’s Gulch. This project is an inspiration to me. Thanks to the Producers of these films and the great people I have met in the Gulch, the word is getting out. Each of us is reaching a few people at a time and those folks reach more. I truly believe great days are ahead but a lot of heavy lifting still needs to be done.

*How did you hear about Galt’s Gulch Online?
I believe it was when I bought the DVD of ASI.

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K’s Q & A

*What are you wearing to the Atlas Shrugged III premiere?
The dry cleaners ruined my kilt so I guess shorts and an Atlas Shrugged t-shirt.

*What is the one phrase Ayn Rand wrote that stopped you in your tracks?
It has to be the quote "The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me".

*If you could be the tycoon of an industry, which industry would you pick?
I would own the largest winery in the world. I love the peaceful settings of vineyards and I enjoy many different types of wines. As a side benefit, if the shit ever really hit the fan, I could get so blasted I wouldn't care.

*What do you pack in a sack lunch?
Peanut butter and jelly

*Favorite current song?
I listen to all kinds of music. The Doors are my favorite group. When I treadmill I watch videos. One of my favorites is "It feels like today" by Rascal Flatts.

*Pretzels or chips?

*Crab or shrimp?

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Read how you can be featured in Galt’s Gulch as a Producer of the Week:

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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 11 months ago
    Great responses! Thank you for opening up and sharing yourself with us. The kilts and the winery were tops. You are not alone: many people who discover Ayn Rand's works says that they always believed these things but never had a label or an articulation. That suggests much about changing the world by liberating individuals versus attempting to change the world by converting ("changing") or convincing ("conquering") millions of other people. Be that as it may, you are surely and truly in and of the Gulch, Rich. I am happy to know you.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 11 months ago
    NIce. freshly ironed sweater just for us (there's an ironing board in the background?)
    Congrats. What a pleasure it is to know you and always look forward to your posts and dry humor. You also are a fabulous Gulch Ambassador. I love the clever ways you have found to let the world know about AS both the novel and the movies, and getting the conversation started. Thanks for making this place interesting. p.s.
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  • Posted by $ Maree 10 years, 11 months ago
    I thoroughly enjoy all these POTWs and Rich your story is one of the best. I'm sure being a RichRobinson is the best type of Robinson to be. But you are also a ThinkingRobinson and an EnergisingRobinson and fun to be around.
    Cher bro.
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  • Posted by Stormi 10 years, 11 months ago
    Congratulations Rich! I have certainly enjoyed your posts. You also have good taste, chips, shrimp, good choices. It is so good to hear others say they always felt what Rand expressed, but that it all came together once they read her works. It makes me wonder how many others are out there feeling the same things, but not knowing there is a Gulch. I walked into a local restaurant one day, wearing a tee with a Rand saying, and some worker in there for lunch, walked up, and said he agreed. They are also good conversation starters, and it shows there are others looking for kindred reasoned spirits..
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  • Posted by EngineerJ 10 years, 11 months ago
    Hi RichRobinson, Nice to see what you look like. Did you ever figure out the BitCoin thing. I do not see many movie stars wearing bitcoin chains. Also, what did they use for money in Galts Gulch?
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    • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 11 months ago
      Thanks Engineer. BitCoin is still confusing to me. At least enough that I won't do any investing in it. I am guessing the Gulch would use gold but then again, why the big dollar sign?
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      • Posted by EngineerJ 10 years, 11 months ago
        Good point, you got me on the dollar sign! Maybe because those people produced a lot of dollars before they disappeared. Yes they used gold but they did not count the value as the same as the outside world.
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        • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 11 months ago
          I know a guy who gave away copies of Atlas Shrugged to coworkers. He would ask if they read it. If they said yes he would draw a dollar sign sometime for no reason. If they smiled he knew they got it. If they were confused he knew they lied about reading it.
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  • Posted by Bobhummel 10 years, 11 months ago
    Congratulations Rich!
    Always enjoy the pithy and passionate posts and responses. Totally agree on the vineyard. We put in our own (60 vines) on our property here in a Colorado and are enjoying the fruit of our productive labor. We drink our share and give the rest to our local friends . Like LS's post on GOOD THINGS, I enjoy the good things - like your contributions to the Gulch.
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    • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 11 months ago
      Thanks Bob. Sounds like the grapes in PA took a pounding this winter. Hope yours come thru okay. Cheers...Its wine o'clock somewhere.
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      • Posted by Bobhummel 10 years, 11 months ago
        Ours are a hybridized variety of Pinot Noir from the university of Minnesota called Marquette. Good to zone 3 temps. Have to protect them with hail guard from thunderstorms and root munching rodents like voles, but, like all good things, the reward is tasting the sun captured in a glass of good wine.
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