Tomorrow’s Winter Soldier: Agenda 21 predictions for the next 20 years

Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 11 months ago to Culture
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Overmanwarrior's Wisdom
Official Site of Rich Hoffman. Connecting the dots in a complicated world.
Tomorrow’s Winter Soldier: Agenda 21 predictions for the next 20 years of Liberty Township after the new police levy
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A lot of people who do not know history well, think that the term “Winter Soldier” is an invention of Marvel Comics for the recently released Captain America movie. It is however named after the 1971 Winter Soldier hearings held during the Vietnam War where veterans talked about the atrocities they had imposed on the enemy and civilians that made them feel terrible. America had a hard time with the information because it took away the illusion of feel good patriotism that many wanted to believe about American troops and showed that given guns, superior firepower, and a typical bureaucratic chain of command typical human beings American or otherwise will abuse their power easily even under conditions of minor stress. Things get much, much worse under major stress. On a previous article about Agenda 21 I showed the video published by the socialist organization Democracy Now featuring another Winter Soldier conference held in 2008 where a former member of the 8th Marines from the Kilo Company of the 3rd Battalion revealed all his war crimes to a panel and audience. Democracy Now of course was salivating over the testimony because it was proof of how corrupt American imperialism was throughout the world, and put pressure on American military figures to withdrawal from engagements. As much as I do not support socialists, tree hugging hippies, communist greenie winnies, and environmental wackos, the video of Jon Michael Turner at the Winter Solider testimony was brutal, and evidence to a much larger impending problem centering on The United Nations and their pursuit of Agenda 21. No matter how well-trained, no matter how well equipped, no matter how morally correct one might think that they are—when powerful weapons are put into the hands of kids like Turner and rewarded for killings just to get a 4 day pass by his superior officers—lots of innocent people will be harmed. Under the United Nations proposed Agenda 21, which they hope to keep under control at the local level of government—globally through ICLEI (International Council for Local environmental Initiatives) the end game is massive control of the population by police using force to instigate fear and respect.

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