Chili's caves to medical mafia; cancels support for Autism awareness efforts

Posted by gonzo309 10 years, 9 months ago to Business
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The medial establishment is threatened by the truth. The silent majority continues to get stifled by Big Pharma and the medical special interests.

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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 9 months ago
    Oh god, not this nonsense again. Look, vaccines do NOT cause autism. Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British researcher who made that claim, has since had his findings disproven, his research discredited, and been stripped of his medical license. Stop buying into dumb conspiracy theories. Check your sources. Make sure they're credible.
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    • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 9 months ago
      I'm a little late getting on this thread, but here goes. I do not believe that vaccines caused my son's autism. I do believe that the thimerosal, which is mercury, used as a preservative in those vaccines may have. My son was born with none of the traits of an autistic child. He was not withdrawn and he did not have an absence of typical infant expressions. We have plenty of pictures of him smiling and laughing with his parents and grandparents. He had fluid on his ears which prevented him from hearing, and thus speaking, but a simple surgical procedure cleared that up and he began speaking immediately afterwards. However, California, where he was born, required a heavy regimen of vaccines in the first few years of infancy, starting the day after he was born. At the time (1997) thimerosal was used in most vaccines. When he was about two, my son had a severe reaction to a multiple dose vaccine and we noticed a marked change. By the time he was three, he was diagnosed as autistic.

      We were devastated, and as so many parents do who are in our situation, we joined multiple groups for autistic families. We met other parents whose accounts of their childrens' autism were similar to ours. Sometimes there was a radical change within a day of vaccination. When one hears the actual stories of these people, it is very difficult to dismiss them, as so many of the "scientific" studies do, as mere "anectodal evidence." Especially since the huge increase in autism roughly corresponds to a big upsurge in vaccinations using thimerosal. Some have argued that increase is due to better diagnosis and to the availability of funding for those with the diagnosis. I can tell an autistic child within a minute of meeting him or her. If you are of my vintage (50+), ask yourself, how many autistic children did you know growing up? There is definitely something going on here; there are many more autistic children than there were a few decades ago. Nobody in their right mind would want this diagnosis for their child just to get some services from the government.

      I am aware of the studies purporting to find no link between mercury and autism. I am not saying that all autism is caused by thimerosal. The level of background mercury in our environment keeps increasing as we burn coal. This is showing up in studies of the marine food chain and mother's milk. Every person living in a developed country has a steadily increasing concentration of mercury in their body and brain. The body does not naturally eliminate heavy metals. The symptoms of heavy metal poisoning and autism are remarkably similar.

      I believe that while the mercury in vaccines may pose a neglible threat in a single dose vaccination to an adolescent or adult (perhaps less than eating tuna or swordfish), it does pose a threat when it is part of multiple vaccinations administered to infants whose systems are not fully developed, especially since mercury accumulates in the body and brain, and therefore its effect is cumulative.

      I think the only thing one can say about the science in this area is that it is unsettled. The majority of studies have purported to find no connection between autism and vaccinations. However, many of those studies are not based on children who received multiple vaccinations over a short period of time, and few of them take background concentrations of mercury into account. The government or pharmacutical company funding of many of the studies casts some doubt on their objectivity.

      I do not have all the answers, just an autistic child. However, I tell everyone I know who is expecting a child to request non-thimerosal vaccinations, and to have them administered one at a time, over a longer period of time than is standard. It will cost more, but the peace of mind is worth it. I know too many parents who make a good case that thimerosal laden vaccines had something to do with their childrens' autism. That's not conspiracy theororizing, its just looking for the most logical explanation for a sudden and devastating change in their children. I only wish someone had given me the advice I now give other parents, because it breaks my heart to think that we could have done something to prevent our son's condition.
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      • Posted by fivedollargold 10 years, 9 months ago
        Between 2 and 3 is a typical age range for autism to appear. Even if your child had a bad reaction to the vaccine, I think it unlikely to have caused his autism. One of my own children appears to have a mild form of this disorder, and I don't recall any reactions to his childhood vaccinations. Of course, anything is possible--we can't randomly assign a thousand pregnant women to a group that gets vaccinations and another thousand to one that doesn't.
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      • Posted by 10 years, 9 months ago
        My heart goes out to you and yours. I hope that your writeup helps others out there who don't know yet of the dangers. Thank you for your courage in sharing your story.
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        • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 9 months ago
          Thanks. By the way, I should have put this in the first post, but my son is a great kid, a little socially awkward, but he wants to go to college in California. He's on his high school bowling team, and he's already written two books (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree).
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    • Posted by 10 years, 9 months ago
      First off, the post was about Chilis been forced to cancel a community activity over pressure from a very small segment of the public with a big mouth. Second off, do you really expect me to think that CNN is a reliable source? They're in the toilet with MSNBC. Even the CDC admits the facts that vaccines cause harm.
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      • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 9 months ago
        And what's wrong with MSNBC? Does the fact that they're a large corporation automatically make them less credible than some two-bit nobody running a website out of a rented storage unit?

        I checked Natural News's link to the CDC website, and it turns out that the CDC didn't actually say what Natural News claimed they said. While the list of chemical additives in vaccines is the same, the CDC did not assert that these chemicals were inherently dangerous. That part was fabricated by Natural News. The sequence essentially went like this:

        CDC: Vaccines often contain chemical additives for various reasons.
        NN: Oh my god! The CDC said that vaccines contain dangerous chemicals!

        Natural News is being dishonest in their reporting by twisting around and misrepresenting what the CDC actually said. The truth is that chemical additives are perfectly harmless in small amounts. But Natural News has an agenda to push, so they're not going to admit that fact.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 9 months ago
      Well, I've met with and spoken to Dr. Andrew Wakefield about this subject. You don't know what you're talking about, Maphesdus. And, if you think he's the only doctor who knows that the CDC vaccine schedule hasn't been tested you are a fool.
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  • Posted by 10 years, 9 months ago
    If we could only be as effective as the bloggers and letter writers for hurtful causes, we might get somewhere and accomplish something meaningful. Alynski's Rules For Radicals strikes again!
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