Gov. Moonbeam On Why Illegals Are Necessary

Posted by bsmith51 8 years, 12 months ago to Politics
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This, from an article in the Sacramento Bee on Brown's joke that California would have to build a wall if Trump is elected:

“Some of these old white guys ought to recognize that the whole pension system would collapse if we didn’t have a bunch of young people coming into this country and into this state,” the 77-year-old governor said. “They’re not all coming from here. They’re coming from other places.”

I'm sure Jerry Brown had no idea, when he said this, just what he was admitting: that irresponsible immigration is necessary because of decades of irresponsible governance.

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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years, 12 months ago
    This is so insane. Is he saying that If employers are not required to verify, the FICA deductions from illegal workers help to support the bankrupt system? Since the government spends the money and replaces it with IOU's anyway, it seems that the more they collect, the bigger their debt. Payments to retires has to come from general funds which are also backed by the same IOU's. They will never realize the advantage that some who paid don't receive because they never stop digging the hole. Only big government could devise a system that created debt from receivables and payments.

    I really don't like the old white guys crack and since I am 3 years younger, if I ran into him I would kick his old white.....
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
    A proposal is the use of federal land as collateral for government to get loans. Alaska, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, Montana Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico OK. Southern California was rejected. It has no useful purpose and no one can afford the water bill. Solution was give it to Baja
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