The Socialism of a Doctor Note: How doctors and lawyers seek power to start and stop the world
Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 11 months ago to Government
Here is a comment from the following article:
"The word Doctor originally meant teacher. Now it is synonymous with lies, poison, and unnecessary suffering.
When you find out that Asparagus was tested for effectiveness against cancer in 1739 and find out it is effective….
Then you know the whole medical system is a lie.
(Asparagus contains high levels of glutathione which is the primary component of your immune system, it removes metabolic acids after excercise, viruses, fungi, bacteria, and heavy metals from your body! I know, I have used it for all of the above).
When you live through a year long hospital infection and you are told you will have this infection for the rest of your life…
Then the substitute doctor comes in while your very, very rich doctor is on vacation (again) and says “don’t tell anyone I gave you this” and unlocks a drawer and gives you a 90 year old antibiotic which cures the alleged “lifetime infection” in three days….
When you find out that the “government” of all the Crown colonies puts rat poison in your drinking water
and has millions of doctors lie to you and tell you it is for your teeth when it is in fact put in your water to keep you “docile” and unable to think clearly and dumb you down so you can be “peacefully” exploited.
When you find out vitamin B-17 kills cancer cells dead overnight….
(it breaks down into hydrogen cyanide in the body which healthy cells have have an enzyme to neutralize but cancer cells do not and thus drop dead)
When you find out that vitamin B-17 has been systematically removed from all your food and that anyone who publishes the truth about B-17 is immediately attacked and severely punished…
All so “doctors” can have “business” torturing you to death."
"The word Doctor originally meant teacher. Now it is synonymous with lies, poison, and unnecessary suffering.
When you find out that Asparagus was tested for effectiveness against cancer in 1739 and find out it is effective….
Then you know the whole medical system is a lie.
(Asparagus contains high levels of glutathione which is the primary component of your immune system, it removes metabolic acids after excercise, viruses, fungi, bacteria, and heavy metals from your body! I know, I have used it for all of the above).
When you live through a year long hospital infection and you are told you will have this infection for the rest of your life…
Then the substitute doctor comes in while your very, very rich doctor is on vacation (again) and says “don’t tell anyone I gave you this” and unlocks a drawer and gives you a 90 year old antibiotic which cures the alleged “lifetime infection” in three days….
When you find out that the “government” of all the Crown colonies puts rat poison in your drinking water
and has millions of doctors lie to you and tell you it is for your teeth when it is in fact put in your water to keep you “docile” and unable to think clearly and dumb you down so you can be “peacefully” exploited.
When you find out vitamin B-17 kills cancer cells dead overnight….
(it breaks down into hydrogen cyanide in the body which healthy cells have have an enzyme to neutralize but cancer cells do not and thus drop dead)
When you find out that vitamin B-17 has been systematically removed from all your food and that anyone who publishes the truth about B-17 is immediately attacked and severely punished…
All so “doctors” can have “business” torturing you to death."