Celebrate Conformity! (Mark Steyn weighs in on Mozilla)

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Witty and fearless.
Classic mark Steyn.
He even gets a jab in at his old boss at NRO!
SOURCE URL: http://www.steynonline.com/6236/celebrate-conformity

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  • Posted by preimert1 10 years, 10 months ago
    When Steve Jobs first left Apple, their stock fell all the way down to $11 and I'm sure a lot of employees with stock options were moaning. When he came back Apple turned around to became one of the highest grossers in the world and there were a lot of millionaires amongst the Apple rank and file. Now wouldn't it be poetic justice if this happened at Mozilla? Of course since its a non-profit so it might not be affected in the same way. But still I don't think its employees work for nothing and there must be some form of equivalent reward.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 10 months ago
    Last year when I attended the gun law hearings in Denver, Representative Fields (D) got the final remarks in which she concluded by saying that these four laws wont be the only ones because "we believe in a gradual approach." implying that there were more to come. Bob Hope's joke isn't so funny anymore. We are being nudged to a point where heterosexual marriage will be immoral and illegal only and those selected by the elite will be allowed to reproduce.
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  • Posted by jspringr 10 years, 10 months ago
    I propose the following petition to be delivered to Obama with 10 million signatures within a week.
    "We the undersigned demand that President Barack Obama resign from office immediately for committing the unforgivable offense of suggesting six years ago that marriage should be between a man and a woman."
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 10 months ago
    If Eich is as good as it looks on paper, it will be Mozilla's loss. Firefox can be aggravating, and needs some clean up. Throwing away talent over PC ideas is bad business.
    O remember the Sinatra and Martin skits, and they were funny, but I always figured they had gay pals as well. Look at Rock Hudson, who was part of ongoing gay jokes in his movies with Doris Day. There was no meanness intended.
    This ultra sensitive PC crap began with feminism and the Clinton years, when victimology became the name of the day. It is just one more Alinsky tactic of divide and conquer by setting groups against each other.
    As to Obama's anti gay marriage remarks, hogwash. The guy was a member of a gay bathhouse in Chicago. A book written about his involvement in the gay scene there was written, I have it, he sued the author, but too much proof existed and the suit went away. Gays can turn on their partners too.
    Once again phony PC corporate attitudes result in the loss of free speech to yet another person.
    Yeah, there will be government control of reproduction as mentioned below, but not by gays. The UN has thrown around the idea, under Agnenda 21, of hiving all people shots to prevent reproduction in the future, and only those who get government permission will get to stop the shots. Sounds like a Glenn Beck novel, but it is a real goal..
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 10 months ago
    Funny, that Mark Steyn mentions Jason Lee Steorts.

    Does anyone here remember that Jason Lee Steorts wrote a review of Atlas Shrugged that managed somehow to be worse than the Whittaker Chambers review? And totally missed the point of the passage that, by his own admission, caused him to suspend reading the work?

    My Gay-dar must never have come on-line. But why do I get the impression that Jason Lee Steorts is being self-serving?
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