Following Non_Mooching_Artist - Lets try to kill Common Core
Posted by j_IR1776wg 10 years, 8 months ago to Education
Does anyone in the Gulch know how to have an email signed by thousands and then sent to our reps in State and Federal Governments? I have composed an example of such an email as follows;
We the undersigned having read and studied and understood the content of the program known as Common Core have come to the conclusions that;
1) It is so destructive to the development of the reasoning abilities of the students; and
2) Its bias is so anti-common sense; and
3) It can only result in increasing the number of children who drop out or tune out and sour on all education;
It is, therefore, imperative that the States in which Common Core is being taught cease and desist immediately and Common Core be eliminated completely and permanently from our classrooms.
We the undersigned having read and studied and understood the content of the program known as Common Core have come to the conclusions that;
1) It is so destructive to the development of the reasoning abilities of the students; and
2) Its bias is so anti-common sense; and
3) It can only result in increasing the number of children who drop out or tune out and sour on all education;
It is, therefore, imperative that the States in which Common Core is being taught cease and desist immediately and Common Core be eliminated completely and permanently from our classrooms.
State legislators are very sensitive to letters or e-mails coming in from multiple sources on a common subject.
Get an e-mail tree going, with people from multiple states, who in turn link with their own e-mail trees. Contact the members of the State School Board, they are usually liberal, but there might be a conservative or two, looking for public support.
Remember, the UN is behind this along with the puppet Obama. He has no interest in educating anyone, rather moving toward one world government with his pals at the UN. As to the Bushs, they are one worlders, and I have seen Jeb speak glowingly of CC. Not getting my vote.
Good luck and keep pushing ahead, it is too important to ignore.
The Canada Free Press article, linked above, "Teach Common Sense not Common Core" relates some math problems and how they are done. The author Dr.Ileana Paugh lays it all out. She also sounds the warning for Agenda 21 in her book on that subject. It is all connected, with the UN at the center. Goals: include do away with capitalism, do away with private property, make all nations equal (equally dumb) via the public education system.
Letter to the editor: The guest editorial on "Common Core Education Standards" by Tony Evers (WI DPI) is chock full of half-truths, outright lies, and mis-direction in an attempt to fool us into accepting this devastation of the American education system.
Mr. Evers, state superintendent of public instruction, writes that Common Core does not remove local control and that the definition of curriculum, text book adoption and instructional choices all stay at the local level. This is an outright lie. How could this be true, when the standards themselves are specified at some unaccountable federal bureaucracy? The test criteria are devised at the same bureaucracy and more importantly are influenced strongly by the providers of the SAT and ACT college entrance exams - who will be heavily influenced by the standards specified by Common Core. Today, local school boards approve courses of instruction - in some cases even down to the reading lists used by the teachers. With Common Core, this is all stripped away from the local community and handed over to the purveyors of the CC standards. Should CC be fully implemented, the role of local school boards will be to select from among several providers from whom they will purchase nearly identical lesson plans, textbooks, and testing materials none of which will be much different from one another.
He states that these standards are required for Wisconsin schools to achieve greatness. What mis-direction rubbish. We need some group who knows little of the needs in "fly-over country" to specify learning standards for us? If that is true, Mr. Evers, then why do we need you? You have just acknowledged that you are incapable of leading our Wisconsin school systems in developing sufficiently "rigorous, clear and require a deeper grasp of key subject-area concepts." The CC standards have been evaluated by unbiased agents against existing standards as well as benchmarked against standards from around the world and been found to often be extremely nebulous and where they are sufficiently clear, about 2 grade levels below the nation's leading in english and math. By being nebulous, they provide great latitude for a progressive/liberal/socialist doctrine to be inserted without arousing much attention. Where they are less rigorous this is done, I believe, in order to be more "inclusive" so that inner city systems, long the enclave of sub-standard education, can be shown to have improved when in reality the hurdle has been lowered.
Three other fatal flaws exist with CC - the first is that the lesson plans and curricula content will be exclusively controlled by the providers of these materials. What does that mean? One example is an english lesson on persuasive communication that specifies several web-sites to use as for comparisons. What happens when these web-sites change or go away? Why, new materials with updated web-sites will need to be procured, of course. How often do you think this will happen? If left strictly up to those who sell these materials, my guess is nearly every year. Costs to replace materials are likely to skyrocket with no recourse available to the school boards but to pay for these replacement materials.
Secondly, referencing the same english lesson on persuasive speech, what types of web-sites would you expect to be presented to the students as options to use? The NRA web-site or the web-site for the Cato Institute? I think not. This particular example lesson plan cited web-sites from Planned Parenthood and the Sierra Club.
Lastly, even where rational lessons exist, they will usher in concepts to subvert our moral fiber. For example, another task in the english lesson on persuasive writing asks the student to write a persuasive argument to legalize prostitution. If that weren't bad enough, a separate assignment calls for the student to determine which 2 of the 10 amendments in the US constitution (the "Bill of Rights") should be removed and what one new "right" should be added.
Is this really what we want for Wisconsin? I say "No." If you do as well, please contact your state assembly person and senator expressing your views.
To my state senator on a bill to establish a state standards board answerable to the legislature and not merely the DPI: It is critical that this bill come out of committee and get a vote in the full senate. Common Core is a travesty and these common sense measures need to be enacted before this legislative session ends.
Also, it was unbelievable how poorly those who wished to speak out against CC in general, and in support of this bill specifically were treated by Sen. Olsen. While I was out of state on business, several other local Ozaukee Patriots did attend. Those of us that could not attend filled out hearing slips to convey our sentiment, and it is my understanding that these were summarily disposed of without any acknowledgement. I think that you should have a discussion with Sen. Olsen about respect for the citizens of Wisconsin; the citizens to whom he was elected to serve, not the DPI or teachers union. I hope that this behavior is as reprehensible to you as it is to me.
And this one to my local pastor: Father Tom: Perhaps this might provide a different perspective. This is the testimony of Sandra Stotsky, Professor of Education Reform and 21st Century Chair in Teacher Quality for the University of Arkansas, and who was on the CC Validation Committee but refused to sign off on the mathematics standards as they did not meet minimum criteria.
You may believe that you will retain control of the content, but when testing materials change, it will force teaching content to change in a like manner.
Good luck. And keep fighting the good fight.
We need to take a page from their playbook.
What we need to demand is not just the abolition of and expulsion of Communist Core from our schools, we need to demand a Complete Separation of Education and State.
My thinking is any real change must begin at home, at the local level. The state and federal governments are not going to fix themselves.
Evil wins when good people stay silent. The alternatives to speaking truth to power are too gruesome to contemplate.
2) Announce your intent.
3) Post the link.
4) Ask people to spread the word.
Good luck
I know I heard a report about his support for it... Galt don't let him run for POTUS! There must be alternatives to these dynasties...
We must learn to use the tools that remain available to us.
I also think people are being hyperbolic or are just plain nuts with the argument that an education initiative is a secret plan to make liberty perish from the planet. Kids learn more from their parents by example than from an education program.
"plain nuts" really? Adolph Hitler and his Nazi party began the Hitler Youth Camps in 1922. By the time he rose to power in 1934, their developing minds were well prepared for a Fuhrer. The camps encouraged young healthy children to have children out-of-wedlock to help build the master race.
According to the CDC, the percent of children born to unwed mothers in America is 40.7%.
What examples are they learning?
Hitler encouraged mating for eugenics. US has a high percentage of children born to unwed parents. Coincidence, no Nazi plot!?
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Revised and Abridged Edition by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. Hopefully there is still time for him to reattach his a$$ that he laughed off earlier. How can we let people know the gravity of the situation we find ourselves in? You gave great references! I'm with you on this.
Secondly, I found nothing controversial about MLK's I Have A Dream speech.
Lastly, what would you call a government that turns against its own people by becoming extra-legal. Recall the IRS scandal, the BLM raid on the Bundys, Obama's 34 changes to Obamacare without the consent of Congress, The forced drought in CA, The arbitrary closing of coal-fired electrical plants, the attempts to eviscerate the Bill of Rights all having the aim of reducing us under an absolute tyranny? I would call it a dictatorship.
That is the real problem. The rest of this is noise, the normal imperfections associated with institutions created and managed by imperfect humans.
You're stating it as though it were a plot, as though little events that happen are part of a plan. I say having a Leviathan that maintains order but operates with the consent of the governed is inherently tricky. Once good, strong, successful people get elected to positions of power, they find the restrictions on that power an impediment to getting stuff done. The Constitution has protections to contain the gov't, but it's always tempting to say "these restrictions don't apply when [insert the biggest problem of the day here]."
My comments on MLK were slightly off-topic, not related to anything you said but rather just an example of how things in some areas are improving. People say everything's going straight to the devil when they're trying to raise money for good causes or trying to get people to watch their news channel. The truth IMHO is things are getting better, but we are at grave risk if we take liberty for granted.