Hillary Clinton Has A Message For Coal Miners: You're Fired

Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 6 months ago to Government
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You know, it seems at some point, the fact that Imperialstic morons like the Obamanation and HillaryBeast would wear out their welcome when they kill off 1 in 5 coal workers, and then want to blow 90 billion to keep it up. (90 Billion of our money, not hers). So far no one seems to interested in asking whose pocket she will raid to pay for all this looting...
SOURCE URL: http://thefederalist.com/2016/03/14/hillary-clinton-has-a-message-for-coal-miners-youre-fired/

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  • Posted by UncommonSense 8 years, 6 months ago
    If she had heavily invested in the coal industry, you can bet your bottom dollar she wouldn't be puking such dribble. (Yawn) It's just more Hegelian Dialect BS: antithesis, thesis...synthesis. I'm not buying into it.
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    • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 6 months ago
      I think she's going to lose Ohio tonight... Bill came out swinging hard against Bernie today it looks like...not just 'going negative' but 'going nasty'.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
        Well, that did not go well. It is amazing how much money these idiots are wasting, just to prove they are idiots. I'm convinced....
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        • Posted by scojohnson 8 years, 6 months ago
          Last week, Trump was very gracious to congratulate Cruz on his victory in Texas and gave him props for campaigning as hard as he did there. Tonight, Cruz could have congratulated Trump on winning in 4 out of the 5 contests, plus the Mariannas this morning, but no.. he chose to attack-attack-attack. That's why he keeps going down in the polls, he tries to sound like he's all principled, but he's a career politician. I hate being right on this... but its been pretty evident if you watch him.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
            Cruz makes me sicker than Trump. Here is, all bitchy about what is wrong, and how he will "remove the jackboot of the government from small business neck", yet in all his time in the Senate, what did he do to prevent it then? What did he do at all about any of the issues? He never says "I did this, that". He didn't do a damn thing. He is just using the Christian hot buttn, the fear hot button, and a bunch of mumbo jumbo promises as bad as anything HillaryBeast utters. I know Trump doesnt go long on specifics, and I am thinking it is because he doesn't know, but he is used to getting the experts on an issue together, getting their input, and making a decision. I think he is selling his decision making skills and the fact he is not afraid to do what he thinks is correct. Cruz would give us 4 more years of gridlock and blather.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 6 months ago
    Hillary has NO principles at all. She responds only to the polls and her handlers to get more power for herself. She would sell out her own mother if it got her elected.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 6 months ago
    My stepson is a coal miner who supports a wife with two toddlers and the teen daughter of a crazy aunt.
    He does not need to have his cash flow cut off by a socialist rat pack of EcoNazis who would as soon also cut off the free speech of any complainers.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      Dino, the shame is it is manipulation of a topic, with no rational framework. I know coal produces bad things, mercury is just one of them. But our structure is based on what it is, not what we wish it was. The total lack of any replacement plan besides spending 60 Billion they do not have, after the debacles of like that energy company they blew 2 billion or so on and flopped, is proof of that. I am sure your stepson is an honest worker, and I respect anyone who will willingly go into the earth and do what they do. May he survive this mess intact...
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 6 months ago
        Thanks for what you said about Josh.
        He wanted to be a cop but can't with one replaced kidney all there is to make his urine.
        What gets me is how Obooboo and Hitlery talk like we already have "alternatives" on hand.
        Like what? Solar panels that can really for real light up all of New York state?
        Nuclear energy? Like we finally have that safer fusion power now. Bet EcoNazis would still find a problem with that.
        How about the diliithium crystals that killed Mr. Spock?
        Oh, I know. Maybe they found the wind god of The Odyssey that you could bag to water rocket a ship.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
          I understand your frustration. The point is just as you say, there are no well thought out alternatives, and what there is, I am seeing as both special interests and their own pet toys. I am sure there is a lot of money in all this crap, look at what the Obamanation did with Solyndra. Here is a list of his failed "green initiatives":

          We need them like we need Iran with nuclear weapons, or Flints outstanding water system. They have a history of failure and I do not want them to have 30 Billion to retrain coal workers for jobs that donot exist, after they have forced them to leave. And I certainly do not want them to blow 60 billion on crap like the above. Only their buddies walk away with money we do not have. We cannot afford their corrupt crap anymore.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 6 months ago
            Thanks for that list.
            LOL when I saw the EPIC FAIL photo with FAIL printed on Obooboo's forehead.
            I scanned the comment section where someone wrote: "The government is crappy at choosing winners." That's something the Founding Fathers never meant for government to do.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 6 months ago
    Hillary Clinton doesn't have a clue about Coal and it's other uses, ie, making steel. If she becomes President and does that the whole country will come to a grinding halt just like in Atlas Shrugged.
    I'm sure she would not allow importation of Coke to make steel. These politicians have bcome so delusional they are totally clueless how the world runs outside of DC. She will be the monkey wrench thrown into to the Works to destroy the Economy.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      Indeed. It is clear she is just a scrabbling, tired old manipulator, who has not got the sense that belongs to a mound of puppy pooh. Yet the millions of sheeple adore her....
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  • Posted by diessos 8 years, 6 months ago
    I wonder if the coal workers union will still support her?
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      That seems to be the weird thing about the unions, they will support these idiots no matter what. My only idea is that the Union leaders skim so much from this, they don't give a crap about their members. It happens in Oregon all the time. They even supported a criminal candidate, elected him, just so he could resign. As long as they got whatever it is they get from them, you could be a felon like Hillary and get their support. Pelosi lied to all of us, Lerner did, EPA did and does, they suppress evidence and flat out lie to your face, but the Unions still love them. Go figure.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
        You just nailed it. Always remember the three legs or groups of the socialist triumverates are Socialist Statists, Socialist Corporatists and Socialist Union Leaders They are giving you three Socialist choices. Clinton, Trump, and Sanders. What more does the USSA need?
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 6 months ago
        Sure. They're basically mob. I've had a little experience with some organized labor in my engineering work. It quickly became clear to me that they were willing to make me an offer I couldn't refuse. You don't mess with them...
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 6 months ago
    I think she's saying the mining won't be viable if people who burn the coal have to pay for the costs of burning it. As clean energy sources replace it, no one will want to go back to extracting and burning coal, even people whose parents were involved in mining.
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    • Posted by ewv 8 years, 6 months ago
      "Clean energy sources" that people want don't need compulsion to destroy what you claim is not "wanted" to "go back to". Burning coal is far more efficient now than it used to be. They don't want to it to be clean, they want to shut it down.

      Cackles' contradiction cannot be explained away. What she says out loud depends on who she expects to be listening. Cackles is saying that she, like Obama, wants to destroy industry, especially the natural resources extraction industry, on behalf of the viro pressure group lobby by politically imposing costs to drive it out of business. The viro anti-industrial revolution has been doing this for decades, overtly attacking logging, mining, fishing, grazing, drilling, outdoor motorized recreation, etc. for anyone to see who is awake and not an apologist for the nihilistic left and their politicians like Cackles and Obama.

      They want to replace industrial civilization with Wilderness utopia. It is why Obama's executive decrees are setting records abusing the Antiquities Act of 1906 to lock up record amounts of land to abolish human use and impose wilderness preservationism. Their ideology regards any measurable human presence as "pollution" against the pristine nature they worship. What they can't shut down by decree the way they do on Federal lands they strangle with regulations and costs.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 6 months ago
        I understood most of that. You're saying many people romanticize a Little House on the Prairie pre-industrial lifestyle, and you're angry about that because you think it slow development. I know I don't want a pre-industrial lifestyle. I really think most people who have the opportunity to have toilets, Internet, plastic, air travel, etc, eagerly adopt them. These things would have been hard to imagine 100 years ago, and I imagine we'll find ways to make them sustainable for a population of billions. Then people given to anger and name-calling will have to stretch even farther to find a tangible human problem to pin their frustration on.
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        • Posted by ewv 8 years, 6 months ago
          One of the Ayn Rand books you have not read is Return of the Primitive, including her "The Anti-Industrial Revolution". Those of us who have been directly attacked by this mentality see it over and over and know how much power they have to impose it, especially with Democrat politicians pandering to them, and know what it takes to try to stop the assaults. No, I'm not "angry" just because I happen to think it's "slow development". Please try to learn something about the injustice of it and who is doing it how for what ideological motives.

          It's much worse than slowly evolving from Little House on the Prairie. They are primitivist misanthropic wilderness fanatics hijacking the power of government to forcibly prevent and destroy industry and seize private property for Federal parks and wilderness.

          As one of these eco-socialists infamously put it:

          "To me, ownership and private property were the beginning of the end in this country. Once the Europeans came in, drawing lines and dividing things up, things started getting exploited and overconsumed. But a park takes away the whole issue of ownership. It's off the table; we all own it and we all share it. It's so democratic."
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
            I do agree that the last 20 years has been a season of land grabs, rather than legal acquisitions. Most is done under one guise or another, and it is what has bred the feelings of bitterness and revolt amongst ranchers. I will also say that my perception is most of these greed grubbers are "eco woossies"in that they donot just go stone age camping with firepplace, they want moder RV style and take their 4 wheelers out to destroy most things they get near. Even the places that are supposedly banned to have any autos or motors they go flying in there, as there is no one to police it. It is an insane move by idiots who have no idea of what they are doing. The add the states to what they grab for their BLM/State forests/wildernesses etc. Pretty soon we have 4 billion people living in 3 square miles look out at the other 300 million square miles of "federal" land. My point to HillaryBeast and the Obamanation: If you have a cleaner power source, lets see it work and be successful with no government money, if not shut up and go away. They never seem to go away though....
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            • Posted by ewv 8 years, 5 months ago
              With the controversies over eminent domain and the requirement to pay for what they condemn there has been increasing emphasis on control by subterfuge of extortion, bullying and regulatory restrictions and prohibitions. As one of them put in the Wild Earth journal, who cares about the deed, get control and we'll worry about the deed later.

              But they still use eminent domain, too. Almost all of it has become "legal" because under statism whatever government does is "legal".
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
      The fact that both her and the Obamanation implemented (or want to continue) implementing their vision of the world for us, is my objection. All fossil fuels are negative in impact, market forces could cause a change to a more beneficial process, if allowed and encouraged, not decreed. There are technologies that will enable coal to be as clean as most fossil fuels, it is just no new coal plants are being built because of things like this. Natural gas is under as much pressure. It will be crippling when electricity is 5.00 a KWH.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 6 months ago
        "ll fossil fuels are negative in impact, market forces could cause a change to a more beneficial process, if allowed and encouraged, not decreed."
        How do we get this to happen? If we just used reasonable calculations for the costs of pollution and charged a tax on them, the market would solve the problem.

        Instead people circulated petitions at my church a couple years back to stop emission trading because they think the environment is priceless. They say no matter how good the business, no matter if the profits could build windfarms in the Dakotas to replace coal power, they just want the emissions stopped.

        Then you have other people who apparently overwhelmed by enormity of the problem, just stick their heads in the sand. They figure these scientists once told us that all human nutrition came from macro-nutrients, and now they tells us about vitamins and minerals. Forget it, they say, let's just pick an answer we wish were true and stick with it.

        It seems the same way with gov't borrowing. We just deny the problem and debate "Can we keep funding 20% of our gov't with borrowing indefinitely? Let's be balanced and hear both sides of the controversy." We don't act until it's a mini-crisis.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 6 months ago
          As Will Rogers said, "Common sense ain't so common." The same people screaming for clean energy want hydroelectric dams torn down to restore fish spawning; they want wind power, then fight to have it banned because it kills birds; they want solar power, but do everything possible to shut down the mining industry that supplies the materials for solar panels. When a Sierra Club funded energy study found that the cleanest, safest energy source is nuclear, they took the publisher to court to make sure the study was banned from publication.

          Most people who support these various clean energy causes remain blissfully ignorant of the implications of the goals. The horrifying fact is that the promoters of the "clean energy future" are adherents to extreme population reduction, with some believing that the Earth won't be safe until the human population is reduced to no more than 100 million.

          By eliminating most energy production, nature will take its course, as famine and fighting over food and water will reduce the human population. A good healthy war here and there wouldn't hurt, so long as the weapons aren't going to harm the environment too much.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
            Your first paragraph describes the psychotic dysfunction I see going on. A lot of it has roots in the wide dispersal of both understanding of the details, as well as political windage. As long as our culture continues to approve of manipulation and emotional decision making, I do not see any resolution. That fact should hopefully make itself manifest someday, but you never know. Sheeple are not the smartest cookies in the jar.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 6 months ago
            "The same people "
            You list various things about which people could hold contradictory positions. You give an example: Sierra Club suppressing a study they funded whose results were favorable to nuclear energy. What is the point of these apparently random examples of stupidity?
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            • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 6 months ago
              I think you hit on it when you alluded to the church petition. The image of a wonderful world of sweetness and light is enticing to those who don't think beyond the moment. We live in a society which has the attention span of a handclap, and the depth of thought of a sheet of paper. Stupidity is a natural talent for these people.
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
              CG, the randomness of the stupidity is a primary issue here. You can find hundreds of examples of contradictory policy, where the government should not even be involved, or at best distinct manipulation with regulations (as practiced by the Obamanation) that actively screw up any attempt by the market to stabilize on a good, effective, cost efficient energy system. We have been whacking away at "energy" as a ploy by politicians since the 70's, and it is still just as much a jumbled mess today as it was then. The point of people holding contradictory positions is the point. As long as you have 2 disparate sides to an idea, it can never be resolved to a mutual benefit. They each want it their way or the highway. Pretty soon we will all be walking the highway, and they will all bitch about that then, as well.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 6 months ago
                " the randomness of the stupidity is a primary issue here."
                Are you saying lack of long-term critical thinking results in a whack-a-mole approach, where we learn something like CO2 released by burning coal is causing costly global warming, so we whack the mallet down: coal bad! But then some other problem crops up and we're on to that. So in a few years we'll be whacking the mallet down on the budget. "Who could have ever imagined long-term rates would rise and gov't would have to cut spending or raise taxes right when people are seeing losses in their bond funds, house prices, and business valuations. No one could have foreseen this." It's really unfortunate.
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
                  The randomness is just as you described, it is not directed at a specific issue, or nuance of an issue, it is a knee jerk "that is bad and must be killed" approach designed to appease the biggest group they can find with their focus group mentality. They have missed entirely that our frigging entire nation is a focus group, and their "whack a mole" method is what is actively destroying it. Look at the deficit, how much effort have they put into whining and moaning about it, putting up show votes and games such as "break the government" (for a week or so) and then everyone runs in terror. Shut down the whole damn thing for 6 months, then we can talk. That is all they will ever pay attention to.
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
          I agree with having a rational debate. I believe Objectivist rationalization of a problem is based on reasoned, fact filled, consideration. I find none of that in the political or even economic discussion on energy. It is everyone for themselves, and oh by the way, we are all going to die from "fill in the blank". The fact these clowns in command have no clue except what their handlers say to say, adds to the mess. Even the "factual science" has become pick and choose your flavor. Your comment above is a summation of current government and political structure, so until we find a way to inject cold common sense factual debate, we have what we have. Even if we do not want it. One reason I am adamantly opposed to both Democrap candidates. There is not a tax they have never not liked.I do not want this crowd of thieves and looters to have any more reason to steal my income.
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