My face to face experience with Common Core
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 9 months ago to Education
Earlier this evening, I attended my daughter's parent/teacher conferences. The first one was with her math teacher.
It started off well enough; my daughter is doing very well in his class, no issues. Well, he brings up that tomorrow, he has to teach the kids about baseball. HAS to. Then he says there will be some sort of "test" in an assembly type situation on Friday. I ask if the reason for teaching about baseball has to do with geometry, or something else math related. He said, no. Nothing whatsoever. I in turn ask if this has something to do with Common Core. Yes, it does is his reply.
Then he told me that on the assessments the kids took last week, they had "problems" in which they had to draw an answer. Not do a math computation. Draw. He also said there was trigonometry on the test. These are 8th graders. They haven't learned trig yet! I asked how that was supposed to assess any sort of understanding, when they hadn't even learned it? He said he thought it was ridiculous, and a huge waste of time.
So I ask what does your teaching the kids about baseball have to do with math? Nothing. Here's the kicker; he then tells me he's not allowed to talk about Common Core. NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT IT!? I am ready to lose it! I plan on being on the phone with as many of my state lawmakers as possible tomorrow. I need some more answers.
It started off well enough; my daughter is doing very well in his class, no issues. Well, he brings up that tomorrow, he has to teach the kids about baseball. HAS to. Then he says there will be some sort of "test" in an assembly type situation on Friday. I ask if the reason for teaching about baseball has to do with geometry, or something else math related. He said, no. Nothing whatsoever. I in turn ask if this has something to do with Common Core. Yes, it does is his reply.
Then he told me that on the assessments the kids took last week, they had "problems" in which they had to draw an answer. Not do a math computation. Draw. He also said there was trigonometry on the test. These are 8th graders. They haven't learned trig yet! I asked how that was supposed to assess any sort of understanding, when they hadn't even learned it? He said he thought it was ridiculous, and a huge waste of time.
So I ask what does your teaching the kids about baseball have to do with math? Nothing. Here's the kicker; he then tells me he's not allowed to talk about Common Core. NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT IT!? I am ready to lose it! I plan on being on the phone with as many of my state lawmakers as possible tomorrow. I need some more answers.
(You can blame Bill Gates)
Its not about pensions, its about a job and occupation and earning a living.
but you'd take pictures we could see if you did go...
There is SO much more going on that is unethical in the public schools.
A book needs to be written.
Perhaps I'll do it after my four decades as an educator.
And it's going to get worse.
I don't know if that is an option or not.
At least your daughter has a teacher who isn't a "true believer".
The way Obama has gone after magnet schools is an example.
My point is that when it finally came time to go through the student teaching part of my education, I had numerous disappointments with the curriculum.
It was more important that the kids draw this teeter totter instead of simply writing 6-5=1. They are so concerned about the process, who cares if they know how to get the correct answer. History is geared around teaching the kids to hate America. Science is geared around climate change and respecting the planet. Well, the second part don't sound too bad but it is biased also.
I graduated in 2007, took the state exam, passed it with flying colors, got certified to teach in Texas and never even applied for a job. I decided that I could not teach the crap they are shoving down our kids throats. Instead, my grandson goes to public school and then I teach him the real lessons when he gets home.
btw - I always think before speaking/typing.
Having moved several times during my children's childhood, including to a foreign country, I've dealt with that issue. It's not that big a deal. As I said, merely a ruse.
If it turns out to be on purpose, you'll decide whether you want to make a case out of it to help bring about reforms or if you'll just go to another school. I respect both approaches.
Remember we're talking about taking a handout. I have very low expectations when I'm getting a free gov't benefit. It might suck and not be worthwhile to reform. It might be better off to send them to some other school.
WI provides grants to organizations that help local businesses get Fed monies. So my state taxes go to help me some of my Fed taxes back. LOL
It's all because every time we tax each family $0.01 per year to create $1 million program, it's not worth it for the family to lobby for their $0.01, but it is worth it for the org receiving $1 million to lobby hard to keep the money coming.
This has a list of all the groups fighting CC in every state.
Invisible Serfs Rubin Eubanks is an author and an attorney. She is doing a deep investigation into who is behind the Soviet psychological experiment we know as common core. Her book is called "Credentialed To Destroy: How and Why Education became a weapon."
And don't forget the deliberate dumbing
There you go. It's a lot of information, so take your time &; give 'em hell.
At least you are awake enough to see it.
Supporters of Common Core are falsely of the belief that studying "trig" in the 8th grade will teach young people to compete in the "global marketplace." But all it does teach them is to be unimaginative robots in service to collective systems and statist governments without question. It is really bad stuff.
My daughter's English teacher is recommending my daughter for honors English next year. One of the reasons she gave was that it's not going to be focused on argumentative writing, but more on creative writing, which she said my daughter excels at. She wants her to be challenged, not compartmentalized. An interesting evening, I must say...
(NOTE: Common Core contains no curriculum - it is only standards. All this messed up curriculum appears to be coming in through another gateway.)
Ask to see where in the Common Core standards discussing the standards with students is covered. ( Politely asking to see where a policy is documented is a good reality test. Frequently you discover that there is no such documentation and that it is just an excuse. ) The Common Core Standards are specified at When states accept the Common Core Standards they may make some modifications but many have adopted the standards as is.
This is public education push back (aka passive resistance) against a policy the administration does not want to implement.
This is a replay of NCLB, the original intent has a lot of value. There may be some implementation problems which need to be addressed but the underlying idea is valid. At the middle level the administration does not like or accept the policy so it is implemented in such a way [and at such cost] as to make it fail. Think of how the implementation would go on these policies if those involved in the implementation supported the policy.
Withdrawing a child from Public School sends a very real message to the district because it has financial implications. The district no longer receives the dollars to educate this student. If enough parents do this then the school budget is impacted.
The purpose of many school districts has become to continue to employ staff rather than educate students. These policies come with dollars for implementation thereby providing more jobs so the district accepts and appears to implement the policy. Rather than addressing the implementation problems, they are used as opportunities to demonstrate the policies short comings at the expense of the students.
The purpose of most Charter and Private schools is to educate students. Some Charter and Private schools have been implementing Common Core standards for a long time. Take a look at Core Knowledge Schools
[ ] This is where the Common Core Standards originated.
Some very smart children have started photographing their tests with hidden phones in order to get this info out to the general public. Don't underestimate the schools lying to you or your children.
Also my apologies for using the wrong URL for the common core website in my original post. The correct URL is not
I think if you review the official site, you will find it is significantly different than what is being implemented. I am not surprised but am disappointed.
Like teach your daughter the geometry, trigonometry or better yet the stats involved in baseball. The test is complete BS and you should blow that off as well.
A little story. Several years ago my aunt who taught 2nd grade, got on to me when she heard me telling my oldest that she has the right to question authority. When I turned to my aunt and asked her where America would be today if our founding fathers had a similar view. She tried to tell me that that was different. So I responded with a quote from the Bible, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." My aunt is one of those Holy Roller types and all she did was close her mouth and then she left my house, she never came back.
I know I've made comments defending public school in the past, but that was under the assumption that public schools were providing good curriculum to their students. If they're not, well, that changes things completely...
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