It Takes a Village to Raise a Debt Slave, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 8 years, 9 months ago to Philosophy
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When debt becomes a government-administered shell game relying on fraud, theft, and compulsion, the ethics of debt break down throughout the society. Neither the coercive welfare state nor the imperial warfare state would be possible without fiat debt. If the government had to extract its funding from a real money economy, with a finite and limited supply of currency, every dollar taken from that economy for income redistribution or bombs would be a dollar that could not be spent for private investment, production, or consumption. The real cost of government spending, and the real burden it placed on the economy, would be direct and clear. Long before governments reached the roughly 40 percent of the GDP they currently spend (combined federal, state, and local governments) their parasitic load on the economy would kill the host. The unethical means of funding the welfare and warfare states indict their ends; intellectual and moral bankruptcy precede fiscal bankruptcy.

This is an excerpt. To read the full article, please click the above link.

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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 9 months ago
    Another fine job of explaining a subject in layman's terms. I have never understood the people that say debt doesn't matter.

    I just finished "The Inflation Crisis and How to Resolve It", by Henry Hazlitt. I believe it was written around 1976. There is much discussion on how government debt drives inflation. After reading it I'm not sure how we've made it this far. How much longer can this go on? Sure seems to be spinning out of control. But then maybe I'm crazy. :)

    Timely article SL!
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  • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 9 months ago
    Robert ...a truly outstanding summary of the finance of the world...would make an outstanding fictional book...of the entity who controls the private Federal Reserve Bank (call it the BilderBerg Group) and what they intend with us once they run us all into better serve them...forever...and someone who leads a revolt against them...
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    • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 9 months ago
      Agreed mia767 The Fed Reserve Bank the Bilderberg Group ,the illuminati .They are the true destroyers of liberty , of self reliance , of living life free .They are warmongering involved in the selling of weapons and financing both sides of the conflicts they designed in the first place.
      Norman Dodd explains a lot in his historic interview about the demise of sound banking .Turning this country into a communist controlled dependent all part of one nation. No one has ever gone after these money masters can't figure out why.
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      • Posted by mia767ca 8 years, 9 months ago
        thru holding companies, they also own all media outlets...
        i do not think they want communism as much as a fascist operation that leaves them in control...
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        • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 9 months ago
          I can't say what type of government they want.
          Mr Dodd did discover an answer given to him by Mr Johnson the president of the Ford Foundation in 1953 as well as the Carnegie foundation for world peace (what a joke).

          Divide and confuse the population deflect
          Attention away from their manipulation.

          In addition to mainstream media they also control higher education , the diplomatic Corp and so called entertainment industry
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  • Posted by Ben_C 8 years, 9 months ago
    Flint Michigan is the poster city for promises made but unable to keep. Signing pension contracts with employees is another form of debt - unfunded liabilities. The Flint government assumed General Motors would be there forever - oops. When the economic environment became formidable for General Motors the factory closed. Something about Roger and Me comes to mind. Not really shrugging but close to it. When obligations could not be met and Flint sunk into the abyss emergency managers attempted to keep the sinking ship afloat. Most recently the cost cutting resulted with the lead fiasco. I have yet to hear anyone ask the question "how did we get this way." Gov Snyder didn't sign the pension contracts. Yes, he should have reacted quicker but the blame lies with the city administrations willingness to spend other peoples money to maintain their power base. Sadly, the Flint voters are not smart enough to understand what happened and idiots such as Michael Moore fuel the flames of dissent with race baiting statements. Talk about immoral - but then its hard to fix stupid.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 9 months ago
    Mr. Gore, your debt slavery article reminds me of a Netflix rental I very recently watched called No Escape.
    It's a high suspense action thriller stated as based "on a true story." How true? I dunno.
    A well-meaning young man takes the job of a water purification plant junior executive and brings his family along to an unspecified Asian country that borders Vietnam.
    The family finds itself in the middle of a "blood for water" revolt against the country becoming a debt slave. The rebels' solution? Kill every Caucasian in sight.
    Halfway through the movie a CIA operative played by Pierce Bronson explains that the building the water purification plant is about "owning" the country.
    I gave the flick 4 out of 5 stars. (Netflix uses a star grading system in order to better offer each individual customer movies they would prefer to watch).

    Perhaps a correction: Maybe the former James Bond was a Brit spy. Memory fails old dino on that bit. Anyhoo,,retired 007 got first billing for a second fiddle part.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 8 years, 9 months ago
    So clear and on the mark, it gave me goosebumps reading it. Thanks, straightline.
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    • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 9 months ago
      Straightline, the MORAL aspect begins with the politicians lying (making promises they can't keep), and the population that keeps electing them, when they should know that they're lying. The perverse incentives of welfare and subsidies are worse than drugs; there are lots of examples of people getting off drugs, but all the examples of perverse incentives show that everyone will ride that horse into hell before quitting.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 9 months ago
    This is something that Objectivists have known, to their chagrin, for a very long time. The service Mr. Gore has performed is to put it in a crystal clear, non-refutable form. His article is one of many bits of ammunition I obtain from the Gulch. I now have so much saved up, that most who argue with me go away bruised and battered. Except those who are delusional. Can't do anything about them or to them. They live in a parallel universe that exists only in their heads.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 9 months ago
    Robert you're spot on again. I don't think we need just a defensive warfare machine but a limited offensive one. Just the blunders the Navy has made in the latest launch of it's latest ships. But, also the Air Force has totally underestimated the Russians to build a superior combat plane. Now they are trying to compensate with a modified B52 into a flying arsenal. i'm sure the other parts of our military haven't faired as well either. Very poor contracts, diminishing oversite of the contrators and vendors. Maybe some graft and corruption thrown in. Congress hasn't faired much better there is still to much porkbarrel politics going on.
    What I'm worried about is; When will the US Bankrupcy(Rupture in my mind) occur?
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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      It's been my experience that the wait for these kind of crises seems interminable, but when they finally happen, they happen quickly. I think we are already in the early stages of a worldwide debt crisis, akin to early 2007 in the last one.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
      The second bankruptcy following the first one of 2008 will occur when there are no funds to pay the interest on the deb. The same cycle will follow. Call it a depression, inflate the money supply, devalue the buying power of the currency, repudiate debt by not adjusting COLA to include the devaluation. The elderly, retired and newly retired will pay the freight. Then later on the third go round and the fourth until one needs a wheel barrow to carry enough plastic cards to buy a loaf of bread - metaphorically speaking.
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  • Posted by DeanStriker 8 years, 9 months ago
    FTA: "Deacon Bainbridge, a fictional character, was right on the money, so to speak. The quality of a government’s money is an infallible moral bellwether. A moral government would not be involved in the monetary system at all. Production of fiat debt amounts to fraud and counterfeiting. Its only “backing,” implicit at that, is the government’s ability to steal from its productive citizens. General acceptance of such intrinsically valueless debt requires legal compulsion. Fiat debt depreciation and devaluation steals from creditors for the benefit of debtors, which invariably includes the government doing the depreciating and devaluing."
    That one lone paragraph is a gem within all. Yet we are to worship our illustrious "founders" who put it into their Constitution. "The Law" to which nobody alive ever consented.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
      and replace with laws that no one alive except some bought and paid for ACLU-less judge manufactured. general acceptance requires zero legal compulsion except in slave societies. the rest is trying to validate what the fascist left is doing by blaming their illegal actions on someone else. What a shameful piece of propagandae, worthy of Goebbels at his worst.

      Sorry Kamerad I don't serve the party.

      If that was not your intention it was poorly written.
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