I have always feared cops more them criminals.

Posted by Zach055 11 years, 8 months ago to Government
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I have always feared authority. As a child, I feared the public school principle. As a teenager, I feared the police. And as an adult I fear the FBI, NSA, and CIA. I have always feared my "protectors," yet never feared the people they claim to be protecting me from. If you agree, please comment on this post.

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  • Posted by TylerNewsome 11 years, 8 months ago
    I was arrested a few months ago for a $121 unpaid ticket. I was running at a state park with a group in Ohio and after 18 miles I returned to my car to be greeted by the park ranger. He ran my plates and apparently I had a warrant out for a ticket I couldn't remember, which was my fault totally. I was in there for three days before I even had contact with the outside world. Calls were $14.80 for 15 minutes, and you couldn't add the minutes yourself. I was taken to the county jail first, and wanted to post bail. I had a hold placed on me so I couldn't do that. I was forced to wait for video court at another jail I was transferred to the following day. I had $322.00 cash on me and a check from work. Eventually I had video court and got released. BUT...they misplaced my personals and sent them to southern Indiana. They not only lost my phone, wallet, and shoes, but also left me with a $30.00 check - even after stating that they will only take the $100.00 receiving fee from my money available.

    I cringe when I see red and blue lights now. I'll never forget the inconvenience of jail. I think I was the only preschool sports teacher in there. Bad experience for a 21 year old.

    I will take full responsibility for my own faults in this one. I can take some positives from this however. Like seeing where our looted taxes really go. Observing what we truly pay for. The most valuable lesson learned is that nobody truly cares for your well being, expecially that of state and governmental employees - yeah the one's who have a hard time believing that man can survive on his own, because he has no mind or idea how to live, so he needs supervision - even in his phone calls.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 8 months ago
      wow. for a traffic ticket. 3 days. why was a hold placed on you? The court system is all kinds of messed up. How does issuing warrants for unpaid tickets add up to efficiency or safety for any of us? It is just another tool to instill fear. I remember my mom telling me that when she was young, policemen were friendly, helpful. If you are pulled over today, most people would describe it as a very intense experience. even if you're are not asked to step out of the car. we're a long way from Andy Griffith Show's jail :(
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      • Posted by TylerNewsome 11 years, 8 months ago
        The hold was placed because I was required to make a court appearance. The things I went through before that was even more ridiculous. I moved from Kentucky to Ohio, during sometime before the move I received a ticket, this time a different one, for a 60 in a 55. I paid the fine, but it was received late. I ended up getting a suspension that I never knew about. So after I move I get into an accident and they tell me I was suspended. Getting a license in Ohio was the damn near hardest thing to do. Besides having to prove all of the proper credentials of who I am, I was given the run around because agency after agency told me I had to do something else first. I had to hire an attorney and go to court just to get proof that I was no longer suspended, currently living in Ohio, and held a KY license. AND after all that they told me, 20 years old at the time, that I had to begin with a learners permit.
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  • Posted by iroseland 11 years, 8 months ago
    I can understand.. I grew up in a Rustbelt town during the Carter Depression. At a very young age I learned not to so much fear them as much as I distrust their intentions. By the time I had gotten through grade school I had already seen too much. Police that were not really interested in the "protect" part of the job. School teachers that were as useful as a bag of wet hair and religious folks who clearly did not actually care.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 8 months ago
      "School teachers that were as useful as a bag of wet hair and religious folks who clearly did not actually care. "
      point irose. fabulous writing. If I could find phrase of the day anymore I'd stick this in the post!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 11 years, 8 months ago
    Over my life I've seen some police officers act really nuts. That's troubling, because they are protected. I remember when I first heard of the beating death of Kelly Thomas. I'm the father of a son with special needs and I wept when I heard that story. Since when do guys with badges think it's ok to beat a man to death? I see it as just another sign that our country and our society is sliding down the slope...
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  • Posted by cbemery3 11 years, 8 months ago
    there is little I can think of that could be worse than being innocent and caught in our criminal justice system. only the bad actors know how to play the system, the rest of us just get ground up like horse meat...
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 8 months ago
    Why was a Park Ranger running plates? It appears like the they were looking for revenue.

    I've never been afraid of authority. I usually buck it, but I sure watch my back. I haven't been afraid of the bad guys either because I don't think anyone can protect me but myself.

    It's interesting that you posted this when you did. Yesterday I was at a Anti-IRS rally. It was interesting to watch how attentive we all were every time the various branches of cops went by and what their actions might be. Everyone liked my Don't Tread On Me Pirate Flag.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 8 months ago
      I'm glad you took your flag. I heard the feds told some tea party groups they couldn't meet at the Immigration rally because their permit didn't include it. But it was a public place with senators and representatives speaking to the public. right to publically associate. at some point, they backed down-but it did affect the attendence and I think the whole purpose was to bring the Immigration discussion to the people instead of keeping it in the white towers.
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 8 months ago
        It sounds like it was meant to bring it to a select few who they already knew would go with their thoughts and desires... NOT the general population.

        Did their "permit" require you to show your political ID card, your national ID card, or your Racial & Religious affiliation ID card prior to entry?

        NEVER let the PTB use some pseudo-legalese nonsense to violate your rights. I know that's considered "government as usual" or worse, "the American Way", or even worse than that, "a matter of homeland security" in the current times, but it makes it neither right nor palatable to those who remember what this country was before taken over by those using "Global Terror" and "Your safety" to rule over you as a 3 year old child, rather than an American Citizens with Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities.
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  • Posted by overmanwarrior 11 years, 8 months ago
    Interesting, but not out-of-line. You just understood that you don't have "protectors" but people who wish to intercede on your liberty to protect the "collective."
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