Taste of Alaskan thinking-- alaskaslist.com

Posted by MattFranke 10 years, 11 months ago to Classifieds: Other
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Alaskaslist.com is our local alternative to craigslist and is ran by some good folks from what I can tell. They have many great quotes peppered throughout their site, that change from time to time. This may be one of the best yet; and as there is no author credit listed, I will go ahead and assume it was written by someone associated with the site.
I intend to shoot them a line thanking them for what they do, and invite them to come share more gems like this with us here in the gulch.
I recommend reading the whole thing but a good observation that is made is this:
"That end is not inevitable. We have not lost. We are not defeated, for we have not engaged. We have not honored our responsibility as human beings. ... Let your life be a counter friction to stop the Machine."
SOURCE URL: http://alaskaslist.com/1/posts/9/63/page4.html

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  • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
    Only had to look through about 75 pages to find it, but worth it I think. This is the quote the link in original post was supposed to go to. Enjoy.

    Nightmare and insanity are akin: mysterious and involuntary states which skew and distort objective reality. One wakens from nightmare; from insanity there is no awakening. Whether Americans live in the one state or the other is the paramount question of our time: whether we as a Nation can awaken from this long, historic nightmare and face the terrifying and exhilarating prospect of living in the full light of reality without the false props and dishonest constructs of a hoodwinked and herded people, or whether we have internalized the lies and the myths to such an extent that it has become an organic, overmastering form of mass insanity?
    What is it we Americans have been so complicit in hiding from ourselves in our devotion to the perverse legend of exceptionalism that has come to inhabit our souls like a succubus? It's the millions who have no work and no hope, whose jobs and homes have been devoured by the heartless fraud machine of Wall Street. It's the trashed and demolished weedlots of our major cities, now eroding in their crumbling, fire-gutted ruin. It's the towns and cities with industries shut down and factories deserted or dismantled and shipped overseas under the globalist cloak of "free trade." It's our decaying, disintegrating public schools, our bankrupt states and counties and cities, our obsolete, dissolving infrastructure, our criminal, criminal justice system, our bloated, irrational prison complex, our fascistic and coercive national health insurance scam, and over it all, the repressive mechanism of a police state, which has been armed and empowered and made ready for use against an American people who are justifiably FED-up.
    In 1846, Henry David Thoreau, offended to his soul by the injustice of the American government's invasion of Mexico, protested it and went to jail for his convictions. Later, in his essay On Civil Disobedience, he said this: "If injustice is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine." But to openly rebel against the might of today's high-tech national security state will require the courage to face much more than official disapproval and denunciation. The juggernaut police state apparatus which has been built up around us will not respond to even the most peaceful and orderly protest with anything less than hard repression, and the level of punishment it will inflict upon the few and the brave who resist it will rise in relation to the scope and seriousness of the action undertaken.
    Small protests will have no effect and will be meaningless. Larger, more organized events, when they occur, will draw the fierce and brutally motivated national security state apparatus down upon themselves. Americans, except those of our underclass who have felt it, have no experience with violent government repression. Those who commit peaceful civil disobedience will swiftly find out to their cost how it works. In a police state which has virtually eradicated all defensive laws and regulations intended to prevent the abuse of the public, whatever the government does is "legal." To such a pass have we in America come.
    America is nearing the greatest crisis point in its history and the terrific cataclysm, when it happens, will determine the future our country is to have. If we cannot, in dominating numbers, rise to the challenge which faces us, and reject the heartless, mindless, soulless machine of collectivism, and reinvigorate our commitment to the systems of governance and economics upon which this Nation was founded, principles that were thrown overboard more than 100 years ago, we will almost certainly be condemned to life under a global, fascistic command and control horror in which human beings are treated as mere possessions of the state, units of production or service, or perhaps not even that, as excess population may simply be eliminated.
    That end is not inevitable. We have not lost. We are not defeated, for we have not engaged. We have not honored our responsibility as human beings. We have not risen to defend our humanity like the People of other countries have. Around the world the thunder of vast and immeasurable discontent can be heard and felt wherever a thirst for Freedom still exists in the minds of men. The legitimate anger of humanity is expressing itself against the dead and killing hand of the New World Order with its agencies of violence, dehumanization, and exploitation. Even here in America, so long trapped and encapsulated, frozen like a fly in amber, trapped in a false religion of state idolatry, the anger is deep and widespread and growing.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
      It's up to those who know and care to lead. As Thomas Paine once said, "These are the times that try men's souls." Nothing's guaranteed. Nothing's certain. But we must not let the Machine of the New World Order grind on. We must oppose it with all the moral force we own. We must act with quiet courage to confront a vicious tyrannical system that's destroying Life, Liberty, and Happiness throughout the world. Unfortunately, it is we Americans who must now put our lives on the line to oppose it, for we are the only People left on Earth who still possess the means to do so. Having already raped and exploited every other country on Earth, the Machine now stands before our Nation, naked, ugly, and unashamed, taunting us like a bully that can't be avoided... It must be stopped. Let your life be a counter friction to stop the Machine.
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  • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
    I'm still looking for the original one, but I keep finding other great quotes, so enjoy.

    The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own, naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes. But there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles. - Jeff Cooper

    We don't need an oppressive, Stasi-like federal agency to protect the security of our homeland. The Constitution provides us with everything we need to do that--the guarantee that our Natural Right to Keep and Bear Arms "shall not be infringed." The Framers understood that as long as the people of this country remained properly armed, no enemy of the Republic, foreign or domestic, could ever pose a threat to our Freedom. - Mike Baker

    Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve their freedom for long. - Ron Paul

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  • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
    Damn it!! Looks like it constantly changes. I knew I should have just copied and pasted. Oh, well. When I find it again, I will copy it here. Sorry.
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