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Those of blended people groupings have what is known as “hybrid vigor”—they may somewhat less prone to genetic-caused diseases than those of same-people-group ancestry.
Sorry, folks, but the espousers of “racial purity”, no matter what guise, are full of sh*t.
I guess that by your 'logic' that Pitbulls, Great Danes, Dachshunds, Chihuahuas, and Golden Retrievers are JUST dogs.
Maybe Pigeons, Turkeys, Grey Parrots, Bald Eagles, Vultures, Crows, Ostriches are JUST birds.
I know a genetic reseacher who loves to get blood samples from Golden Retrievers over ten years old who do NOT have cancer, because there are SO FEW of them.
His research into the Goldens' cancer proclivity appears to have some possible applications to understanding and potentially helping cure human cancers, too.
Purebreds tend to be the unhealthiest.
Let the Aryans breed themselves to extinction.
NC College of Veterinary Medicine...
CVM Research Building
4700 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27606
If you need information regarding submission of samples to the lab please send an e-mail to info@BreenLab.org for further assistance.
If your Golden has never been diagnosed with cancer, Dr. Breen may ask you to have a blood sample drawn and sent to him.
Reference: Alan and Claudia Falk and our late Golden, [Shiloh June. 27, 1996 - July 30, 2012. ], who did NOT die from cancer!
I've observed the news over the past years and have been waiting for Euro-countries (and others around there) to wake up to the idea that there's a huge difference between immigration and "assimilation." Countries or cities where there are Police "No-Go" areas are perfect examples.
My view is that immigrants should be let into a country if they're willing to assimilate, too. If they want to bring different legal systems, languages or salute their previous Flag above that of their adopted country, I will not support them.
It looks to me as if several European countries have awakened to that difference, although I think too many people in the US have not.
And I believe that makes a Huge Difference in how 'things will turn out in the future.'
As a Socratic Critical Thinker, I also am disappointed that the 'immigrant problem' isn't thought of in terms of Root Cause... WhyTF are so many people LEAVING so many countries in the first place?
Trying to solve the Immigrant Problem when they land in another country is nowhere near addressing Root Cause.
But Critical Thinking is Dead today, and that's proof.
Would you leave the same quantity of food out for a Great Dane as you would for a Chihuahua? (A Great Dane would starve if you left the same size portion as you would give to a Chihuahua over an extended timeframe; conversely, a Chihuahua attempting to regularly eat the amount of food suitable for a Great Dane would most likely become severely obese.)
Would you give the same type of food to a Pigeon and a Vulture? (One eats grain and the other consumes carrion, or the flesh of a corpse)
If you can follow the logic - White people and Black people have different temperaments and prefer different social structures. So you should allow them to have their own countries where they can live according to their preferences and not be imposed upon by the other.
I can understand why homo sapiens' evolution is speeding up. All animals except man conform to suit their environment. Man, for the most part conforms his environment to suit himself. Simple observations shows that the more he changes his environment, the faster his evolution takes place. When primitive tribes fail to change their environment at a certain point, they stop evolving. When those same people are brought into a situation where they are forced to change their environment in order to survive, their evolution starts speeding up. This is not "nature's way" which is why humans, by and large, are outside of the traditional definition of "nature." Which is also why, when speaking of humans, environmentalists (so-called) are full of crap.
Evolution within species is not about fitness, it simply shows us that the weak will perish and your absolutely correct to point out that mankind, out of mutuality perhaps and many not so good reasons, as well, have perpetuated species, plants and some human conditions beyond what nature itself would have allowed.
Post Script: I use "environ[mental]ism this way to demonstrate the Hippocracy.
Combined with a liberal refusal to except the authority of the author and make it up to serve themselves...
That is what was meant by the confoundation of our language by the rulers of Babylon at it's fall.
And what they feared was our mutuality, our cooperation that eventually, Nothing would be impossible unto us.
The CHOICE is between slavery and FREEDOM.
A good example of this is anti-malarial mutations, most of which are (a) old and (b) not too good (lots of bad side effects). Hemoglobin S (sickle cell) and C (thalasemia) work by the half-serving (if you are half Hgb S and half normal Hgb, you are in good shape). If you have all-normal Hgb, then you die of malaria; if you have all-HgbS then you die of anemia. Duffy negative people, on the other hand, have no genetic downside...they are just immune to malaria (except maybe P vivax). So the Hemoglobin variants are being selected for-and-against simultaneously, but the Duffy variant is just being selected 'for'. If you lived in a small village in Greece, and all you had genetically available was the HgbC, then that would be better than nothing, but if you live in a large city, your best genetic choice is Duffy.
I disagree with Wm on the matter of race, though. I think that there are races, but that the answer for many people is, "My race is 'blur'." There are still many races on Earth, and just because Barack Obama is mixed race does not mean that the typical Sami or pygmy is. What we lack is the intellectual integrity to separate genuine races from non-races.
What could be a discussion and debate about the strengths of various courses of action has, UNFORTUNATELY been transmuted into the 'Bread and Circuses' of politics and the WELFARE STATE.
The WELFARE STATE is merely the armored camouflage the LOOTERS have devised to OBSCURE their HEIST.
LOOTERS are more inclined to ACTIVELY SCHEME for their benefit at the expense of ALL.
MOOCHERS are PASSIVE, quickly grabbing WELFARE HANDOUTS, threatening to unleash violence and rioting when the HANDOUTS are slower than they are accustomed.
Some are.
Or will such functions be man-made by studying the genome and modifying it (as in B5)?
I figure there will be a three step process:
1. People will exclude detrimental genes: sickle cell; coagulopathies, breast cancer...
2. People will adopt existing positive traits, such as replacing sickle cell trait with Duffy negative. During this phase we may also reactivate some of the archaic genes that we still have but which have lost functionality - for example, we have the gene that allows us to regrow amputated limbs already in our genome...we just do not have the way to turn that gene on.
3. We will innovate genes, perhaps making a body that will not loose bone density in space. During this phase we may insert genes from other species (if we had the tendon attachment points of chimps, we would be a lot stronger without any additional muscles).
It will be an interesting future.
Maybe not. I think that 'stupid' may be some sort of a Cosmic state.
Hillary--Fighting For Us!
Sure she is.
Money first. BS second.
I think that the meat eaters started from animals that were opportunistic and found the insects consuming the corpse an easy meal and developed a taste for meat.
Then it was a short step from eating carcasses to chasing down living animals for food.
The bounty for the first meat-eaters, lots of food and no significant competitor was enhanced in the colder climates where vegetation was more difficult to hunt down, especially over winter.
In perusing them I came upon Mary's Igloo. In the early 1900's there was a woman named Mary who lived on the Seward Peninsula, northeast of Nome. Because of the attraction -- she is rumored to have served good coffee or something, it became a stopping off point and a village grew up around there. They were devastated by the flu epidemic of 1918/1919 and fell into gradual decay. By 1952 the are was abandoned. But there is a recognized ethnic group based on their decedents called Mary's Igloo.
When I found that, I gave up trying to classify people according to specific groups. I will agree that there are clusters of common genetic traits but except for seriously isolated groups any attempt at classification is doomed to love.
But a population bottleneck where groups find themselves in harsh conditions, strategies for survival would tend to select for those that can master their environment and leaving the least adapted strategies to be left for dead.
The suggestion that Africans were shaped in the conditions that formed close to the Equator allowed for male promiscuity as the children could survive with their mothers being their sole support.
As the body chemistry of those promiscuous males spread through their population, the group gains these tendencies that would be encouraged by the culture.
Now for the White people that found themselves in the harsh winters of Northern Europe, those who could plan for a season of limited availability of food by deferring gratification, developing an emphasis on monogamy to increase the odds of survival for their offspring, a lighter skin to soak up the limited ultraviolet light that signals the transition between seasons. These tendencies that promote survival gain a greater representation in the genetics and the CULTURE THAT REINFORCES these tendencies.
Anybody that identifies with the ideas put forward by White civilisation will find less headwind and/or obstacles impeding their efforts to improve themselves.
I want to make the point that the culture can EITHER SUPPORT INDIVIDUAL INITIATIVE or can wear down and diffuse such efforts until they have acquiesced to the Bullies.
That is why I point out the examination and selection of traits to imitate by the Japanese, SOUTH Koreans, Chinese and Indians, from the subcontinent, to be stronger competitors after British and American influence.
This group is HAPPY to ENFORCE 'racial mixing' as then there is ONLY ONE DISTINCTION.
The RULING ELITE and everyone else that are considered a SLAVE CLASS.
This group that WANTS TO RULE OVER everyone is a DANGER to the FREE WILL of ALL GROUPS, however they want to DEFINE THEMSELVES.
However, maintaining pure breeds of dogs takes careful management, attention to breeding charts and so on. One can get back to 'generic' dog pretty quickly.
Distinct populations can be managed by isolation, or culture, but in a way, classifying them by race is only useful when they interact at which point the margins start being fuzzy.
We can call these populations 'races' if we wish, but I think that it will imply a more definitive distinction than reality supports.
There will be a very small technical window between the point when we have the ability to utilize genomic information and the ability to simply scan the actual person and know on a routine basis. When you enter the sickbay of the starship Enterprise you get a gene scan the same way we do a CBC. Except this is going to happen in the next few years, not hundreds of years from now.
Even in fairly concentrated groups, the ability to determine someone's genetic components by looking at them or saying "most people in this region carry this gene" is not sufficient when easy analysis and certainty is at hand.
The cost and time to process a chip will continue to go down and as we identify more snps of interest we will create new chips.
If knowing that someone carries a specific gene is important for someone's treatment, we are going to test for it not say that since we think he's Basque he probably has it.
How do you define 'race'?
Here is an excellent write-up on it:
We're just entering the era of promise for genetic engineering, which offers the solution of gene therapies that could possibly eradicate the more unpleasant inherited conditions. The hazard in a rush to fix things is the distinct possibility of unintended consequences. We don't completely understand the human genome, so we may be blundering into creating more problems than we fix.
Hopefully, sanity and caution will be the guide for genetic tinkering, but humans aren't always careful.
When I was learning to fly, I was at my in-laws for a party. I asked the guy from across the road if he was a pilot. He looked like one to me. He was visibly taken aback, as was at least one of the guys standing there. He said that he flew helicopters in Vietnam. The other neighbor who was surprised that I would ask an out-of-the-blue question like that said, "I didn't know that." NASA was surprised to discover that test pilots tend to have female children.
Just sayin'... "race" is not what you think it is.
"Civilized" and "urbane" have deep meaning.
Can you please offer anything about race? Even if it may prove to be incomplete.
What you have added to the above conversation has NOT given me anything that could add to OR cause me to revise my thinking on the subject.
I am realising that African-American people are ALLOWED to be PROUD of their HERITAGE.
Chinese, Japanese, Koreans are ALLOWED to be PROUD of their HERITAGE. The tribes that existed prior to the arrival of White people in North America are ALLOWED to be PROUD of their HERITAGE.
My concern is with "predators" who hide among the innocent, and mislead the victims into plural hatred and fear.
Tolerance of predators is unmerciful to their next victim - though they may share our cultural / racial bias.
I used to think it did. I was uncomfortable adding a 'race' field to our laboratory software but under pressure from a number of places, most notably Malaysia, I decided I wanted to add a standard table. That's when I ran into my first problem. Their table of races is entirely different than ours. Ours comes from the Office of management and budget and includes Hispanic, which no one thinks is a race. My search for some internationally agreed upon table failed. We don't agree on what races exist.
So picking a table at random, say our OMB one, what race is an individual? What race is Barack Obama? There is no reliable way of determining what race someone is and they fall back on "self declared" -- and we have Elizabeth Warren self declaring as American Indian and Barack Obama as black.
Now there are medical differences between 'races' whatever they are, we have different calculations for eGFR on white and African Americans, even those who don't live in America I guess. But we are simply using these vague terms to determine the existence of the underlying allels that are present. So, which table IS appropriate for Barack Obama?
Everyone knows that there are races, they just have different ones in mind. Race is a political construct as a gross approximation of genetic composition -- and with travel and intermarriage becoming more meaningless all the time.
Although it is critical for civil rights activists.
They love racial tension and create hateful racism to perpetuate and create more power for themselves.
In the last 8 years it seems to have received an adrenalin shot.
It is a sham and a shame.
Not all of these behaviors are irrational. Sometimes appearance is a good predictor of behavior.
State your original idea in this manner it will have more traction. There is one race and several humanoid version who refuse to be categorized so narrowly. that is a start point worthy of your efforts to date. How many humanoid races have been fabricated?
rational being. Man has free will. His not having
free will would be incompatible with any knowledge
whatever. (See The Objectivist Newsletter for
So you look at Haiti and think that maybe they could have created the computer that you are accessing the Gulch on?
It's not our place to do your scut work.
I am making a statement that I feel is easily verifiable. If you want references, ASK ME TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE FOR THEM.
been hounded and persecuted by his own peop-
le into an early grave; does Galileo make the
Italian people born astronomers?)
In a place like Alaska, the circumstances are
not very encouraging, where the people have
almost all they can do to keep from freezing to
death; then again, in a place like Hawaii, where
lush vegetation grows without the effort of culti-
vation, where winter never comes--why bother?!
Civilization seems to start in fairly moderate
to benign climates, such as Greece and Italy;
from there it spreads; but when it spreads, the
people to whom it does spread are able to adopt
it intelligently enough.
It describes the French(White) colony thriving. When the ideas of the French Revolution arrived on the island and the Black people MASSACRED MOST OF THE WHITE POPULATION, a few managed to escape by fleeing.
In the approximately 150 years since the MASSACRE, the United States has sent THREE expeditions to rebuild the infrastructure that the BLACK POPULATION has been UNABLE TO MAINTAIN.
IQ tests have measured the intelligence of various populations. Asians scored the highest, White people weren't far behind, Hispanics scored higher than the African-American who did better than the African.
The AVERAGE White scored 1 standard deviation above the AVERAGE African-American, which is 15 IQ points of difference. The AVERAGE African scored 2 standard deviations below.
As you may be AWARE, the AVERAGE of a group can suggest correlations but further observation is necessary. A COMPARISON of Bell-Curves can reveal more details on how the population compares apples with apples. There can be White people who have intelligence lower than the Black average(a tiny minority), just as there are some Black people who have an intelligence higher than the White average(again, a tiny minority, but they exist).
It is noted that the more White Grandparents a person with African-American ancestry is, the closer they perform to the White average.
THIS IS NOT TO SUGGEST INFERIORITY. The conditions under which various populations developed required DIFFERENT SOLUTIONS TO SURVIVAL CHALLENGES.
WHAT IT DOES IMPLY is that INTEGRATION has HARMED Black people by allowing their leadership to abandon them, in favour of the higher living conditions typically found in a majority White neighbourhood and the salaries they can earn as the TOKEN Black under Affirmative Action policies.
White people are worried by the arrival of the Blacks benefiting from the Affirmative Action policies due to fears that the undesirable Black Welfare underclass will bring higher rates of crime.
Therefore, I am deeply against affirmative action,
believing that it is certainly racist itself.
Being an Individualist is a worthy personal character trait, most efforts seem to function better when you have support from cooperating individuals.
Robert Kiyosaki points out that business is a team sport, yet cooperation in school is regarded as cheating.
If you insist on trying to go against a team by yourself you may have a much more difficult time for getting runs on the board.
Somewhere I came across the metaphor that 'a mediocre team that cooperates can beat a team of 'all-star' players that allows everybody to go out solely for their individual benefit.'
I do not have a clear guide to when an individual has the upper hand(thinking of entrepreneurship where the individual quickly surrounds themselves with a team that complements the strengths that are underdeveloped.)
versus where the team has a better chance(thinking of how criminals are separated from the rest of the population.)
preferences or abilities are by looking at his race.
The Kindle Edition of: David Duke's 'My Awakening', Chapter 10: Race History.
Do a search for 'Haiti'.
Having people be vocal about their beliefs so that you have an opportunity to avoid them if you DO NOT WANT TO COMPREHEND WHERE THEY ARE COMING FROM;
Or, prefer to be paranoid and always trying to second guess what their actual motives are?
(real and imagined)
Personally, I think that it is better to have open discussion.
A few months back I had my genetic ancestry done and found out not only confirmed what I beieved that part of my ancestry (Slavic) was but the Germanic side (Dutch) surprised me. So, far as I'm concerned there is a genetic predisposition for the human potential. Than the human population as a whole are so varied that if there is an evolutionary accelleration happening it is not homogenious.If that is happening Western culture will fracture into many new species of humans.
Dysgenics is the hazard of civilisation - protection of the 'unfit', the perpetuation of genetic combinations that impair health and reduce contributions to the group for survival scenarios.
Eugenics is the science, much maligned, of promoting the better quality genetic combinations.
Simplified, the small or non-existent families of productive individuals, VERSUS the larger families of welfare recipients. This leads over time to decreasing numbers of productive individuals to the detriment of the proliferation of the masses.
I don't know if you are AWARE that the VICTORS OFTEN REWRITE HISTORY to ENHANCE and JUSTIFY themselves to history.
I think that they were more inclined to stop those that were REGARDED AS 'deficient' from breeding, not allowing undesirable attributes to pollute the gene pool.
I think that the undesirables were segregated from the population, not killed.
You think, I don't believe so or you would have said I believe not I think...the ultimate cop out