The ideal house in which to Go Galt in Argentina

Posted by ShrugInArgentina 10 years, 11 months ago to Education
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I first saw a picture of LeCorb'usier's Villa Savoye in an art history textbook when I was a college student in the early 1970's.

I did not see photos of the interior until 2008 when I was in Paris. This sparked the desire to visit the house and see it for myself. It is a French landmark and open to the public.

I also think it's the ideal house to Go Galt in Argentina...where it could be built at a much lower cost than anywhere in the USA (it's just bricks and reinforced concrete...and only two stories).

When the original structure was built outside Paris in 1929 it had an unobstructed view of the French countryside. Now it has no view at all as urban sprawl (including a gigantic, multistory school next door) has engulfed it...something that will never happen if a similar house (or exact replica) is built where I live.


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