
Posted by $ SarahMontalbano 8 years, 7 months ago to Humor
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I was curious to see what Google thought of my state, and I was not disappointed. (I had to write a short autobiography for several national competitions, and I was trying to think of Alaskan jokes to slip in there.)

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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 7 months ago
    LOL! That has to be a joke cause it made me laugh. Of course it just shows Google isn't really that smart.

    For fun I looked up Wisconsin and we are stupid & friendly. Do you suppose we are friendly because we are too stupid to know better? LOL
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 7 months ago
    Alaskans are bright.
    Alaskans are independent.
    Alaskans are rugged individualists.
    Perhaps that should be our summer Gulch!

    BTW, my older daughter is taking her Biochemistry exam today.
    In four or five years, you'll be next, I hope.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 7 months ago
      I haven't met an Alaskan that fits Google's description. It would be a great summer Gulch.

      Biochemistry is fun! I try to take courses that interest me outside of school; I recently finished a few on molecular biology, and I started one last night on statistical gene mapping. I hope she does well on her exam!
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 6 months ago
    Same hits for Florida and Massachusetts. I think the predicate is more indicative of a good hit than the subject.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 6 months ago
      Oddly, it says
      "Wisconsinites are stupid"
      "Wisconsinites are friendly".
      "Why are Wisconsinites called Badgers?"
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 6 months ago
        Must be additional data relevant to the subject. The first is clearly not true. The second is. The third might want to be "cheeseheads".

        My experience would want to query "Wisconsinites are passive aggressive", or "Wisconsinites park in the left lane", but mine is an east coaster's perspective.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 7 months ago
    Connecticut: Connecticuter- Nutmeggers but most often called: rude, snobs, mean, yellers.

    But in reality, like many states I'm sure...we are quite the opposite.
    We just don't put up with stupitiy...

    Now Greenwich Connecticut? that's a whole different story...too close to NY Values.

    What blows my mind is that I meet about 1000 people a week and converse with many and only one in 5 years was a liberal...So, my question is: Where the hell do they hide only hear about them at voting time...and usually due to the way the voting went...maybe they are closet liberals.
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    • Posted by livefree-NH 8 years, 6 months ago
      There are people who do the work, and then there are people who comment on it, who criticize it, and who tell people what to do. A simple example is any police department. The guys on the ground are generally conservative; the Chiefs of Police are generally liberal (and political). In my own experience as a hospice volunteer, the people who have the most patient contact and do the real hands-on work are by far NOT in that liberal, progressive class of people. Those folks are higher up in management, and never getting their hands dirty. They seem to be more concerned about resume building than patient comfort.

      Carl, I meet a lot of people in hospice care, most of them will not be alive in 6 months or less. Usually, death is days away. People tend to speak their mind a lot, without reservation, when they are in this position, and I can assure you that the percentages that you are seeing are consistent with my experience as well.

      They won't be voting in the next election, and for that reason exactly, politicians don't care what they have to say today.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 6 months ago
        What is really disturbing is the fact that they do not come here; Meaning, it would seem they do not value their relatives, their family, mom and dad...that's the real sad part.
        I do have some contact with the patients and some I've came to love....but I had to stop that because I couldn't take it, I cried with the families.

        My job is to keep the building functioning and man the front desk...nothing much to guard here but I'm there to help and I do a lot of listening to families when they need to talk, many times we have deep discussions.
        Because of my studies and writings they pick up on my expressions and we each learn but more important we strengthen the bond of mutuality that human beings naturally have for each other when allowed, and are free to do so.

        That's sad too...that we are not allowed to or free that natural mutuality everywhere. It was our natural mutuality we had for others outside family units that is testimony to our survival...which for some reason was a concern to me for as long as I can remember.

        Thanks for sharing.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 7 months ago
    "tennesseans are
    "tennesseans are stupid
    "why are tennesseans called butternuts?
    "how many tennesseans are uninsured?
    "why are tennesseans called volunteers?"

    butternuts from having tan uniforms in the revolutionary war;;;
    volunteers from having helped texas at the alamo
    and new orleans during the war of 1812 against the brits.

    and alaskans are wonderful -- check out Sarah Palin
    or Kirsten Powers if you think "idiots." -- j
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 7 months ago
      Sarah Palin actually lives in my hometown, and her daughter went to my elementary school.
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      • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
        yes, and is your mother Judith E Montalbano? . this
        is sure a small world, and I am mighty glad that you
        are in it, Sarah!!! -- john
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
          Damn, maybe I should be more careful with giving out information online... you're not a creepy stalker, are you, johnpe? :)
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          • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
            sorry to surprise you;;; I have a new service online
            called "beenverified" which could find only one
            Montalbano in alaska. . I saw that it was wasilla and
            thought of my friend Sarah Palin -- bought her book
            and voted for her -- and so I put 2 and 2 together.......
            I should have made it a private message, and I want
            to apologize doubly for that. . I adore you and want to try
            to help to make your future better, if I can, including
            helping with Dr. Jim Brenner and FIT if that is an
            option, in your view. . please do not take it negatively
            in any way, Sarah. . please. -- john
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
              I am teasing you, John. I trust you unconditionally and I know you won't take advantage of that information. And I thank you so much for helping with applying to FIT; it seems to be an option for me and I want to try. Don't feel bad about it, please.
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              • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 6 months ago
                yes, Sarah, yet we must remember that the info
                which goes out, on here, is permanent and must be
                considered very carefully -- the sum total of everything
                which has gone out can eventually make for problems .......
                I'm just looking at phone book and social site info
                with beenverified, but it includes some stuff which
                would make you say "Huh?" and the service is
                cheap. . we do need to be careful. . it does include
                your mom's age and your address, your phone #
                and likely e-mail addresses, relatives' names and
                deed info about your home. . all from public records.
                I do not disclose much of that stuff. -- john
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                • Posted by $ 8 years, 6 months ago
                  This was, of course, the reason that made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I will do my best to keep my identity covered here, and everywhere else. I trust the majority of the Gulchers to be cautious with the information, but it is a little different to have it out on the internet.
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