Goodbye, Copyright. Farewell, Tenured Guilds.
It began with a quote from Thomas Jefferson:
"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it. Its peculiar character, too, is that no one possesses the less, because every other possesses the whole of it. He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. That ideas should freely spread from one to another over the globe, for the moral and mutual instruction of man, and improvement of his condition, seems to have been peculiarly and benevolently designed by nature, when she made them, like fire, expansible over all space, without lessening their density at any point, and like the air in which we breathe, move, and have our physical being, incapable of confinement or exclusive appropriation. Inventions then cannot, in nature, be a subject of property."
"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it. Its peculiar character, too, is that no one possesses the less, because every other possesses the whole of it. He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. That ideas should freely spread from one to another over the globe, for the moral and mutual instruction of man, and improvement of his condition, seems to have been peculiarly and benevolently designed by nature, when she made them, like fire, expansible over all space, without lessening their density at any point, and like the air in which we breathe, move, and have our physical being, incapable of confinement or exclusive appropriation. Inventions then cannot, in nature, be a subject of property."
In the case of scientific papers the business model is changing because of technological and social changes. On the technological side publishing scientific papers has gotten very cheap. The scientist wants the information spread as widely as possible, it is only the publisher that wants exclusive rights. The scientist does not make any money off of people buying the journal, so the market is evolving to eliminate a middle man made obsolete by technology. This is not really a copyright issue at all
Another change is that so called "peer reviewed" journals have been shown to be corrupt and no more accurate than non-peer reviewed publications. Thus destroying the only other reason for these publications
The pre-Clovis archaeologists of the New World had been pretty much shut down for more than a century by a peer-group gatekeeping mechanism. Now, a few good finds and the inability to prevent publication has opened the sluice gates and many pre-Clovis finds are reported.
It is more than just articles: scans of actual fossils (of immense importance) are being disseminated online by their discoverers. Finds that formerly would have been sequestered for generations are now being 3D printed and passed around in undergraduate classrooms.
We are in a new era, and I like it. A scientists reputation is ultimately made by his reputation and a well done experiment with valid methodology that is published online and which receives positive comments from other authorities meets all the criteria for establishing that reputation.
Suppression of important discoveries has long-reaching consequences. I like the idea of 'all the crackpots' being able to publish whatever they want because some small percent of them may have a breakthrough.
The same might be advised,( or at least until we accept our Mind's power to control our bicameral brains), that we temper our achievement of 'Free Energy'...might today's society go off the rails with it? (in spite of the obvious benefit?).
When resources are scarce we tend to value life and everything else a bit more.
See: r/k selection theory and it's analogy between rabbits and lions.
And certainly the resources available to you are significantly greater than the average writer!
Another one name Gore has a money tree you pin money on it and watch him spend it.
The guy who finally figures out the cheapest safest way to transport fuel is in the form of electricity....will stand behind Edison and his light bulb
All of the component parts were laying around but it took Edison too make light switches worth flipping.
They seem not aware of the fact that they will starve if we don't create or produce.
It's why Russia can't sell their cars abroad, It's because they're crap.
product, sir -- the idea of a bumblebee flying is distinctly
different from the piano music "flight of the bumblebee!" -- j
and all this time, the idea just ... just got to me!!!
John Wayne was far too intellectual for the group mentioned
The problem will be determining and categorizing all the healthy vibrational frequencies of all parts of the body.
Cool...just let me know when you can create any electromagnetic vibration from all spectrum's...I suspect that will be the next healing device...just like star trek.
The problem will be determining and categorizing all the healthy vibrational frequencies of all parts of the body.
Combining somewhat with the thread about business i've read the movie industry is a snake pit of how to promise you one thing and leave you with nothing as an investor or even as a contributor. Any knowledgeable comments besides get a well versed shark lawyer from the get go?
as a person who collects The Original version of songs,
like the Supremes' "ain't no mountain high enough,"
I naturally cling to the original thinkers whose ideas
have impressed me in the past. . Galileo, Newton,
Heisenberg, Kirchhoff, Heinlein, Rand -- but their ideas
are, alas, free. . I have always wanted to have my
name among theirs, but have worked for others to put
bread on the table. . now, retired, I need to hustle
since time is short!!!! -- j
There's more to you John, than just a pretty face.
Ideas by their very nature are free. The proof - another matter. In have an idea relating to Dark Energy, but not the smarts to do the math. Someone will do it and I'll be able to say I was right -- or wrong.
months younger than my 67 years, and looks more
like she's in her thirties. . wow! -- j
p.s. there is something to this universe which we just
cannot see, no matter how hard we look. . dark matter,
dark energy, phlogiston physics ... something is lurking
O u t T h e r e....... -- j
Physics and the universe is so crazily contradictory that one begins to wonder if it was put together by an insane entity. What if there was a creator who was watching us try to understand the universe and every time we'd get somewhere it would change the rules? On the other hand, there's the possibility that the universe is merely the first stage of knowledge and once the puzzle is solved, a whole new puzzle presents itself. I've gotta stop, I'm getting dizzy.
This goes with my thoughts of order/disorder, if we merely follow the rules, the intention of creations consequences, there is order; the moment you make it up on your own, (be what ever you will [alistar crowely) you create disorder.
The idea of 0 entropy and max entropy is to be somewhere in below the 1/2 way point. So there must be a bit of resistance in order to have consistent order., (just like in a car engine)..that resistance might very well be the rules...which applies to civilization and society as well. It all seems to be quantumly connected.
Quantum Enigma
Physics encounters consciousness
By Rosenbaum and Kuttner
Oxford University Press
Your post is right up my alley. Your interest is very interesting.
My first book, more towards the end begins to broach this subject. I can take it a lot farther now.
I have applied it to creation and creator and the intentional consequences of it.
Once outside the pagan bicameral brain and into the all seems to make sense.
Quantum physics holds the keys to this. Einstein had a sense of this also.
Consciousness could explain many of the mysteries of the physics apparent in the universe. I think that once some of the math and experiment guys get on it, much will be learned.
Thinking that the substance of the universe is consciousness therefore it is behavior that is important.All is number all is mind all is consciousness.
Accordingly, science finally saw beyond an electron and saw nothing but energy. Now on the quantum side, for unknown reasons, (we can speculate) these units of energy come together bound by a force that binds all at the local level, (gravity) and creates what we see as matter or a solid object.
I see creation as having all these possibilities, physical laws that favor these creations, ie. matter. The force that created it was conscious and certainly aware of it's creation but I don't think everything in creation is conscious, Consciousness is just the governing force.
So just as in biology we see instructions and possibilities in DNA that allow a cell to survive and behave in a particular way.
In terms of these rules or instructions built into creation is what one might refer to as the image a living thing is to reflect...and to chose, as in our case, to do otherwise is to ignore that information which creates disorder and chaos.
Just proves it was intentional.
I hope you don't mind, I went a bit farther than I intended...still putting this all together, but you can see that it need not be so's just quantum physics, A process the we as conscious beings should profoundly appreciate.
Like Hamlet said, "There is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy." Of course, he was talking about ghosts, but the quote does fit.
I also know, that Shakespeare wasn't just talking about choosing life or death with his famous statement: To Be or Not to Be. He posed it as a question because each one of us, at a certain stage in our very young lives must make that decision as to accept our sovereignty as a "Being" and connect to the Mind and be aware of ourselves being aware. (the minds eye).
Too many in our society have apparently chosen "Not to be".
"Not to be" in the sense of non-participation rather than death. Dropping out, living on the beach, in other words living on others and being useless. That is as "not-to-be" as death.
Now, do you now have a clear view of the true divide in our society, culture and civilization?
It's all about "Conscience". Those that have and those that have not.
These past 3 to 4 posts are the key take-a-ways from my first book. The Fight for conscious Human Life.
Can't believe I carried that full circle.
recursive, kinda like a doctor's handwriting gone
awry -- it was cursive, before, and now it's nonsense! -- j
Thank you Albert. If you were still alive I'd buy you eine stein Einstein.
Before the eclipse it was cursive but during, it blocks the intention from mind to pen and paper?
Never heard: do-loop, can you explain differently?
told the computer to calculate something, and the
"do" phrase included parameters like "from n=1 to n=555"
and the machine would re-trace back to the "do" command
for each iteration. . nested do-loops would take a looooong
time, and pissed off the teacher. -- j
p.s. recursive = repetitive re-entry into a calculation, or
"the process of defining a function or calculating a number
by the repeated application of an algorithm," according to
Interesting, like when a record skipped and repeated the same section...that little divot could of been an occultation only even more aggravating.
Laughing while on 3rd at Hospice...for once no one around to think I'm crazy!
it's repeated with relish and slight changes again and
again ... until another permutation takes off on another
new musical path! -- j
And I still miss it.
set of drums, for fun. . also have a fender 400 steel
guitar here which intimidates me. . beautiful sounds,
and difficult to play! -- j
And I'm just not into bar cords...always played lead.
Had a custom made Artist Award made special at the Guild factory in Rode Island.
favorite was Sneaky Pete ...
try this one:::
he was special. -- j
That's why it's great to be able to write while I work.
Sold 110K downloads of my first book so far. I am determined to make the next go mainstream...look our NYT's
Third shift...I fill in where ever needed as building engineer and watch the front door...this is where I do my research and writings. and get paid to do it...away from the ole women too! Just can't write at home.
house years ago. . keep it running and watch the doors.
today, in running our house here, we had the 2 zoned
hvac units fighting one another::: one set to cool with
a max of 68F and one set to heat to 68F. . they were
both running at the same time, on a sunny day around
64F and sunny. . I shut down the heat. -- j
Elevators and automatic doors doing weird stuff.
I'd swear that at times the electronics in this building is already adversely effected by atmospheric charging during solar and cosmic electromagnetic events...wouldn't doubt it with our shields down 25%.'s gona get worse.
When the sun goes into a "Grand Minimum" there is little flaring to keep our shields strong and atmosphere inflated...the shield weakens and our atmosphere fear, be safe everyone.
Of interest, my integration; We don't know what causes these minimums and maximums, science thinks its a cycle like El'nino/ El'nina but they still think the sun is self powered...where as the electric universe model suggests that our sun is fed through the berklin currents from another source.
Now, imagine something getting in the way every 400 years causing the sun is on it's own for 30 to 70 years.
If it wasn't for the electromagnetic pull of planetary alignments, and sun diving comets, we might not see any flaring at all. Fortunately we get a few.
But a weakened shield makes us vulnerable to relatively small flair's and cosmic rays.
It is cosmic radiation that causes clouds, making the situation worse. fear, be safe...we've been here before.
Just grow your food indoors.
in the brain. . when we figure that out, we'll be the wizards
whom we think we are, now! -- j
do I find the electrical and magnetic wizard's info? -- j
and doesn't mention Yelverton... -- j
Click on the screen labled Yelverton's lab.
There are two video screens. top one is an intro.
The one under it contains about 56 experiments and run concurrently.
that's the patent for an electric carillon which
uses steel bars instead of bells. . except that
this patent uses 0.045 piano wire instead of
bigger bars. . I want to strike the bars with an
electromagnetic pulse, as I have seen before.
the sound is wonderful. -- j
p.s. this is sneaking up on my invention, so
I will get a little obscure, now.
Thank You Sir!!! -- john
I think that I heard something! -- j
a new "motor" like Galt did! -- j
I'm working on one of my own...but somehow I think it won't be of immediate interest to these groups.
been perking in the back of my mind for decades.
it really is hustle time!!! -- j
If your in control of the product, patient pending is enough protection...don't be surprised if everyone wants it for free.
stationary. . I think that I have it -- without passing
an electric current through the wire. -- j
cheap one? -- j
I pay 30.00 a year and get it all...which includes a Saturday fly on the wall session I find invaluable.
The stuff I've learned is incredible, stuff we never learned in school.
Another interesting IP thing for DB is the typical agreement for IP universities have. Even when you pay them for work, they retain the IP rights. I sure can't do that with my customers.
If an artist brought his work for us to publish he received the profits and we charged a fee. If we hired him to do a job for us, we retained all the profits, if any. and he was paid a fee. An artist tried to sue us after we hired them to illustrate a book. It was thrown out.
As the writer says- there are changes in technology that threaten existing rules by eating away the power of governments to enforce what has previously been seen as (property) rights. To me, there is both good and bad in this. In this case there is/was the monopoly, more correctly cartel, of publishers who have been able to enforce exorbitant charges. The scientists got some benefit but there are other ways to date-stamp a published work.
The writer says- the peer review process is going to collapse, - well so it should, widespread misuse close to fraud has been uncovered. What is called peer-review is really crony mutual back-scratching.
But, this trend may not last, there are changes towards erosion of the nation state towards international governance. Whatever the downside of numerous virtual nations, concentrated world government is far worse.
The real driver is technological - there is no reason for peer reviewed journals today.
It really shouldn't be surprising. Peer publishing is the scientific world's version of occupational licensing. Occupational licensing leads to keeping upstarts out. Peer review keeps the upstarts of new ideas and counter thoughts out.
We need to devise a system where ethical moral behavior and value creation is rewarded and the opposite is harm, just no gain. Right now the system rewards those that cheat, steal, usurp all by creatures that cannot create value and the value creator must be on the defensive all the time.
Somehow creators still need to be able to get paid for their work. Andy Weir, who wrote "The Martian" had an interesting experience in that he produced his story and posted it on his web site for free. Later, at reader's requests, he provided a mechanism to download it. He still had people having problems doing this and to help he put it on Amazon for .99 -- the minimum they would allow a regular price. It took off and became a top seller. It appears that the convenience of being able to download the story and have it part of Amazon libraries was sufficient for a large number of people to be willing to pay $.99 for it.
As for research data, the system is different. In that arena, authors often pay to have the articles published. The service provided is peer review. But it delays not only who is first but the availability of the data in a fast moving world. I recently watched a TED talk where they were sequencing variations on ebola and immediately posting them to the web so that researchers could use them on the epidemic. They couldn't wait for a journal and peer review. Perhaps some review system can be set up that allows papers to be qualified after online posting. One would also need some archiving mechanism so that papers could be linked to with the expectation that links would persist. Perhaps this service could serve as the 'bottle' that is sold.
Yes we need to get paid; even in a world that allows us to create what ever we need ourselves. There will always be the issue of resources for those things one creates...everything cannot be free, still need some free market mechanism for resource allocation.
I am glad his observation left book authors in the clear for a while....that's how I intend to fund my retirement from working for others.