Time for contempt charges for the prevaricators. Mr. Gowdy rocks! But, he needs more power. He needs to be able to jail some people. The NSA can gather Meta data in order to prevent imminent threats, but the IRS can't come up with some e-mails... not believable.
That's exactly the point! Those emails are getting dumped. Permanently. There will be NOTHING for them to use. Lerner will walk, as will every other lowlife sycophant that kowtowed to the dictator in chief. Because that's where the orders came from. There wouldn't be such stonewalling otherwise. Liars and thieves, all.
Seldom is justice brought to bureaucrats or the political class, but, just you try and change lanes without a signal. You could be strip searched on the side of the road! If you camp in the wrong place you could be shot!
If you don't remember Kelly Thomas, the mentally ill homeless man killed by Fullerton, CA police last year here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_N3YMuk... His father was a retired captain in the police force. They were declared innocent of all charges. Now that's despicable! 8-( Careful, not for the feint of heart. Here's what he looked like when they finished: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DTRCy9t...
Yes, another sad instance of police overuse of force.
There are more and more instances of disabled, or ill persons having excessive force used on them and the police not being held accountable. I generally support the police, but more and more they are demonstrating that they are merely sanctioned bullies.
whoa. yes, I had seen that. sigh. for some reason they think they need to "school" anyone around Albuquerque. just a hundred miles south is where all those cases of forced enemas and operations alleging drugs have occurred. NM is seriously screwed. but we have to protect the Emerald City(Sante Fe) at all costs
Then they should subpoena the NSA to produce the documents that were accidently on purpose lost to the shredder because of an employee that's been fired and can't be located. After all we know they have copies of everything including Diane Fienstein's unintelligence committee files.
nothing is happening...why didn't they vote to hold him in contempt? They already know Lerner lied. Why not formally charge her? it seems grand standy to me-although I like Gowdy
My theory is that the R's are looking to delay this until closer to the election. I think that it will end up being a mistake and they will be outwitted once more.
Would that they could. It's just not going to happen. If there was some enlightening info along the way that did shed light on this lawless behavior, that would be a boost.
There are more and more instances of disabled, or ill persons having excessive force used on them and the police not being held accountable. I generally support the police, but more and more they are demonstrating that they are merely sanctioned bullies.
How about this one?