"Terrorism, 9/11, and Freedom" free for now on Amazon.

Posted by Russ 9 years ago to Books
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A collection of 37 essays. The first essay was written over a year before the events of 9/11/01. The last was written in 2009. The second was written the day of 9/11 and published the next week. These essays and articles are a kind of chronological examination of U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq and the consequences for life here in the United States post 9/11. You may judge for yourself with the hindsight of history how accurate were my analyses, predictions, and descriptions of these events of the past decade and a half. Those who forget the lessons of history…

About 67,000 words. Expanded and revised second edition.


Over 300 novels, collections, and individual essays available:

SOURCE URL: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QO35PXO

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