But He Still Is No John Galt

Posted by Flootus5 8 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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I like Branco.

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  • Posted by ajsenti 8 years, 10 months ago
    First-time poster. Hello all. Think Trump and Rubio's position will be virtually indistinguishable before this is done. If a brokered convention yields the Rub as a running mate, we will know this was the establishment set up from the jump. Good luck all. :)
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 10 months ago
      Welcome to Atlantis, ajsenti!
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      • Posted by ajsenti 8 years, 10 months ago
        Thanks jb. Been lurking a while but feel safe here. Classical liberal, (libertarian). Too many paid trolls on the main roads. :)
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        • Posted by RobertFl 8 years, 10 months ago
          I know what you mean. Here you can actually feel like you're having an intelligent discussion with adults. We may respectfully disagree with each other, but we don't revert to spit-balling.
          I'm a recovering republican for a few years now. Since Rand dropped out, I'll be voting Libertarian this year. First time I've voted against the party since Ross Perot. I'm not going to feel guilty about the outcome this time.
          Although I did vote in the TN primary the other day. I voted Rand.
          Welcome, hope you stock around.
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          • Posted by term2 8 years, 10 months ago
            Gary Johnson unfortunately can't win. I like trump as the only candidate who is electable and has a chance of getting rid of the Hillary monster
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            • Posted by RobertFl 8 years, 10 months ago
              I won't vote for who can beat the other side anymore. I'll vote for who can do the job. They are all the same, don't be fooled by Trump the Salesman. He's selling a bill of goods, like all the others. He's just better at it.
              I've read his book, it's as empty as his speeches.
              I will not, and can not vote for "President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho"
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              • Posted by term2 8 years, 10 months ago
                Then live with the ravages of Hillary or Sanders, with whatever money you have left. If you make money, you will just enable them to tax and control you more.
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              • Posted by $ Mimi 8 years, 10 months ago
                That's a healthy way to look at it, I think.
                I am in the ' I-am-in-love-with-being-in love' phase of this political cycle. I can cool off fast enough.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 10 months ago
    I'm not a Trump supporter, but I've got to admit that he can take a punch and come back swinging. I often find his stream-of-consciousness speeches to be downright silly to the point of embarrassing. However, he has touched a soreness felt by many about the lack of attention paid to the very claims politicians have made in order to get elected. You can boil his popularity down to one sentence, "Screw those dweebs, I'm gonna make things right."
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  • Posted by bobcorlett 8 years, 10 months ago
    So glad I am mentally in the gulch. I am ashamed of our country for the candidates tha are probably going to be nominated. Trump is an idiot. I agree with my daughter. His election chould mark the end of civilization
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    • Posted by voodoo59 8 years, 10 months ago
      Anyone who's not Hillary, Bernie or a progressive, would be a huge upgrade from the last 8 years of constitution-free government. I'm not a Trump man either but he looks to be the furthest from the cesspool that is DC. If you're interested in the end of civilization, vote for someone who'll continue on the path of the current administration.
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      • Posted by bobcorlett 8 years, 10 months ago
        Maybe you did not read my first sentence. I am mentally in the gulch. Can you imagine someone returning from the gulch and voting!
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
          Certainly and with a purpose but it excludes the heavily rigged portion and includes the local issues by voting against funding failed education systems and against the Rino/Dino Party candidates at the local level.

          As for the Federal level a blank spot with no write ins leaves no vote to be given to the winner take all fascists and strengthens the 46% in the so called available voter pool who are in the disenfranchised party ...and leads to a counter revolution. Completely legal.

          But that is the only reason and if my local state rules still allow the left to get my vote then I don't register at all.

          And buld the 46% to 56% and 66% and higher until the sound of no taxation without representation and Republicans and Democrats are no representation is heard once again.

          Until there is no one in line at the recruiters door and the draft is activated and then destroyed once and for all.

          Until the truly wealthy are denied the write to cast their vote and yours with their check books claiming it is free speech when they have stolen yours.

          Until the ACLU is listed as a subversive organization along with their bought and paid for judges. who change the Constitution without Amendment.

          Until the supporters of the left are all that is left to pay the bills and find themselves under attack.

          Or perhaps until the military remembers their oath of office and starts by purging their own ranks of bought and paid for careerists.

          Not much to ask for..And not one word violates any law...if you are a Constitutionalist. Of course under the Patriot Act anything is a violation. The Economy size one size fits all final solution so why worry about it when you are already convicted and just awaiting your turn.
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 8 years, 10 months ago
    Love it! And it's the truth. He's catching it from all angles! I'm not a Trump voter, but I like this.
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    • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 10 months ago
      I just hope you vote for him if he is the nominee. I am not thrilled about him myself, he reminds me too much of Ross Perot....but he is sure as hell better than the Democrat alternative!
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 8 years, 10 months ago
        Perot? Nay...Trump reminds me of Patton. Patton was regarded as a lose cannon and the American people were always afraid of what Patton might say next, but we might have lost WW1 and definitely WW2 without him. He was completely dedicated to the fight.
        Ross Perot quit his presidential-run because a tabloid paper was going to run an article suggesting his daughter was a lover of Madonna's. Mr. Perot didn't want his family smeared.
        It's hard to believe such nonsense once matter.
        That sort of thing wouldn't phase Trump in the least. He has no shame.
        When Trump mentioned Steve Wyn was at his rally last night, that sealed the deal for me. When Steve Wynn appeared on FOX a couple years ago, Mr. Wynn made quite an impression on me. I fell in love with the guy on the spot for voicing all my complaints with the current administration so perfectly.
        I'm absolutely loving Trump. Let's kill the PC narrative before it kills capitalism. We can fight over policy later.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 10 months ago
          Fox News interviewed Steve Wynn last night after the Nevada "Crockus" closed here last night. He expressed the exact hope of many of us that Nevada could replace this scam caucus procedure with a real primary. I was impressed, I hadn't heard that from anyone since they started this back in '08. I participated in the Nevada caucus process in 2012, almost becoming a delegate to the State convention. But, I was dismayed at how a few politicians were railroading the process and the "chosen" delegates were not bound by any level of voter tally from their region.
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        • Posted by ajsenti 8 years, 10 months ago
          Uhh, Patton took a lot of territory from the "enemy"; but he didn't rely on "eminent domain". He did shoot his mouth off a lot tho.
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 8 years, 10 months ago
            I'm choose to give Donald some slack on his position... I can see how the sob story about the lil lady in NJ almost losing her home to a nasty, money-grabbing casino owner is playing into the politics of this race, but Trump wasn't wearing his patriotic cap when that went down. he was wearing his construction hard-hat. It is a fact: He is ruthlessly driven. Point that driven man at rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and fixing our borders.
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            • Posted by ewv 8 years, 10 months ago
              The injustice of exploiting connections to impose eminent domain isn't a "sob story" "playing into politics" and has not been restricted to one "lil old lady". He has openly endorsed seizing property for his "deals" as "wonderful". He supported the infamous Kelo decision at the time and still does. He has used government power to seize private property for his "deals" internationally and openly supports Federal lands as "magnificent". He openly trashes his victims the same way he mouths off in the campaign. You don't "point" a fascist strong man in the direction that you want and you don't expect anything good to come of that mentality.
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              • Posted by $ Mimi 8 years, 10 months ago
                He will scare the hell out of the people who have been scaring the hell out of me the last seven years. I don't even have to point him in the right direction. I'm loving this.

                I haven't heard him say he is in favor of seizing federal land for the sake of seizing federal land. That, as far as a know, is what Cruz keeps saying. I don't think Donald believes in seizing anything without an insatiable desire to make something from it. I'm willing to read any link you may have that suggests he is in favor of this land-grabbing for the heck of it.
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                • Posted by 8 years, 10 months ago
                  There is a distinction between the process of eminent domain for private use or a valid public use. The problem with the Kelo decision is that it exercised eminent domain for a private interest. Whether Trump supports Kelo is a matter that needs resolution.

                  The issue of federal lands in the west is completely different. Cruz is not saying that they will be "seized" under any kind of eminent domain, but that they properly belong to the States within which they lay.
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                  • Posted by $ Mimi 8 years, 10 months ago
                    And you could tell by Trump's response to a woman question about federal lands while he was in Nevada he was out of his depth. He didn't have a clue what to say, because he is clueless about the topic, period. I'm just trying to say, I'm not surprised that a hotelier who is looking to build on a beach strand does everything he can to obtain the property. I don't see that as immoral.This widow had a prime spot on the Jersey shore. Now, had the system let's him take the land and the rest of us are in agreement that shouldn't be occurring, then the system is at fault. The system, badly flawed as it is did prevail.
                    I think the ride is over anyway. It was fun while it lasted but his Trump University troubles are going to derail him. Rightly so, I think.
                    My problem will be that Ted Cruz nor Rubio will get my vote if Trump turns out to be unsuitable. Actually, it's their problem not mine.
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        • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 10 months ago
          I hope you are right......Perot also wanted to lay the Shiv to the Bushes, whom he didn't like. That little POS Perot is why we ended up with Bill Clinton.
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          • Posted by ajsenti 8 years, 10 months ago
            Oh, come on now...let's not blame the messenger for the acts of a Bush and a Soros, He was certainly idiosyncratic and perhaps not the most adroit thinker but Perot was no irresponsible egotist. A rather selfless self-made man, a real American. He was spot on as to the intent of the int'l financial elite, a prophet of the present consolidation.
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            • Posted by evlwhtguy 8 years, 10 months ago
              I disagree. He was an individual that made his fortune sucking at the government teat and that business of dropping out and then getting back in as an independant, did nothing but split the Republican vote and elect Clinton. He did it out of spite because he knew he couldn't win and wanted to stick it to the Bush family.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
          So...all of that to say you favor one form of left wing fascist socialism over another? How droll.
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 8 years, 10 months ago
            Your response was aimed to make my position look weak by using insulting prose. Whether you like it or not, that was Trump-like behavior. I'm just being realistic. I have always liked Alpha-males. It's only normal that I would make an argument for one. I'm not going to fight my own instincts. That's not rational. Possibly, I could be described a bit of a fascist. Not left-leaning though. ;)
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
              or it was a wake up call. or aimed generally at Trumpeters....but in this case it hit a fairly presented target so school begins

              Instinct was replaced by reason for humankind and possibly some forms of animals.

              Who says I can't use the tactics of the left to demonstrate points?

              Instinct is a euphemism for emotion. we don't deal with emotion in addressing reality. That's for TV shows


              Fascism as political party is left of center also known as National Socialism.

              fascism as a tool of the left means complete control by any and all means

              State Economics AKA Fascist Economics is defined as Marxist Economics with a very thin patina of Capitalism

              Complete fascism is common with National and International Socialists. It's there primary tool for existence. All leftist

              What's the difference in degree?

              Income Tax versus Gas Chambers?

              That works.

              The Center of the left was proclaimed by Socialists but even national socialism is to the left of that center. RINOS and socialist corporatist looters are left of their center.

              The Center of of political discourse in the USA used to be The Constitution until Socialism moved it and began re training and re defining

              Now it's the part of the Patriot Act which says arrest for suspicion of or suspicion of contributing to terrorism. with complete suspension of civil rights is OK. Not quite concentration camps though they have been talked about but a lot worse than income tax.

              if you are a bit of a fascist you are a leftist...

              the rest is as Nuremberg Defense.

              none of that is emotiion, instinct or insulting prose...depending on how you see yourself

              it's just facts

              Nuremberg Defense is voluntary admission of guilt with a request for clemency

              Class is out for the day which means Trumpeters and Clintonites

              PS the attitude expressed defended Bubba Cute Butt Clinton and turned agains their violated sisters. by who...NOW for one.
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              • Posted by $ Mimi 8 years, 10 months ago
                You are so over-thinking this. When I say that I can be a bit of a fascist and not left-leaning don't get it into your pretty little head that you can argue with me. I know myself much better than you do.

                It was more of a tongue and cheek remark because I do like the concept of 'the trains running on time'. but Lordy, Lordy, hallelujah -- without the PC police involved.
                I may not vote for Trump; I like the idea of voting for him...I'm heading in that direction but there isn't anyone else that can get my vote if I reevaluate all the negatives going forward.

                This is properly the first time in history that a former Presidential candidate who lost his race led to the defeat of the front-runner for his party in a following election. That is if Mitt Romney has his way.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 8 years, 10 months ago
    Trump says what many want to hear but be careful that you don't wind up on his enemies list. It can be hazardous to your health. In that sense he is disturbingly like the Clinton's.
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    • Posted by Bethesda-gal 8 years, 10 months ago
      Trump is not my first choice, but what proof do you have that he is remotely like the Clinton's in the way you allude ? The Clintons are underhanded and scofflaws however and wherever they are able to be, but I've not seen/ heard of Trump breaking any laws. To my knowledge he uses laws to work for him to the fullest extent he is able, but not to break them, especially to the point of taking people out or ruining their lives like the Clintons have repeatedly been accused of. What news about Trump have I overlooked ?
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 10 months ago
        Here are a few policies Trump supports which you may not be aware of:

        1. Higher taxes. Trump openly has called for higher taxes on those in higher tax brackets.
        2. Government-run healthcare. Trump speaks out both sides of his mouth when he rails on Obamacare because his next statement is that he still supports socialized-medicine - just not the same way as Obamacare. That's the liberal's typical MO: "well HIS version of it of course was never going to work but MINE will." It's narcissism.
        3. Government taking lands from individuals for crony supporters. It's how Trump has built several of his casinos. Trump LOVES eminent domain abuse and has stated that he would absolutely use it as President.
        4. Increased government spending. You won't hear a thing from Trump about balancing the budget or about trimming welfare programs.

        Yes, Trump talks big on the Second Amendment and on the Border, but I can't support someone on the basis of those two ideas alone.
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      • Posted by term2 8 years, 10 months ago
        I agree with you. I would much rather trumps style than the lying and hiding of the clintons.
        At least sanders is right out there telling us he will change the laws to enable him to steal more from us and funds his Venezuelan wacko programs
        Cruz is a religious zealot into dirty tricks to win votes
        Rubio is just too fast talking and slick for me. I bet there is something hidden in his religious zealotry we haven't heard about yet
        The others aren't electable at sll
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      • Posted by ewv 8 years, 10 months ago
        "Using" laws to "work for him" without regard for rights of the individual is crony fascism. He isn't the dedicated ideological socialist the Clintons are but has supported them and will "deal" with anyone for anything at your expense. As statism progresses, everything the government does is in accordance with "law".
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        • Posted by Bethesda-gal 8 years, 10 months ago
          So there should not be any laws ? Trump claims to offer very fair wages and benefits. Is that not value for value which is in accordance with the rights of the individual ?
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          • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 10 months ago
            No, 'change them' does not mean or even imply 'eliminate them.'
            And I keep asking... has Trump BROKEN ANY laws that the Congress has enacted? Likely not, unlike the Clintons.
            I STILL have a self-identifying conservative libertarian friend who admits to working the minimal amount of time to qualify for government benefits, insurance, pension, etc... working 3-4 months of the year at the IRS!
            The rules are clear and he's taking advantage of 'em.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago
              Neither did Hitler nor Stalin...It doesn't make him any less a left wing socialist corporatist fascist looter when adding in his faction of socialism along with the statists make the laws to suit themselves.

              Seig me no heils comrade i do not serve the party
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 10 months ago
    You got that right.
    No underlying principles other than do what ever it takes to succeed, no matter the consequence, no matter what or whom it harms.

    That is the exact opposite of a creator of Value.
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    • Posted by one4Rush 8 years, 10 months ago
      Thomas Parry Dressler II says However, politics is broken. The 2 major parties are drunk with power and getting rich thru their looting of taxpayer's money. ie;on the backs of the poor. The taxes, regulations, presidential mandates, EPA, and other forms of restrictions are crippling our economy and our freedoms. WHO IS JOHN GALT? I AM and so are plenty of others
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  • Posted by one4Rush 8 years, 10 months ago
    Thomas Parry Dressler II However, politics is broken. The 2 major parties are drunk with power and getting rich thru their looting of taxpayer's money. ie;on the backs of the poor. The taxes, regulations, presidential mandates, EPA, and other forms of restrictions are crippling our economy and our freedoms. WHO IS JOHN GALT? I AM and so are plenty of others
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years, 10 months ago
    Let me ask the question...

    The Dems are in the process of anointing His chosen successor to King Oblameya (of course, criminally tied into the holy dynasty of slime)... And I hear from some people they will NEVER vote for Trump, no matter what...

    Knowing that, given half a chance, the PTB will skew whatever they can hard enough to get Hellary in no matter what, and given the growing possibility of a primary between Trump & Voldemort, er, Clinkton, would you...
    (a) Vote for Clinkton because you want to see Trump burn in hell...
    (b) Vote for Trump because if you don't, we're guaranteed a Hellary/Sanders/Obama dynastic end to America
    (c) Vote for a 3rd party candidate because, even tho they can't win, it is a vote for principle (or it looks good), or
    (d) Shrug the election, and move to Fiji, er, never mind, Vanuat... nope, how about Haiti... er... Shrug somewhere?
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    • Posted by ajsenti 8 years, 10 months ago
      "I love that Trump is disrupting politics. I hate how he’s doing it." So said Ron Fournier of the http://Atlantic.com to echo my sentiments. Will the perspective prevail once elected? That's the question. Where is the action plan beyond position to dispose of perhaps 30mio illegals? Will we only know it after its passed?
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  • Posted by one4Rush 8 years, 10 months ago
    Trump is, unfortunately, the best of the bums. The voters get what they wish for.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 10 months ago
      He tells it like it is. He isn't politically correct. He doesn't give us teleprompter delivered speeches. He says the things that we have been wanting from politicians. The liberal media hates him. The establishment politicians hate him. And he is the one who has the best chance to defeat Hillary for good
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