"Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver." - Ayn Rand

Posted by GaltsGulch 9 years ago to The Gulch: General
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"Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver." - Ayn Rand

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years ago
    Just like the 'gun', a car, religious teachings or money...it's all in how and individual uses it, like she said...depends upon whom is driving, teaching carrying or investing.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years ago
    I have used this quote many times. I couple it to "A fringe benefit of success is money."
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      Yet money is only that which you need to exist today. Anything extra is wealth. Don't you feel better now. If you have a dime in your pocket as you go to bed ...you are wealthy

      It's all relative - in the end it matters nought.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years ago
        When I first went into business, a mentor said to me that if I was a penny in debt at the end of the month, I was a failure, but if I was a penny ahead, I was a success. Pretty good attitude, I thought.
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        • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years ago
          When I was starting I told employees that the guy on the street corner selling oranges who went home with money in his pocket at the end of the day was a successful businessman and the man behind the big desk with the thousand dollar suit whose company was losing money wasn't.

          I wanted to emphasize reality over appearance because many people want to take on the appearance of doing things how "successful business does" not focusing on actual business success.
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  • Posted by jetgraphics 9 years ago
    As most readers of "Atlas Shrugged" know, Rand believed in 'hard money.' (Gold coin)
    But such a belief is madness.
    It is an impossible expectation for the growth in gold bullion to track with the growth in population, let alone the increased output generated via tools and machines and automation.

    In the dim past, with much smaller populations, gold and other precious metals were touted as the remedy by the masters of money madness.

    But today, the world's population versus the gold bullion exposes that madness.
    (7 billion people versus 5.6 billion ounces of gold - do the math)

    What usually happens, is that the DEMAND for scarce money feeds the coffers of the usurers who loan or merely extend credit (payable in real money), while ignoring the fact that usury is mathematically unsustainable in a finite money token system. Inevitably a portion of debtors default, simply because there is never ENOUGH money to pay all outstanding debt. So the usurers (so called "capitalists") get to legally rob the sheeple of their property.
    (Do some "future worth" calculations - verify how quickly aggregate usury can generate a debt greater than all existing money.)
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  • -1
    Posted by jetgraphics 9 years ago
    Another dead wrong statement.
    Money is a tool to FOOL. Those who know this get rich at the expense of the fools.
    . . .
    There is no correlation between a finite, scarce precious metal coinage and the dynamic marketplace of goods and services.

    And the scarcity of money insures high demand for credit, extended at usury (another abomination).

    And usury is mathematically unsustainable in a finite money token system. This is due to the exponential equation used to calculate compound interest. . . requiring an infinite supply to support any long term usury. Since that is impossible, it is inevitable that eCONomies go through booms and busts, as the losers are deprived of their pledged collateral.

    Contrary to the eCONomists' claim that "inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods," since 1933, there has been no money, only debt-credit in circulation, and even that is too little.

    But you can't persuade the money mad to give up their madness.

    Q: How much U.S. currency is in circulation?
    A: There was approximately $1.39 trillion in circulation as of September 30, 2015, of which $1.34 trillion was in Federal Reserve notes.
    ● per capita share of “dollar bills” is $4,158.76

    ● 2015 Federal Budget $3.58 trillion (expenditures)
    ● 2015 Federal Deficit $ 438.9 billion (borrowed)
    ● . . . versus . . .
    ● $1.34 trillion in circulation.

    Isn't it odd that the government can spend $3.58 T with only $1.35 T in circulation...
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years ago
      Old dino respectfully begs to differ.
      Money is a tool to do all kinds kinds of things good, bad.and neither.
      What charlatan Big Brother does with make believe money is not the same thing.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
        Ahhh but now you get to the nub and center of the problem. There is nothing to back up the money. Not the national economy, there is no faith and no credit. There is only the fear of the system collapsing completely. Which it did to the tune of 1/3rd in 2008. Debt repudiation when the government refused to replace their devaluation of our buying power with a fair COLA.
        The second round is upon us as the bills come due for the first round. Another trillion in debt? inflation again? devaluation again? more repudiation of debt to we the people again?
        how many losses in value can your retirement fund suffer. What IS the net domestic product after subtracting debt service without paying debt principle and adding increased debt?

        Fear Standard ....what Dino said in two words. The Emperor has no clothes. But I have 20 years to go...and live month to month. and in fear.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
          Addendum what is money?

          any acceptable medium of exchange for present need or storage against future need

          Not just paper currency it includes checks and other forms of paper and it includes a lot magnetic plus and minus signs. The important part is the value of money and it's abilty to retain value. Excuse me I have to go to Tru-Valu and buy an electronic wheel barrow.
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      • Posted by jetgraphics 9 years ago
        Money madness is the belief that money (wealth) is more real and valuable than reality (goods and services aka prosperity). The "system" that teaches people to "make money," and not think in terms of doing more with less so more can enjoy, is why we have "get rich schemes," gamblers, and crime. Hoarding wealth (money) that should be kept in circulation, facilitating trade, is why things are so insane. Despite economists repeatedly stating "inflation is too much money chasing too few goods," everyone with half a brain knows that unmet need, unemployment and closed factories is due to not ENOUGH money.

        But the fundamental concept of money is flawed.
        Remember, the function of money is to be a means to "pass value" to a future trade when barter is insufficient.
        Yet when the final trade is complete, the money still exists. . . so it still has value.

        Imagine if you tendered a coupon for a "free" burger, and when you got the burger, the coupon still was worth one free burger. Or you wrote a check and when cashed, the check still had value. WHOA. That's the INSANITY of money. It exists AFTER it supposedly passed value. There is no correlation between the volume and value of the money token system and the dynamic marketplace of goods and services.

        Thanks to that insanity, and scarcity, the usurers have been plundering mankind for over 3500 years.
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        • Posted by menathan 9 years ago
          Money is simply a medium for exchange. Effectively it is a promissory note. Yes it has been corrupted by charlatans Big Brother etc, but it is still easier to use than barter. Yes there is some Money Madness, but hoarding of wealth is not constrained to currencies.Yes there is a degree of currency manipulation. The gold standard at least kept the swindle level down..We can beat what the system teaches, if we teach our kids. Read Wise T. Owl's Story of Money http://www.wiseowlstorybooks.com.au/b...
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          • -1
            Posted by jetgraphics 9 years ago
            Money is a Big CON.
            If you’ve ever been told, “Money is how we keep track of trade and accounts,” it’s a big lie.
            Money or the need for money is how THEY keep us in chains.

            Let me illustrate the LIE in “money is how we measure in economics.”

            A measurement is a unit that one compares something to.
            A meter is a unit of length.
            A gram is a unit of mass.
            Money is a measure of -what-?
            Gold? Based on all the gold in the world, if coined, is only $16 per capita. (112 billion dollars)

            YET, we are told that despite only 1.3 trillion dollar bills in circulation, there is outstanding debt of 18+ trillion (public) and 145.8 trillion (private), and a net worth of 123.8 trillion.
            Added to that nonsense, there are people blithely claiming that asteroids have minerals worth trillions and quadrillions of “dollars” (that do not exist).
            You cannot accurately measure when the “yardstick” is not long enough.

            You cannot make a subset of a set (i.e. gold) into a medium of exchange for the whole set. For there is no one-to-one correspondence. No equitable trade possible. It’s a TRAP we all fall for.

            We are IDIOTS to presume that money tokens have intrinsic worth and thus constrain trade to them.

            Remember, BARTER is infinite, not constrained by money. Whereas, the whole sum of money constrains trade. That scarcity and need enriches usurers and plagues all mankind, slaves to the madness of money.

            Contrary to widespread indoctrination, money is not prosperity, and poverty is not caused by a lack of money. If money was the cure for poverty, simply crediting everyone with 22 billion billion quatloos would eliminate the “need” for money, ever again. Wealth equality! But if no one “needs” money, who will labor, sweat, work, manufacture, transport, and trade? Obviously, our society is corrupted by the “need” for money - deliberately controlled in value and volume - that strangles trade by its scarcity.

            Our civilization must GROW beyond the madness of "needing money" to facilitate trade and generate prosperity.

            We must realize that we all must work, trade equitably and contribute because that is what CIVILIZED PEOPLES do.
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            • Posted by jetgraphics 9 years ago
              Do you really trust a government to :
              (a) control the emission / creation of a medium of exchange
              (b) spend it into circulation, and
              (c) not rob the people blind?
              . . .
              The Founders didn’t.
              Congress has no power to create money. It can coin money (stamp bullion) or borrow money. It can’t create it, nor give that power to anyone else.
              . . .
              What you may not realize is that we’ve been living under a perpetual STATE OF EMERGENCY due to the confiscation of all lawful money in 1933.

              Anything past that year qualifies under “Twilight Zone” logic.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
          wealth is what we have after current need and set aside for future needs. For most the needs are absolute, retirement, medical, education of children, increased inflationary costs, increased taxes balanced against decreased income. for some their is a blanket or a buffer yet all of it is earned with a purpose in mind for a need that we wish to take care of ourselves. It is not wealth in the sense of Scrooge McDucks swimming pool full of cash. it is not available to be ripped off by anyone especially government and spent on those who failed to provide for themselves. Yet one third of it is gone and another third is coming up due for a second bloodletting in the ranks of the elderly and retired. Wealth? Not really it is survival money set aside primarily to fend off the depredations of an uncaring government ....that we elected.
          What fools we mortals be?
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      Not really... You aren't counting money in the most common form of magnetic digits and other forms of currency.
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      • Posted by jetgraphics 9 years ago
        What most consider to be money (worthless securities - paper notes) is not really money pursuant to law.
        . . . .
        REAL MONEY - Money which has real metallic, intrinsic value as distinguished from paper currency, checks and drafts.
        - - - Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Ed. p. 1264

        MONEY - In usual and ordinary acceptation it means coins and paper currency used as a circulating medium of exchange, and does not embrace notes, bonds, evidences of debt, or other personal or real estate. Lane v. Railey, 280 Ky. 319, 133 S.W. 2d 74, 79, 81.
        - - - Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Ed. p. 1005

        NOTE - An instrument containing an express and absolute promise of signer (i.e. maker) to pay to a specified person or order, or bearer, a definite sum of money at a specified time. An instrument that is a promise to pay other than a certificate of deposit. U.C.C. 3-104(2)(d)
        - - - Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Ed. p. 1060

        FYI: CONgress repudiated redeeming their notes in House Joint Resolution 192, June 1933, and later, again, in the Gold Reserve Act of 1934. In short Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are worthless IOUs - bad checks kited by a bankrupt CONgress.

        TENDER - An offer of money ... Legal tender is that kind of coin, money, or circulating medium which the law compels a creditor to accept in payment of his debt, when tendered by the debtor in the right amount.
        - - - Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Ed. p. 1467

        Note: FRNs are legal tender on the obligated party of those notes - the Federal government. . . AND the 320 million enumerated socialists. See: "Contribution" and Title 12 USC Sec. 411.

        "Federal reserve notes are legal tender in absence of objection thereto."
        MacLeod v. Hoover (1925) 159 La 244, 105 So. 305

        All duly enumerated American socialists cannot object to the tender of the notes that THEY are obligated parties to. (thanks to FICA)


        ● Lawful money = gold / silver coin (aka real money)
        ● Money = lawful money or currency (i.e., certificates which are receipts for real money in the vault)
        ● Notes are not money, by law, nor are they “fiat” because they’re debt (negative value)
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