Trump fever explained
Ann Coulter does the best job which I've seen so far
at explaining how our angry populace views The Donald.
read at your own peril, or to your own delight. -- j
at explaining how our angry populace views The Donald.
read at your own peril, or to your own delight. -- j
Bernie is just an addled old 60's liberal that never got over the impossible dream.
Trump is a bit more complicated. For someone that has enjoyed such spectacular success he is oddly insecure. This insecurity is revealed in his unusually thin skin and his tendency to pursue vindictive reprisals against anyone that challenges him.
Both are dangerous.
Trump is the centralized power, dictatorial "man on a white horse" promising to "lead" to "greatness" with his own Pragmatic "deals" for anything and everything. Sanders is an out of the closet, open socialist (not a "1960s liberal") promising to use government power to control and take far more than it is now as a matter of openly collectivist ideology, submission to it being claimed to be for our benefit. Neither one has any concern for the rights of individuals to be sacrificed to their grand vision.
This isn't more of the same. It's the expected progression of even worse unlimited government power wielded by a self-appointed elite.
People are reacting to Trump and Sanders based on the values they hold and don't hold.
if you could appoint someone. -- j
George and Tom would be good but they term-limited out a while back.
The problem today isn't picking an ideal president. It's finding who could and would want to do the most to protect the rights of the individual and re-establish limitations on government powers, who could explain it well enough to be elected, and who would be willing to tolerate the job under today's conditions. The problem of bad political philosophy entrenched in government and culturally supported is much broader than picking a president.
on the u.s. and expect that another revolution in
the society will be required to fix this situation.......
am I close? -- j
got to keep the terms accurate and stay focused
without that it will be a fourth revolution that we don't want.
for you start with an empty sheet of paper and it will be written by the winners ...
In spite of being labeled, "Homo sapiens", we are not a wise species. I think that the root of the reason of Trump's popularity is that we have been scammed year after year by the same salesmen dressed in the same suits, saying the same things. Now Trump comes along (and Bernie too) and they are saying different things in different ways. We cynically suspect that 'they' might be crooks too, but their presence give us an opportunity: We can now lash out at all the people who scammed us in the past. Not the other current candidates, not the other party, but the structures who hand-served us the people we voted for and who fooled us time after time in the past.
I believe that it is anger against past betrayals that is fueling the popularity of Trump (and Bernie). We can acknowledge that Trump (&B) will probably just scam us again - but for the moment, we can destroy the pre-arranged political candidates (Clinton & Bush) and hurt the structures that have been manipulating us.
It is like firebombing a house where a heinous crime was committed: the house represents the crime. We have two candidates who are 'firebombs' looked at aghast by the Repub and Democ machines. People are flocking to those candidates so that our anger against the machines can lash out.
ultimate virtue of changing from the old political
machinery to something genuinely new, like Dr. Paul
or Gary Johnson. . they can, however, react and try
to force change. . likely in the wrong direction. -- j
p.s. I believe that the combination of no jobs and
student debt is causing Bernie's popularity.
fiscal responsibility, etc. without delivering. . ptui. -- j
Trump may not be our best choice but I believe he will atleast increase the jobs market. If he is the candidate, we unfortunately vote for him enmass because we (the USA) can't afford 4 or more years of progressive/liberal policies let alone the fact that the Senate cannot then stop another liberal Supreme Court Justice. That would surely flush our Constitution down the toilet!!!!
Secondly, I would ask why you would think Trump would do so many of the bad things, and NONE of the good things that we need? Hillary and Sanders are actually promising to do ALL those bad things and NONE of the good things.
specifics re: "Making America Great Again" -
Why hasn't he explained how HE alone will
make all this 'greatness' happen? Pshaw!!!
At present, only Gary Johnson deserves any thinking person's vote for president.
You don't become a billionaire by dumb luck. Trump got started from a loan (not a gift) he got from his father, and parlayed that by learning how to convince people his offers were a win-win. Does he know how to twist an arm when necessary to get what he wants? Without a doubt, but then the Washington political game isn't for the meek.
Like you I live in the real world, rather than the philosophical. I don't want Gary Johnson as President, for one big reason: I wouldn't trust his choices for supreme court justices. I'm sure that position will trigger lots of responses, and I look forward to the exchange.
Good people must take a stand on principle regardless of the current "reality." If the founders of the States united had done as you recommend when their "reality" looked grim, America would never have existed and we would be having this conversation using snail mail instead of the internet.
That comment on Johnson is nothing more than fear mongering and its not what I would have expected of you, DrZ.
At the time of Rand's comments (early 70s) Johnson was 18 years old and just starting college.
How about objective analysis?
Pardon me, if I have misunderstood your reply.
Just searching on Gary Johnson gets 210 million results, but on the first page:
I have not read or vetted these sites. they could be positive or negative on the issues that matter to you.
Be careful what you wish for.
No ethical candidate has a chance to win if people vote based on fear and not based on principle. You can see the result of this in the past 30 years of conservatives giving the GOP chance after insane chance to defend liberty against the looting of the Democrats. But the GOP has a different agenda than the promises they always break. If Trump becomes the GOP candidate he will be no different. he will deliver the lies with a big flourish (like Make America Great Again) but he will deliver betrayal.
Stop being a pawn and vote based on principle.
Under the Constitution the government was meant to be mainly an overall protective organization and not much more. As Franklin put it that they needed to "Hang together or they'd all hang separately." Instead even those who claim to espouse what the Constitution stands for automatically go along with meanings and attributions never intended by the founders.
Other than that, I think you're right. If Trump gets the most powerful office in the world, based on past performance, he may well become a not-so benevolent dictator.
Btw I am not excusing trumps lack of philosophical consistency. It is what it is. 4 yrs of trump I think will be less than 4 yrs of any of the electable rival candidates
I think his ideas could be nearly a majority if there some system like IRV that would keep people from feeling like they were throwing away their vote. "Social liberal / fiscal conservative" is almost a cliche. I think this is a libertarian country. We don't like sending nearly half our money to the gov't and then getting it back in a hodgepodge of programs.
folks to sloth and pretend to replace the man of the
family, leading to social disintegration. -- j
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
effective, rather than just peeing upwind. -- j
We each must decide the best way to accomplish this, but voting based on principle instead of based on fear must be paramount. Choosing carefully to support only those who also support liberty and free markets could also be a priority. Those who support statist activities are the enemy and they do not deserve our patronage. The movie and tv business in particular are philosophically biased toward the state and have very effectively re-educated the public to accept the unacceptable. Public education should be exposed as the propaganda machine it is. People must use the bias argument against the local eductaion establishment if there is to be a fair chance for rational ideas to be taught.
Trump when he wont/can't put his money
where his mouth is. Stop with the boring bom-
bast and give us "just the facts"
The hatred for Trump on this forum is really a mystery to me. Next to Gary Johnson and Rand Paul, both of whom are totally unelectable in this political culture, Trump is the next best candidate. AND WE WILL GET EITHER TRUMP OR HILLARY/SANDERS.
Marla,too, eons ago in his NJ casino and
found him to be a fun=guy, pleasant, etc.
Still think it's time he began making with the
specifics re: his promises to make
American great again. Those promises
sound tooooo good to come true!!!
We should be so lucky!!!
Trump would meet with putin, and both would plainly state what we want, and then a deal would be made which would let both of us prosper.
It wont be Trump that makes America Great Again anyway. Its US who will do that once we are freed from the shackles of government. I think Trump understands that, as opposed to Hillary/Sanders who thinks government will make the country grow (which it really cant)
electable because of "his negatives" -- the "I would
never vote for" polls and the like. . I doubt their numbers
and think that he would trounce Hillary Diane. -- j
trust Trump to do what he says he will? Why
doesn't he put his money where his mouth is?
Put up or shut up. Stop the boring bombast and give us "just the facts, man."
be a video, and not a silent one, either; and I have
had too much trouble in this library trying to get
headphones to work properly with the machines. So
I usually just don't watch videos.
Trump's appeal seems to be to people who
want to put emotion over reason.
7.) Anger at the Republican Party for betraying the voters that voted for them in the largest Republican victory in 150 years.
If every 2 years Republicans vote for Republican candidates, and the vast, vast majority of them turn right around and side with the Democrats, why should we do it again?
No real Trump Supporter believes or claims that he's a conservative (and I am one). It's just that after 8 years, 4 election cycles, of getting stabbed in the back every damned time, we're not going to do it again.
So as it sits now ...we have two leftist looters arrayed against one leftist moocher. Close to half the electorate has no representation at all and the polls are rigged to keep it that way. Small wonder a revolt or to be more accurate a counter revolution is taking place.against this charade.
The point is if you feel as jsw2225 proclaims then why are you settling for some more servings of the same left wing fascist menu? Sanders, Clinton and Trump all together do not represent the United States of America. Except in the minds of leftist propagandists and pimps.
Why do I see the RINOS are left of center? Because they believe firmly in government control of citizens instead of citizens controlling government. The are not Constitutionalists and support fascism s theri vote showed on Dec. 31.
got anything substantive or is this just a plea for votes for another left wing socalist corporatist/statist looter?
Cruz turns his back on the Rinos and brings in the 46% disencranchised and one way to do that , one mind you one, is pick Webb for VP.
Continue to build the strength of the 46% who refruse play in a rigged game
third would be support the military in carrying out their oath of office
fourth doesn't bear mentioning...
the fourth is a simple change vowels
ballots drop a and o insert u and e.
But they all get lumped into one category and treated as one disease by the pundits. It's a way of further marginalizing those who have been driven out and those who refuse to play in a rigged game where the only way to win is don't play.
So for those of us in the 46% and growing category some did remember you
Don't flush your vote in the left wing out house give it purpose
No big mysteriy the pundits are left wing propagandists and pimps same as ever was.
clothes washer on rinse. . an honest pundit would
say that the combination of influences this year is
so new that prediction is impossible. -- j
first-level statement, "Donald Trump says the things
that we are already feeling as citizens." -- j
has passed. . the upvotes are so much more fun! -- j
Trump is in fact whether he knows it or not, whether he cares or not a left wing socialist corporatist slash statist and an outsider which makes him very liberal by strict definiiton. Short version a looter.
Remember.. I use real definitions not those of the corpus puerile or PC nor those of the left itself. it's easier to breathe without their enslaving chains and besides I don't like those with their nose in the air and still running over with s'not-hing useful.
the right hand side bar column is now woefully behind the left hand main post column....apropos of nothing whatsoever except it makes it hard to address such fine statements and thank you it is one of my finest as Wicked Witch of the Left which gave still birth to WwOTL or waddle..and it's sister the Wicked Witch of the West who of coursde is Miss Lube Job of 1955 or whatever Comrade Nancy 'Call me Benita' Pelosillyni.
I can support that.... What else are we missing that valid.
If the S.C. folk are an indication he will win regardless who the demos put out there.
So time as always will tell.
Apple 'cooperate' with circumventing encryption", "send immigrants through the back door but let the illegals turn around and come back in the front", "make Deals" and make "the country great" -- any deal for anything sacrificing anyone to any "deal" in fascistic nationalism.
The Trump supporters are susceptible to the part of his demagoguery they find appealing, ignoring the rest, ignoring that even what they like is a contradiction of what he said the day before or the year before, ignoring the destruction of pragmatic strong arm ideology, and not asking questions so as to not rock the boat. What are they counting on?
The election is not about the job being vacant for 20 years or about what we want. It's about which of very few alternatives we will be subjected to and which might be the least harmful in what way under which policies.
If the presidency were vacant for 20 years we would only be subjected to the rule of the whims of the Federal agencies already entrenched, much of which doesn't change because of who is president and some of which becomes worse to varying degrees, and a military run by competing generals with no one in charge. The problems in this country are a lot more fundamental than imagining keeping another bad president out of office for 20 years.
and not it's not a damn racist remark get over yourself