Now I know why NOT to vote for Trump

Posted by strugatsky 9 years ago to Politics
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I was drawn to Trump for various reasons – his boldness, anti-political correctness, his recognition of real problems and not being afraid of talking about them in real terms. Much of what he said has been twisted by the media and made appear crude, insensitive, even illegal, but the media is very good at that… So, none of those issues bothered me at all, in fact, I was glad that he brought them up and I agree with many of them. But I also recognized that he is “loose cannon” and difficult to predict. He had the potential for much needed changes and for going off the constitutional path altogether. Yet, recognizing that essentially staying on the course of the past 30 or 40 years, were bound to fail, and fail big. However, the eye-opener was the debate in South Carolina, when the moderator pressed Trump to explain his often made claim that he plans to “make America great again” – as to, specifically, how? Trump answered that he would prevent US corporations from shipping jobs overseas by enacting (in proposed cooperation with Congress) a punitive tax (or tariff) on them of, say, extra 35%. So, instead of creating favorable conditions for the businesses (and individuals) by lowering taxes and eliminating frivolous regulations, Trumps proposed to be an American Hugo Chavez. One would think that he was reading Directive 10-289! And we all know how well this Directive has worked in Venezuela and how well it is working in Russia. So, this was my eye-opener. And a special thanks to Freedom for pointing at Gary Johnson – if Trump does indeed gets the nomination, I am definitely voting for Johnson.

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  • 11
    Posted by $ SarahMontalbano 9 years ago
    Trump talking "real" is refreshing, but when I actually listen to what he says, I cannot support him. That bit from the Saturday debate was one bit of many unsettling things I've heard. Although he's probably not the worst candidate. Thanks to the Gulch, I would vote for Gary Johnson, if I were allowed to.
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    • 13
      Posted by 9 years ago
      Cruz is the closest to a Constitutionalist on that stage, but too heavy on religion for my taste (still, probably the best of that bunch); Rubio sounds like a broken record with the same talking points; Carson, with all my respect for him, does not have a good knowledge of the world around him and, from several things that he had said earlier, appears to be very uneducated (outside of medicine, of course, but we're not looking for a witch doctor...); Kasitch needs to be on the other stage, right between Hillary and Bernie. Johnson is looking better all the time...
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years ago
        (I am against all forms of mysticism - even thought I am beginning to understand the bicameral message and it all relates quantumly)...But
        Given the choice of a man guided by the christian religion, and a man not guided by anything at all, diametrically opposed 180°...I'd choose a christian man any day of the week.
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        • Posted by 9 years ago
          I'm not quite sure how to interpret your comment. Everyone is guided by something. But, what does it mean to be "guided by the christian religion"? Does it mean justifying any act with one's interpretation of the scripture or does it mean that whatever one does, it's quite fine because the angels said so? And it could very well be the best, most pious and unselfish guidance that leads to a disastrous result. All I'm saying is that this a dangerous path.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years ago
            No, not by justification...but doing the honest thing because of an ultimate accountability, whether that be mystically derived or quantumly understood. (angels? Interpretation? - Silly, actually very few are bicameral in that way. Cruz may express it that way but he is far from bicameral...he is conscious and extraordinarily integrated as many are )
            There are far to many in the anti civilized world that believe there is no basic right or wrong, doesn't matter one way or another...their desired ends justifies the means to that end.
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            • Posted by 9 years ago
              I am not saying that Christian values are not good; what I am saying is that not good values could very well be justified as Christian. Professing to believe in good does not necessarily equates to doing good.
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years ago
                Your describing creatures like the pope...now that's dangerous. I get what your saying.
                Our constitution was solely based on the teachings and lessons learned, not upon the mysticism's or the organization of them...Thomas Jefferson would be a good example of this.
                Cruz is staunchly constitutional...rule of law, with temperance. The others either are ignorant or out right reject it...we've got to go with principles.
                I like Gary also, he's clearly guided by reason and constitutional principals also...but what chance do we have of getting everyone on board. True, a significant vote for him may make a statement, but at what cost? I'd rather take at least a baby step in the right direction than lose our restoration all together...just my thoughts thus far.
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                • Posted by 9 years ago
                  Cruz is an acceptable compromise - religious, but tempered by his adherence to the Constitution. Carson is perhaps close, but he is really uneducated. Bush and Kasitch are both socialists; why even pretend otherwise?
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
                    There is no such thing as an acceptable compromise...Give it's true name. It is accepting one of two wrong answers and doing so knowingly.

                    The rest is only justifying supporting a wrong answer and asking for acceptance of that personal decision.

                    Heal thyself....I shall not grant absolution for I cannot only you can do that...assuming you are acting independently...

                    If not there was already another wrong answer involved as you gave up the right to independent thought, reason and freedom.

                    You must confront what you see as you face Dorian. On your own.
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
                  turn to ward the constitution. take two baby steps steps forward and three steps back and three giant steps back.. It's not the direction up facing.. it's the direction you take to wave goodbye.
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              • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years ago
                I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. In my religion I have:

                1) Harry Reid - Do not see how he practices the same religion I do.
                2) Mitt Romney - While I disagree with much of what he says, I can see where he is coming from.
                3) Glenn Beck - Pretty close to myself.

                Each of those three interprets the same religion very differently. Religion, even a zealot, is not something I measure a person by.

                What are there principles and values based off the record we can see and what they say?

                If they are a Atheist Zealot that goes around suing people and attempting to use the courts to break the first amendment, I am not interested in them. That Atheist falls in the same camp as Harry Reid as far as I am concerned.

                I do not worry about what religion a person is, but what principles they espouse. Cruz is an original intent constitutionalist based on his past behavior and speech.

                As far as religion goes, I think "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" is pretty clear and its walked over in many ways today.

                Unless I run I will never see a candidate I agree with everything on. If I did Its a dam near sure sign that I am not using my mind. Rejecting a candidate because he is whatever form of Christianity Cruz is is foolish, just as foolish as rejecting someone because they are atheist.

                I look at what the person does and says and back them up on that alone, or choose not to.
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                • Posted by 9 years ago
                  I don't know anything about Cruz except what he made available for public consumption. Now, let's take this flaming example - abortion. Cruz is quite clear that he is against abortions, based on his religious beliefs. However, the Constitution is quite clear (in my mind) that the Federal government has no say in the matter. So, which way will Cruz act?
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                  • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years ago
                    There are two issues most people will disagree with Cruz on in this place. You are hitting on one of them.

                    His value, does not matter where it comes from, is that life begins at conception and abortion is murder. I happen to share that value as well.

                    He and I differ in that I do not think the government, federal or state, should govern murder in this area because it cannot be proven that life begins at conception. It is belief based and thereby restricted (1st amendment, no law governing religion) from being governed by the fed (my interpretation, not Cruz's) and while not expressly against the constitution states should also stay out of that one. I include doctors choice to perform the abortion or not as well. Pro choicers that want to force doctors to perform them really get under my skin. If you believe in freedom to choose, it must work both ways.

                    Lets look at some things he has done I do like and that I think you will like.
                    1) Subsidies. While campaigning in Iowa people asked him his stance on corn subsidies. He did not pander and said very directly that he was in favor of removing all subsidies, corn and bio-fuel subsidies included. I thought it would cost him the win there, it did not. I am particularly impressed that he held to his position when it would not be popular or prudent politically.

                    2) EPA, he has said that he would remove the EPA and leave that role to the states

                    3) Federal divisions created by executive order. He has said that he would reverse federal departments created by executive order, they are unconstitutional as congress would need to approve the creation of new federal departments, and in many cases it may require an ammendment to form the organization. I have never found something more specific on this.

                    3) 10% flat tax that he has proposed in the senate, and stated he would push as president. He has also stated that it can be paid for by increased commerce brought about by it, and by the removal of regulations which cost business and government billions each year. He has not specified what regulation.

                    4) Immigration. He added an amendment to the big 8 bill that poison pilled it. Basically they kept saying it was not about citizenship, so he added an amendment the stated no one could gain citizenship through this bill. It killed the amnesty and citizenship. If not for this we would have 12 million illegals being awarded citizenship right now.

                    5) He is the only standing Senator or Representative who has tried to do everything he ran on to get into the senate. In most cases alone or with one or two other senators/representatives by his side which limited success.

                    I am not without concerns about the guy, but if he did one or more of the first 3 it would be a huge step in the right direction.

                    The biggest fact to me that makes me like him, the GOP is funding two other candidates and running attack adds against him. The DNC also attacks him. When both of them hate you, you are doing something right. Becuase of this I think very unlikely he would get in, but if he did I think we would see a shift in the right direction.

                    Oh and the other thing he is big on is Marriage between a man and a woman. I personally agree with him on this, but do not agree with his approach. Marriage (religious union) and civil union need to be seperate things. Marriages are what churches do, civil unions are legal contracts. This method preserves the rights of the legal contract to everyone (and all documents should read civil union) and allows churches to practice their belief without retribution from the IRS or other through legal channels.

                    I have never seen a candidate I agree with everything on, Cruz is no different, but he is worth looking at as his track record and his work before politics shows him to be an original intent constitutionalist in my opinion.

                    To answer your question cruz will talk about both abortion and gay marriage when appropriate to garner votes. He cannot do either without congress because he wont use executive order to do so. Congress wont back him up and neither will the courts on either, So its a fact that he believes as he does, and also a fact that he cant act on those beliefs.

                    Some of the other things I have listed I think he may be able to act upon
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                    • Posted by 9 years ago
                      Very well laid out - thank you. As I noted earlier, he seems to be the best of the bunch that has a realistic chance of being elected (if elections are still based on votes). No one is perfect, but Cruz's default position seems to be the Constitution - and that's acceptable to me.
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            • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years ago
              Post script: trumpet and obobo are not guided by anything good, neither are they "Christian". Truly they are nothing, true pagan barbaric bicameral s nor are they human in the same sense we are... yet they are the most mystical of all.

              That describes perfectly the general population of the worlds kakistocracies.
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      • Posted by term2 9 years ago
        Cruz is a religious zealot. He actually wanted to kick the gays out of the military again ( for religious reasons no doubt). I am DONE with being regulated by crazy religious tenets. We need separation of church and state finally and for real. Johnson would never be elected, so thats a wasted vote. Trump would never get a 35% tariff passed Congress no matter how much he wanted it. Prices of almost everything would go up immediately and cause a depression as people couldnt afford to pay the american wages. Our small company of 10 people would simply close, as would walmart I suspect.
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        • Posted by 9 years ago
          He is a zealot and that is, of course, very troubling. One can only hope that his adherence to the Constitution will keep him in check. As for Trump, he's always been a loose cannon, but I can see now that he's not a free market oriented loose cannon; more like National Socialist cannon.
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          • Posted by term2 9 years ago
            I suspect that Trump is sending a message to the chinese that they should not be so cocky as they have been. After all, communist chinese are not our "friends". Trump isnt so stupid as to actually press for a tariff which would hurt businesses here a great deal, and overnight.. Congress would never allow it anyway. As for Cruz, I just read an article on Cruz and a bill he is pushing to strip americans of their citizenship- check this out http://theweek.com/articles/604541/aw...
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            • Posted by 9 years ago
              That is a very dangerous bill that Cruz is pushing. I can see it easily turning into the same disaster as the No Fly list, with at least tens of thousands denied rights either because their name sounds like someone else's, or simply because ... no one knows or can explain. And the legitimate benefit? No one knows that either.
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              • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                it bothered me too. One just hopes that you dont wind up on one of these lists, as its very difficult to get off the list once on it. Flying "under the radar" is devinitely a good thing these days. I read this morning that the government is ordering apple to spend its resources to develop a back door to the iphone and then "give it to the government" so they can invade any iphone in the world and get the encripted info on it.

                I think its time to bring Snowden back to the usa and sic him on exposing the NSA on a continuing basis. The government is trying to protect itself from us and have ultimate SS powers.
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        • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years ago
          Trump would be happy to put that Tariff in place by executive order. He has said multiple times that he would use executive order, he would just use it for "good" things.

          I do not need another tyrant of the executive order in office.
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          • Posted by term2 9 years ago
            But Trump is not stupid. He grandstands, but in the end a 35% tariff would cripple our economy within a few months, and he would have to know it.

            Most american companies have transferred their labor intensive operations to china by buying from chinese companies (I know because I have done it). American consumers would never pay for american workers to build the stuff they use- the prices would be too high. They would just tone down their purchases to the really essential things.

            Trump is grandstanding to the chinese to get them to allow OUR items to be sold in china more easily.
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            • Posted by 9 years ago
              Why would Trump be grandstanding to the Chinese while in a fight for his life (ok, future...) on the stage in SC? The world is full of zealots of all kind, who truly believe in the path that they outline for others and those paths have often led to disaster. Even Regan's first term was close to disaster, until he learned and recovered in the second term. With Obama, no discussion is necessary because we all know that his path is purposeful destruction of the US, but Bernie is not an intentional enemy of the country - I think that he does believe that he is doing good - but he's too stupid to understand what his "good" will lead to. Trump never lived in a free market society - not physically, not virtually through education. We can have good reason that he does believe what he is saying, and it's coming from his life-long experience of crony capitalism and mafia-like arm twisting and dealing in Washington and New York.
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              • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                First of all, I am not so sure Bernie is that innocent. Does he not read the news about Venezuela and its socialism? I am on the fence that he is just power hungry and panders to people' desires to get "taken care of". He would do far worse than Madoff in practice, and never actually deliver on his promises any more than Hillary, Obama, or Bush for that matter. Enough on this, however. He is what he is, and at least he is honest about stealing the money tree from your back yard that you have watered and cared for all these years.

                Trump is making a point about how the chinese want to sell to us, but their government tries to prevent their people from buying from us. Its a good point, actually. Free trade would be great on both sides for the people- perhaps not for the governments involved however. He is jockeying for position- a lot better than Nobama did.

                Reagan did only one thing good in my opinion. He stuck to the star wars defense idea and convinced the russians that we were completely protected, all the while being able to launch a first strike against them. Gorbachev was outgunned and basically capitulated. The rest of what Reagan did wasnt good. He was very statist.

                He is brutally honest and not politically correct. Which we need in this country. If everyone said what they thought, things would be a LOT better, and more people would get along in the end I think.

                This has been a very crony capitalistic country for a LONG time, but it isnt talked about very much. Trump was the first I have heard who admitted that he used the various crony laws out there and basically said "if those laws are there, I use them like everyone else. If you dont like the laws get rid of them" (paraphrased) . I thought that was quite a unique thing to say for a politician. Good for him.
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                • Posted by 9 years ago
                  The two last point that you're making - Trump's stand against PC and his pointing out the crony capitalism here - are the issues that I most like about him. He certainly started that dialog.

                  One point that I want to focus on. " Free trade would be great on both sides for the people- perhaps not for the governments involved." Doesn't that mean that our government is the enemy of the people? Certainly not a government of the people for the people...

                  As to Bernie's "innocence" - I have met quite a few delusional people, some of whom are very intelligent in other areas, that have this clinical condition, called socialism. I am not sure if is curable, as some very advanced cases have been known to go their execution proclaiming the virtues of their executioners. It is a very serious condition.
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                  • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                    I think that governments become self-promoters after a short time. They want more power, more money they dont have to actually earn, and more employees (minions). YES, government IS our enemy.

                    People tell me why I feel ok with unlocking the doors at my business at night, but would LOVE to lock them during the day (we sell primarily through the internet and dealers, not walk ins). Thats because over the years we have been stolen from much more by government during the day than any thieves at night.

                    I would love to be a fly on the wall when Bernie has a few drinks and loosens up. Same with Hillary. I remember a few instances when Obama and Bill C didnt realize they were being recorded. Very interesting.

                    I suspect Trump is the same at any time. Very refreshing.
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            • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years ago
              I disagree. Please look at what Trump has done 4 times to pull out bankruptcy. He was willing to barrow junk bonds, after giving his word he would not fund the Tag Mahal (spelling not right) with junk bonds to other lenders and financed the whole thing to point of 1.4 billion dollars which all his lenders lost in his bankruptcy. Why do you think he would do differently with the countrys finances?

              In the 1970s Warren Buffet and Trump both inharited 40 million. Buffet has turned it into 80 billion without a string of bankruptcies where he did not pay his debts. If Trump had simply put the money in a 5% yeild savings account he would have about 3.2 billion today. He claims about 10 billion, far higher Forbes has him at 3.7 billion. He has cost people more than 2 billion in bankruptcies that he never paid back, and stolen billions in subsidies from the government as well. I have not been able to find our how much, so I am guessing.

              That shows the kind of smarts of a big business guy that is in bed with the government to make profit from the favor system, not a business man who has been successful based on accomplsihments.
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              • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                BK laws were put in by voters and politicians, not Trump. A LOT of other people went BK during the last recession. Believe me, I know this living in Las Vegas.
                Buffet is about the only one who turned his inheritance into a real fortune. Most of that fortune will be usurped by our government when he dies anyway, so one could wonder why he did it in the first place..
                I just cant get past the idea that in THIS election, its going to be Sanders or Trump, and I choose Trump to do less damage by FAR than Sanders (or Hillary should she survive to the election)
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  • Posted by dbhalling 9 years ago
    I think that should have been obvious from the beginning. If you examine a candidate's philosophical leanings you will have a much better understanding of what they will really do in office.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      Trump didn't have any philosophy! I think that we were treated to a few months of National Socialism campaigning. Let's hope it doesn't turn into Chancellorship.
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      • Posted by dbhalling 9 years ago
        Everyone has a philosophy even if they do not hold it explicitly. In Trumps case he is a pragmatist - which means he flits from one thing to the next and is just blowing in the political winds.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years ago
    I do not believe any of the candidates for any party is qualified to become president of the USA and for that matter i doubt that there is anyone who has the qualifications. I am in favor of letting the office stay vacant!
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    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years ago
      That would be interesting ;)

      As to being qualified, there is a difference between that and being someone who will bring back Constitutional values, which is what this nation needs.
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  • Posted by bsudell 9 years ago
    The reason that America is so "off track" is because we have NOT been following the Constitution, the actual law of our land. Only one candidate wants to follow it -- Ted Cruz. That is who I will vote for.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years ago
    As a President, Trump would be an effective Real Estate Developer. His stream of consciousness rants illustrates an almost ludicrous lack of knowledge, especially in economics. He may learn on the job, but if he doesn't and continues with his present attitudes and lack of knowledge, I predict a disaster as bad, or possibly worse than Obama. If that's even possible.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      For the next Constitution, I would highly recommend having some verifiable education requirements. Although they must not be from any of the "schools" run by the government. Not passing any blame, but the Framers of the last Constitution never imagined that people, let alone those trying to be elected President, could be so uneducated.
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  • Posted by JCLanier 9 years ago
    Hello Strugatsky:
    I heard Trump's response too, but I did not interpret it as to the exclusion of his first trying to encourage companies to remain in the US by offering various incentives to do so. He has talked about creating these incentives from the beginning of his campaign.

    If you go to his campaign web site you will see some of what Trump is proposing to foster this plan. The following is copied from the Trump Campaign Web Site:

    Business Tax Reform To Encourage Jobs And Spur Economic Growth

    Too many companies – from great American brands to innovative startups – are leaving America, either directly or through corporate inversions. The Democrats want to outlaw inversions, but that will never work. Companies leaving is not the disease, it is the symptom. Politicians in Washington have let America fall from the best corporate tax rate in the industrialized world in the 1980’s (thanks to Ronald Reagan) to the worst rate in the industrialized world. That is unacceptable. Under the Trump plan, America will compete with the world and win by cutting the corporate tax rate to 15%, taking our rate from one of the worst to one of the best.

    This lower tax rate cannot be for big business alone; it needs to help the small businesses that are the true engine of our economy. Right now, freelancers, sole proprietors, unincorporated small businesses and pass-through entities are taxed at the high personal income tax rates. This treatment stifles small businesses. It also stifles tax reform because efforts to reduce loopholes and deductions available to the very rich and special interests end up hitting small businesses and job creators as well. The Trump plan addresses this challenge head on with a new business income tax rate within the personal income tax code that matches the 15% corporate tax rate to help these businesses, entrepreneurs and freelancers grow and prosper.

    These lower rates will provide a tremendous stimulus for the economy – significant GDP growth, a huge number of new jobs and an increase in after-tax wages for workers.

    I understand your comment and his statement Saturday night was unsettling, but I would not go so far as to condemn Trump on just one statement without looking into the whole of the subject. Being the businessman he is he would know that this would, by itself, be political suicide. Trump can be unnerving and alarming in much of how and what he says. I still remain open to the possibility of a Trump nomination, however, it is a roller coaster ride- all the way up and all the way down and all the way up.... wheee what a ride!!!
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      He also said in the same debate that he is not planning on cutting anyone's "entitlements." He spoke in more detail about preserving SS, but he kept stressing "not cutting entitlements." Without a very bold and radical plan of eliminating practically all regulations, which he is not planning on doing, and not eliminating welfare, there will be no incentive for an average perpetually unemployed American to all of a sudden wanting to work and for those that are barely working to all of a sudden desire to be productive employees. Thus, businesses will continue to move overseas where regulations are less and the workforce is willing to work. Then Trump will order Directive 10-289. Hitler, too, did not want to kill the Jews – he offered them passage to any country that would take them. Not one did. So Hitler was “forced” to order his Directive…
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      • Posted by term2 9 years ago
        Trump is a businessman. He would never actually promote a 10-289 solution. That would kill the economy, period, and he knows it.

        I have a 10 person company, and we now buy 3/4 of our raw materials and subassemblies from china for a very simple reason- we would be unable to compete in the marketplace at the prices needed to NOT buy from China. Customers would simply not have the money to spend on our products, and would cut their purchases. We dont make essential products, and customers would simply choose to spend what money they had left on more essential products. Right now, if we show profits over $50,000 we have to pay 35% tax. Why bother at that rate??? Cutting taxes back to 15% would make a big difference to our small company.

        The other candidates are either religious zealots (god only knows what the will do when in office), or they want $12-$15 minimum wages, incredibly higher taxes, 12 weeks paid parental or sickness leave, and other things like that. Any one of those things would bankrupt a LOT of small businesses. Its Trump for me.
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        • Posted by 9 years ago
          On the surface, Trump's promises are good. But not sustainable. One cannot continue with the "entitlements," keep most of the regulations (he's not talking about the repeal of regulations or the closing of the 3-letter agencies), and tremendously improve the economy, even with a moderate tax cut. Especially if he enacts a high tariff. He may carve out a good living for certain industries, but overall, his policy will either lead to a crash or will simply be replaced with something else, and what that else will be is total guess.
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          • Posted by term2 9 years ago
            First of all, the president cant get anything through of real significance unless he gets the congress to go along. In this political climate of advancing statism, its important to have a president who will tell it like it is and stand up to a socialist congress (if it turns socialist like it did for Obamacare).

            The Tariff issue was brought up I think to scare the Chinese government. It would never actually be put into practice because it would hurt us as much as them.

            Trump is not an objectivist and wont prevent a socialist end time crash. But he will slow it down a bit. Sanders on the other hand would accelerate it
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            • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years ago
              Trump is for single payer health care. He has said so. The government is going to pay for health care for everyone. So if your trying to differentiate trump from Obama that is a bad item to bring up. Trump is just like Obama in that way and many others as well.
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              • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                Havent heard that one. What Obama did was not cost effective for the majority of us, however. One would think that single payer would be even MORE expensive, but probably hidden in the mass of money printing that the government does.

                I think Obama wanted that but couldnt get the votes. Sanders wants it, and probably Hillary does too. I did think that the way Obama set up these exchanges that cost so much now was done to let the government come in with lower cost medicare for everyone and kill off the insurance companies. The companies were stupid to fall in behind him in exchange for the high rates they are getting now.
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                • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years ago
                  That I agree with. It was done the way it was to make the current system more expensive than single payer so that we could be saved by the government. Perhaps that is a bit conspiratorial in thinking, but I think it non the less.
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                  • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                    I thought that right after it was passed and we found out how expensive it was going to be. I am really surprised that people let him get away with that. I feel like a sheep
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            • Posted by edweaver 9 years ago
              You believe Trump is lying about the tariff to scare the Chinese?? How do you know he is lying? And if he is lying, is that not one of the major problems in politics today? Elected officials saying one thing to get elected and doing another once in office. What would stop him from reversing his position on any or all of the other things he has stated? You would really vote for someone knowing that they are lying? Huh??
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              • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                Trump is not stupid, however. He knows that a 35% tariff on chinese goods would cripple our economy, NOT help it.

                Plus he would never get that through congress, because they know it would cripple the economy. The cost of chinese goods is like 1/3 that of made-in-america goods. No one is going to revert to hiring americans at this point when regulations and costs are so high here.
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                • Posted by edweaver 9 years ago
                  Sorry, I didn't mention him being stupid. I'm more concerned if he is lying about the tariff issue or anything else as far as that goes. I still cannot knowingly vote for someone who will say one thing and do another.

                  I would not bank on him not getting something through our "go along with Obama congress". I agree, we are not making things here without major reductions in regulations and costs.
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                  • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                    Trump is using his deal making approach to working with other countries. Give him a break on that. He is making the point that China is not so much in the drivers seat that we buy from them, but our companies cant sell in china. He is telling them that they need to loosen up their import restrictions. THEN there are the real negotiations that come later.

                    I would rather this than the back room clinton-esque secret deals that have been done before which seem to benefit china, iran, syria, and russia far more than us. BRING THESE THINGS OUT so we can all see whats up. Trump does this.
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                    • Posted by edweaver 9 years ago
                      I cannot give breaks on ethics. Lying is lying whether it is out in the open or behind a closed door and it is unethical.
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                      • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                        you can rant about trump to your hearts delight. BUT, in this election in November, if not Trump it will be Sanders in all liklihood (Perhaps Hillary) as the next president. Lets see what you think of their ethics, performance, and the state of the country after a short stint of rapidly advancing socialism.
                        There are just not any objectivist candidates out there that are remotely electable, Much more education of people in general will be required before that would happen (unfortunately)
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            • Posted by conscious1978 9 years ago
              Trump's playground tantrums and theatrics may impress those not able to discern his sleazy innuendo/retraction/rumor style of campaigning.

              Saying Trump is a businessman does not make him ethical in business or supportive of proper values. (Sorry, but I'm having flashbacks to a variation on "The Mummy" film..."businessman, businessman....")
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              • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                4 years of trump's telling us like it is will be good for the country. I am tired of the back door deals, the hiding and manipulation of most of the other candidates, particularly Hillary. From a selfish standpoint, I dont want the socialist crash as in Venezuela (which will happen eventually) to ruin the few years I have left. Following that crash there will be many many years of wallowing in a post industrial dark age of government controls and roving hordes of entitled people attacking as in walking dead TV series.

                Its going to be either Trump or Hillary/Sanders. If you keep bashing Trump, you are essentially voting for Hillary/Sanders. Check out Venezuela and see how that worked out for them.
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                • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
                  We want to avoid the same things, but Trump is at least as ethically challenged as the other politicians. Saying Hillary is bad is not a reason to vote for Trump. Its the same false reasoning that the GOP has used for 30 years.
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                  • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                    I have thought that Hillary would be sidelined by someone this time, as she was sidelined by obama at the last minure last time she ran.

                    This time it will probably be Sanders who sidelines her. If so, probably any of the 2nd rate GOP'ers could beat him, but Trump would easily defeat him.

                    Sanders just needs money trees to support him. The problem is that he wants to take OUR backyard money trees to pay for the crumbs he gives us in our front yards.
                    Saying Hillary is bad is NOT a reason to vote FOR Trump. But saying Hillary is worse and has promised and done terrible things to us IS a reason to vote against her for something that is better. And that is Trump this time. The intellectually better candidates this time are all gone and our of the picture.
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                    • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years ago
                      Actually polling indicates that Trump is the only one that would loose to sanders out of the top 5 candidates.

                      To many, (30-33% of registered republicans depending on which poll you look at) state they will not vote for him. I am one of those. If its a trump and (fill in dem here) race Gary will get my vote, or I will write in another. Trump is worse for our country than any other candidate on either side. Simply because he would represent the small government side of the isle while he is not small government.

                      I do not need another who will say in order to save capitalism we had to move away from capitalism representing small government. That would move the overton window further towards big government and be more damaging to us all than if Bernie were in office.

                      Trump would be a better fit if he were on the Dem primary and competing with the other big government control types for his place in office.
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                      • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                        wow. well you will get hillary or sanders in november then. In this mob rule country, the majority can do whatever they want, and I get only one vote (you too). All bets are off, and 10-289 is coming for sure with Sanders or Hillary (continuing Obamas legacy). With trump it would take somewhat longer.
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                • Posted by conscious1978 9 years ago
                  "Trump's telling us like it is"????? (I have to bite my lip...'er fingers...where are the bandaids?)

                  To which part, which version, which rumor, which innuendo and contradictory comment of his are you referring?! Listen to him; he speaks as if Opinion is Fact. He floats Rumor, loudly, ( "...some people say"; "I heard...") to establish personal deniability. He does these things while sounding like a poorly behaved 15 year old...and that is supposed to recommend him over others?!

                  Not voting for Trump does not guarantee that a criminal Democrat or delusional Socialist will win. They are no more qualified than the "back door" dealing Trump to be President. You present him as a transparent, honest, 'biz-ness-mon' when obvious history contradicts this. I'll continue to say, your rationale to support Trump is weak. I don't want an emotionally immature, Pragmatist dictator stripping what is left of property rights via one of his deals.
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                  • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                    This is a mob-rule majority run democracy, unfortunately. All bets are off now. The constitution is just a document written hundreds of years ago.

                    Its all about electability (pandering to 50.1%) to get elected. Trump, for as much as you dislike him, is capturing the anti establishment mood of the country, and is electable at this point. The other remaining GOP candidates are just establishment hacks, and on the democratic side just various versions of socialist hacks offering more or less of our money to buy votes.

                    You better hope Trump gets to be next president and brings politically correctness back to a low level, and exposes government practices that we need exposed. If we get Hillary or Sanders, its over for the USA in short order
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                    • Posted by conscious1978 9 years ago
                      On the contrary, I think a Trump presidency would guarantee as quick, or quicker, demise of the U.S. You seem to be ignoring his history, endorsing his behavior, and placing Faith in his rhetoric.
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                      • Posted by 9 years ago
                        After 30 years of solid socialist march, culminating with Obama and his (purposefully) convoluted laws that are impossible to unwrap short of a total collapse or a civil war, I do not see this country as recoverable anymore, whoever continues to preside in the White Castle.
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                        • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                          If I could somehow protect what I have saved, get enough food and housing, somehow obtain medical care if I need it, and stay away from the hordes that will want to take it away from me, I would feel somewhat secure from the socialists. I am thinking that laying low as in ALONGSIDE NIGHT, and adopting some of the ideas of Harry Browne in his book on living free in an unfree world are the best shots.

                          I have some gold and silver, but I am sure whatever the statists could find would be confiscated to prolong their administration. The issue would not be how to hide it, but how to spend it without winding up in jail. Storing food is a short term fix, but once the hordes found out I had some, defense from them and the government that they support would be difficult.

                          I think the "walking dead" tv show has gotten so much popularity in that once you take out the zombie idea (stupid) and replace it with wandering hordes of entitled people when the government isnt there to support them, it really resonates with the common feelings of millions of people. They know something is wrong, but dont realize what it is.
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                          • Posted by 9 years ago
                            I don't expect a "walking dead" scenario, at least not for long. There are enough weapons in this country, mostly concentrated in the good guys' hands, that the zombie scenario will be short lived. More realistic is the Weimar version - the rich will get much richer, the poor will get much poorer and the middle class will disappear. In fact, this is already happening. Your best chances of survival are being a mini-Trump - take advantage of any government program and collect all you can to stay on top. What other choices are there?
                            Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                            • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                              Taking advantage of government help (being part of the problem) will produce the best outcome until the ultimate crash comes when the money tree that feeds the government programs dries up and the entitled people rise up to collect whats "due them". I agree that the middle class is disappearing and the rich get richer
                              Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                        • Posted by conscious1978 9 years ago
                          I fear the same. However, I'm not quite ready to face the faithful Trump believers whipped into a righteous "our team won; we have the power" frenzy acting on one of his emotional outbursts.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      Another thing to add is that, IMHO, it is not the taxes that hurt the economy the most, but regulations, which not only take the profit out of running a business, but create a burden, often insurmountable, while the business is running and act as a barrier for competitors to enter the industry. Yet, I haven't heard Trump say anything about the regulations and he is pro-union, which is a form of regulation.
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      • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years ago
        Absolutely.Tax cuts certainly help you retain capital -- if you are making a profit. If you are just making ends meet or maybe a little better then tax cuts don't help.

        Regulations cost you money even when you don't have a profit at all. All the candidates keep talking about tax cuts to stimulate business but cutting out the excessive overhead would stimulate business without increasing deficits.
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        • Posted by 9 years ago
          Tax cuts are sexy. Regulations are the real key to removing barriers from business competitiveness, but that means firing thousands of career government employees (and their bosses) and really alienating special interests who have spent millions on erecting those regulations. No one on that stage is brave enough to get into that fight.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
            is that a cut on the proposed increase? Is the proposal exempt from bureaucratic meddling?
            My guess is yes and no.

            Therefore it isn't a tax cut by our definitions it's a tax increase. Another way of saying one step closer to slavery.

            Government by special interest is another way of saying Democratic Slavery versus a independence of a Republic,
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        • Posted by term2 9 years ago
          Funny thing, but the best thing the government can do is 'Get out of the way". Anything except ZERO taxes simply hurts the economy- and lowering taxes just reduces the hurt on the economy that the government already was doing.

          Why are we letting the government play the word game talking about lowering taxes is a good thing. Its just making the bad they have already done a little less bad.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years ago
      I agree. Trump is not stupid. 35% import tariff would kill businesses that are currently supplying goods from China because they cant afford to pay american wages and entitlements. He would never even get that through Congress.
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      • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years ago
        The 35% is the top end, not what he is proposing, actually he is currently just trying to demonstrate that the rules can be changed as a threat. The trick to Trump is the deal -- you never open with the position you expect to come to in the end.
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        • Posted by 9 years ago
          The important thing is not how many percent he will increase the tariff; it may be 15, maybe 25% - the important thing is that his approach will not grow the economy, will not help businesses grow and compete and is anti free market. Added to his repeated proclamations that he is not planning on cutting welfare nor eliminating regulations, there is nothing in his economic proposals, except for hot air. I happen to agree with him on many issues, such as immigration and Muslim infiltration and waste and abuse, but all those issues will be irrelevant in the Third World Amerika.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years ago
          I have suspected he is just tossing that out there to scare the chinese a bit. China's leadershp is trying to show how strong they are against the USA, and Trump is telling them that if we set a 35% tariff, their trade with the USA would pretty much evaporate
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      • Posted by JCLanier 9 years ago
        Term2: Agreed. He has yet to present a detailed strategy on this point. He will need to be forth coming soon on how he intends to solidify his random statements into a cohesive and functional concept.
        If he does not get this right, hard to believe since he has direct experience in this area, then he can kiss his chance good-bye.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years ago
          I would hate to actually run in an election for president in this environment. If you dont imply at least you are going to increase giveaways, you wont get enough votes to win. If you actually promise you are going to increase giveaways, you will look bad unless you can somehow "show" how in 10 years it will pay for itself (never does). On the other hand, you have to offer cronyism to influential contributors so you can get contributions and get your message out. Its a very screwed up system.

          What we need is a "country manager" who is given a budget and the list of things that need to be done- and then manages the government to make it work. Like a city manager. The "country manager" would not set the goals, but just administer them.
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    • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years ago
      I don't know who is writing the web site, but it doesn't track what he has repeatedly said on the stump and in debates. He has said, again and again, that he will not "allow" companies to move facilities outside the country and that he will erect punitive tariffs (although he does not use the word) to prevent foreign producers from selling in the US at favorable prices that are inducing US consumers to buy those goods. I'm not voting for Benito Trump under any circumstances.
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      • Posted by term2 9 years ago
        People on this forum must feel more comfortable with Sanders as president, because thats what they are going to get if Trump doesnt make it. Its just whats going to happen in this political arena. Establishment politicians are DONE in this election, and that left Fiorina, Trump, and Carson on the Republican side. Fiorina has NO traction, nor does Carson. As to Libertarian candidate Johnson, what he says is good and I like it, but I might as well put my vote on toilet paper and toss it. He has less than NO traction, and no matter what ALL the gulchers do, he wont have enough votes in November to come close to winning anything.
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        • Posted by RobertFl 9 years ago
          Not a matter of comfortable with Sanders. We're saying, they're all the same.
          What's the difference between a Progressive and Socialist? The Socialist admits it.
          What the difference between a Democrat and a Republican? The Republican feels guilty afterwards.
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          • Posted by term2 9 years ago
            BUT, SAnders wants $15/hr minimum wage, Hillary $12, and the republicans much less. Sanders wants huge tax increases, Hillary wants moderate tax increases, republicans much less.

            $15 per hour means our company goes out of business the next day. $12 per hour means it would take about a year to go BK.

            The 12 week paid parental and illness leave means a lot to my business.

            Sanders' 64% capital gains taxation means 64% of the work I put into building up my small company is GONE- means my interest in growing it pretty much evaporates.
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            • Posted by 9 years ago
              You seem to be taking the advertised numbers and promises as gospel. They will take everything that they can, regardless of promises. Think of the government as ear mites in a dog. They will totally destroy an ear, to the bone, but are somehow smart enough to do it to only one ear, so the dog doesn't die and, thus, continues feeding the parasites. Don't worry, the government will leave you just enough to believe that things will get better...
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        • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years ago
          And your vote for Trump is going to put him over the top?
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          • Posted by term2 9 years ago
            My vote in a majority-rules democracy isnt going to mean much, but it bothers me to see so much negativity against Trump when he is the only real chance we have to slow down socialism in this election.
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            • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years ago
              Mine won't matter much either, but it's going to Johnson. I guess that means we are both casting "toilet paper" votes.
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              • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                Johnson cant possibly win, but it is your right to make your stand of course. If Nevada had a bunch of electoral college votes, AND I happened to cast the deciding vote for Trump, I might make a difference. Unlikely, tho. I will just have to hope that Trump gets elected AND he slows down the seemingly unstoppable march to socialism, at least a little.
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                • Posted by 9 years ago
                  But Trump is a socialist. He's a National Socialist, while Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. Slightly different flavor; both cause uncontrolled vomiting.
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                  • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                    So if you want for an objectivist to run and lose, you will get Sanders and the life you have now will not last very long and will go through a venezuela like death spiral that will last a long time.
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                    • Posted by 9 years ago
                      Perhaps the sooner we get to a civil war, the better. We're heading for a collapse anyway; at least with an earlier civil war, there's a chance of re-building. If it happens later, there won't be anyone alive of the generation that is capable of rebuilding.
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                      • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                        Check out the Netflix series JERICHO. The premise is that the system is so corrupt with cronyism (which it is actually) that only a complete government meltdown is necessary to allow for rebuilding. Its a thought, although I am definitely living in the wrong place (Las Vegas) to withstand that sort of collapse
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      • Posted by JCLanier 9 years ago
        Jabuttrick: I do agree with you that Trump's web site is surprisingly insufficient.
        Yes, I have trepidations concerning Trump but nothing can compare to the horror story played out over the last 8 years. I am definitely not looking for another career politician (absent Rand Paul) so the choice is narrowed drastically. That might require a loud mouth, brash, impertinent and so called non presidential type that has the capacity to adjust and correct as they proceed. So unless he really f@#ks up... I'll take the chance.
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        • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years ago
          I guess the problem is that the person you describe has nearly infinite faith that the government (read Trump) can solve all our problems. He is wrong, of course, and he may do much more harm than good, I fear.
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          • Posted by JCLanier 9 years ago
            Jabuttrick: You might be right.
            I would add that the government IS the problem. And if we could somehow call for it to be reduced to bare bones it would "serve" us all well- as it was originally meant to be.

            However, may I just say that you could be "rounding out" some of Trump's open-ended statements that are not necessarily meant to take that direction. Just a thought.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      He is is planning to improve by enslaving companies? Most only strive to enslave individualslSounds very much and exactly like State Economics...AKA fascist economics...But then I pegged him as to far to the left to be a RINO from the beginning

      Seig Heil Comrade Trump...I don't serve your Party.
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      • Posted by JCLanier 9 years ago
        MichaelA: Point taken. Following your words, I do wonder why he would "enslave" all his companies and implement impossible limitations on US companies wanting to expand internationally? He would effectively be destroying his current empire...
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years ago
    yes. . my specific concern is beating the Ds and their
    continuation of BHO's regime. . when the time comes
    for me to vote in the primary, that will be my point-
    of-view. . we absolutely Must Not Let Them appoint
    an Eric Holder or a Rahm Emanuel to the supreme court. -- j
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      you trying to cause heart attacks i thought he was being investigated in Chicago? I know what's that got to do with anything...

      What do you get when you cross Dia Del Muertos with Halloween?

      A demoweenie?


      A demonweinee?


      Hillary in drag?


      Night Of The Living Rahmen
      (just add Flint Water...)

      one noodle per packet no salt needed.

      Hi I'm Mr. Rahman and I approved this propaganda
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  • Posted by Ben_C 9 years ago
    I agree. He lost me when asked the question: "Are you ever wrong?" His response was that his wife tells him this all the time - yuck, yuck, But then he said he surrounds himself with experts who "sometimes are wrong." Meaning, of course, that he is never wrong. That, plus his very pro union stance on manufacturing, subsides for ethanol, universal health insurance, and lack of class are the basis for me looking elsewhere.
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  • Posted by RobertFl 9 years ago
    Regardless of who gets the nomination, we should probably still vote our convictions.
    If we say, our vote doesn't matter, then voting for Johnson will have no effect on the outcome. However, it could send a powerful message if he can rack up votes.
    I know it's hard not to vote for the lesser of two evils that can win. I struggle with that myself. But, I am going to try to vote my convictions this November.
    Until then, and since Rand is out, I see no reason to support any standing GOP candidate, it will either be Trump, or Cruz at this point, so me not adding my voice there won't change a thing.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years ago
    I'm in the same boat as you, strugatsky. I was also initially drawn to Trump's anti-PC, bold talk and his border and anti-illegal immigration stance. But after I started digging into him, I was very turned off by his policy statements and actions supporting big government - whether it be through entitlements or eminent domain. His bankruptcy history also didn't give me much confidence.

    Now that he's been on the campaign trail, I haven't seen much of him change except to get more argumentative, petulant, and whiny. Though I think he has had some great zingers - like the one about Jeb Bush - his hypocritical denunciations of Ted Cruz for doing exactly what Trump is doing tell me he's just another politician at heart. And given his policy leanings, he's certainly neither a Constitutionalist nor someone who would really "make America great again". He's another narcissist, and we've already had eight years of that.
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    • Posted by RobertFl 9 years ago
      His bankruptcies don't bother me. He's had more successes than failures. And the bankruptcy laws are laws, he's just using what's there. Can't fault him for that.
      I can fault him for everything else you said.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 years ago
        His bankruptcies bother me in the way he's done them. He's openly laughed and called the investors who lost everything in those bankruptcies idiots. That kind of arrogance rankles me because it smacks of outright theft and looting via the courts. None of those bankruptcies affected Trump's personal wealth, yet thousands of investors lost everything.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years ago
      Say what you will, but its either Trump or Sanders in November. No one out of the current pack of contenders on any of the parties have a snowball's chance in hell of being elected.

      So pick the least bad of whats out there. We WILL get one or the other.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 years ago
        That remains to be decided. There is still a lot of politicking between now and July when the Primaries conclude.

        If the vote really comes down to Trump vs Sanders, I'll probably vote via write-in. Sanders is avowed socialist and Trump is socialist lite.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years ago
          Interesting that you would allow Sanders to be president if it were a choice between Trump and Sanders. I hope you dont mind the relatively immediate consequences of socialism being forced down your throat (check out Veneuela to see how that worked out for them)
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          • Posted by $ blarman 9 years ago
            You make several assumptions here which are unfounded. First, is that Sanders would win the election. He hasn't even secured his party's nomination and with Hillary already being practically guaranteed the super-delegates of the Democratic Party, Bernie's prospects are anything but secure in that regard.

            Second, you assume that Trump will secure the nomination on the Republican side. The way things look right now, we are headed to a brokered convention, which favors the Republican establishment candidates like Rubio and Bush. Neither Trump nor Cruz want a brokered convention. So even Trump's nomination is anything but secure.

            Third, you assume that head-to-head with Trump, Sanders would win. I haven't seen any poll data, but would be interested to see some.

            Is a vote for anyone but the two main contenders a vote to install a Democrat? Potentially. But I ask this: should I not vote my conscience and see where the chips fall? I voted for Perot because I truly believed he was a better candidate than either Bush I or Clinton. I voted for a third party in my state's most recent Governor's race because the incumbent is a candidate I've never liked and his competitor even worse.

            And I would further point out that socialism is being forced down our throat regardless of the President because of the spinelessness of the Republicans in Congress. Obama wouldn't be able to do a thing if they would simply exercise a little conviction.
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            • Posted by term2 9 years ago
              Interesting analysis. I am thinking that Sanders will beat Hillary for the democratic nomination. Hillary is NOT liked, regardless of the amount of money she throws at the media to make it seem like everyone loves her. Obama came out of the woodwork when she ran against him- at the last minute and trounced her. Sanders is doing the same thing this time. Also, Hillary is just trying to out-Sanders Sanders when it comes to policy. She has no new ideas. Its Sanders who is running the democratic platform with his outlandish giveaways, and hillary is just trying to catch up. Also, Sanders whipped her ass already in early primaries.

              Rubio isnt going to go anywhere. He is young and energetic, but doest get much traction. Cruz is the opponent to Trump, but I think he would lose to the democratic candidate in a general election.

              I think head to head, Trump would win against Sanders or Hillary, but he is the only one who would score that victory.

              I voted for Perot also, and you can see where that went....

              Johnson wouldnt even get 1% in a general election, so a vote for him is the same as not voting.

              This is why I think its either Trump or Sanders in November.
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              • Posted by $ blarman 9 years ago
                Now you're just looking at things logically. ;)

                I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of Hillary, but we are talking about the Democratic Party here. There is a reason Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren stayed out of the race - no one wants to run against the Clintons.

                Rubio has shown much more traction than I care for, actually. He came in third in Iowa and fourth in New Hampshire. He polls well in the South and is the one taking votes from Bush. He's the #3 in almost all the polls, so despite his youth, I think he's a real danger still. The Republican Establishment is rooting for either him or Jeb Bush to get the nomination, but they're both from the same area so Rubio's support comes at the expense of Bush.

                I haven't seen too many polls with Sanders vs a Republican, but there have been plenty of Hillary ones. And most of those show that even if Hillary got indicted, she would still likely carry enough states to win. That's the sad reality of our electorate.

                Johnson is a conundrum. I agree that a vote for him is nothing more than a symbolic/protest vote, but I can't really fault those who vote for him.
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                • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                  Sanders is offering somewhat advanced socialism, with Hillary offering a watered down version. I just sense that the full blown version is going to win on the democratic side.

                  Trump has been pretty quiet vs Sanders, but he will do the politically incorrect thing when the time comes and just blow sanders away by pointing out sanders' lack of a money tree.
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                  • Posted by 9 years ago
                    What is an "advanced," or "watered down" socialism? There really are no differences, except for timing. Does the Party have full control, as in North Korea and Stalin's USSR, or is there a partial control as in most of Europe? That is the only criteria that determine the Party's actions against the citizen-slaves.
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                    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years ago
                      I think it goes back to the question asked of Hillary Clinton: "What's the difference between socialism and progressivism?" Neither she nor Debbie Wasserman-Shultz nor any other Democrat has an answer because there is no difference but the name.
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                    • Posted by term2 9 years ago
                      I agree its a matter of timing. Sanders wants complete control over medical services and public colleges and immigration. Hillary wants to keep Obamacare, the same on public colleges, and I dont really know what she wants on immigration. At the end of a Sanders presidency, socialism would have advanced much further than under a Hillary presidency
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 9 years ago
    I was never going to vote for Trump--I've voted for every Libertarian candidate for President in the history of the party--but it's going to be really entertaining if he gets the nomination. For one thing, I expect he'll get more Black votes than any Republican in the last hundred years, and the talking heads will explode.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years ago
    Trump has also discussed lowering corporate tax and tax amnesty on returning foreign cash holdings to the U.S. (view the Wall Street Journal interview on YouTube). His discussion of punitive tariffs during the debate was, like so many of his prior inflammatory statements, aimed at a voting audience that is currently thinking about Sanders. Notice his outrageous flaming of President "Dubya" over Iraq. Just emphasizing his statement on record of being against the Iraq war would have been sufficient to satisfy moderate Republicans, but he's again aiming for Democrat and independent voters. The man views this contest like any other business marketing venture, recognizing that you appeal to the biggest potential "buyer" audience, so he's already prepping the general voter market, having satisfied himself that the primary is "in the bag."

    Trump's strategy is a gamble, and it could backfire, giving another candidate an opening. This looks like the "go big, or go home," strategy he's used in many business ventures. Jeb Bush is also gambling, betting that he has enough cash to outlast all the other competitors, being the "last man standing" as a Trump competitor when Trump's outrageous behavior turns enough voters (like yourself) away from the current leading candidate.

    I'm not particularly a Trump fan, having been a Rand Paul supporter, but I base my opinions on a track record and probability of success. Johnson, Cruz, Sanders are all ideologues, with a vote for them being a guarantee of failure: Johnson doesn't have a prayer of getting elected; Cruz is like Obama, but from the opposite end of the fanatic spectrum; Sanders is the most dangerous, as he only dimly hides his preference for a dictatorial, autocratic socialist Executive that would destroy the republic. Trump, Kasich, Bush, Rubio, and Clinton are pragmatist: Trump is the least objectionable, since he favors a strong economy as a solution to most of the national problems; Kasich and Bush have good record in government, but are also big government statists; Clinton is completely untrustworthy. I didn't mention Carson, as he falls into the same bucket as Johnson: not a prayer of election, primarily because he's failed to educate himself on foreign policy.

    For those reasons, I'm remaining undecided, leaning to Trump. Engaging my logic and reasoning skills is my "bulletproof vest" against the completely distorted campaign images coming out of the media, attempting to influence my emotions.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 9 years ago
    I see no sense in throwing away your vote. The
    important thing is to stop the Democrats. I intend
    to vote for Cruz. I just wish the others (Rubbio, Bush) would just get behind Cruz. He is not ideal,
    but he would likely bring in more freedom for free
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 years ago
    The fact is, a vote for Johnson, is a vote for the Democrat. We have too many voters who don't even know what libertarian is. One thing we do not need is another Common Core loving Bush who will push one world government. I could vote for Trump, would like to vote for Rubio, would vote for Carson or Cruz if need be. The less DC establishment, the better. Even then, things will not be as rosey as they all promise. There is way to much to undo from our current dictator.
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    • Posted by dekayz 9 years ago
      OK, so why not, in the states that are going to vote democrat anyway, vote for Johnson. For example, Minnesota is never going to vote for anyone who does not have a (D) by their name. The last time we voted for a Republican was Nixon! If all of us here admit that Trump, or Cruz or whichever enema insertion point ends up on the ballot has zero chance of winning in this state votes for Johnson, maybe we can start to build some momentum. At some point we have to either get a 3rd party to be taken seriously or we are doomed to choose between the 2 candidates that the major parties inflict upon us.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
        Are you a winner take all state. One where the winner is accorded ALL the votes cast? Including write ins?

        That's why not.

        Now if Cruz chose Johnson as VP running mate and that got the camel's nose in the game .. and that move prompted much of the 46% disenfranchises.... you follow me?

        I'd say if that were the case re registering in the primary to vote for the Democrat opposition to Hillary and busting her ass out early on then switching back for the general would make sense. One big mother feather political raid.

        But as it stands now ....winner takes all includes all third party all write ins etc.

        Your choice and depends on your state. If they are going to vote for Cruz or Bernie anyway....then put the support where it is needed.

        A good political raid can be spontaneous if it is carefully planned and executed. It's not for the weak sister voters.
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        • Posted by $ Stormi 9 years ago
          A Libertarian running mate, why not, it goes along with much of the Republican voters' beliefs. Who could complain when Obama has an entire cabinet of Muslims. The Dems could not say much.
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          • Posted by 9 years ago
            Unfortunately, that is unlikely. Historically, the RINO's have picked a very religious VP to bolster the zealots' votes. If the candidate himself is religious, like Cruz, his beliefs won't let him pick a Libertarian.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
              then he has little chance and i go to plan B but that does not include voting for any GD left wingers. If we can't have representation then it's time to tear it down and to hell with the body count. You think Cruz would turn it down ...he's a politician and that is one hell of a lot of votes...more than the other side can muster they are too busy knifing each other. I don't believe in unfortunately. I believe in winning. that word is for the weak.
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        • Posted by dekayz 9 years ago
          That's my point. All of the electoral votes are going to go to Hillary or Bernie no matter who I vote for. A republican vote is just as much toilet paper as a libertarian vote. Might as well use it to make a statement. Of course, that's only effective if we can get a significant number of people to do the same thing. Johnson could never win but, if he gets 5 or 10% it might start something.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
            Ah you haven't read all the posts. In the primary you select who to support and vote by registering with one party. For example for Cruz or for dumpa trump or register for the othere side and vote for the weakest candidate they have which would be Bernie unless hillary is arrested first.

            you still get to vote on all local issues

            In the general you re-register and leave the top to lines blank. No write ins they go to winner takes all after the fact

            Now consider if Cruz would like to win he might mine the biggest selection of voters out there. Demos are 29% Repos are 24% unregistered unrepresented disenfranchised are 46% and growing. Of that number you will lose the weak sister toilet flushers.. but

            If Cruz was smart he would run with Web as VP candidate and pick up enough of the lost souls to win.....And that puts one of ours four to eight years out since this one is no Biden.

            That also provides four years to form a coalition to counter the Government party Rinos and Dinos

            But weaklings and toilet flushers and fifth columnists and socialist roaders are not invited.

            That includes International and National Socialists.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years ago
    You know that if you took all the voters who called themselves "conservative" and polled them that a vast majority of them would be in favor of that proposal to just tax the corporations. Haha....DOH!
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      The Democrats do not own the patent on Stupidity.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years ago
        Haha! You are correct.

        Trump, apparently, is running a smart campaign. With this proposal he'll get closet support from the leftists. He'll get support from a majority of Republicans. He just might beat Hillbillary. Bernie won't be in the race, as somebody somewhere apparently has polaroids of the super-delegates in compromising positions...
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  • Posted by MagicDog 9 years ago
    Trump is resonating across all demographics.   He wants to reign in uncontrolled immigration and bring the jobs back to the US.  No other candidate advocates both.  I am currently employed in IT for a large Aerospace contractor.  80% of the employees are from India.  They are willing to come all this way at low wages because they can bring wives who can have a couple of babies while they are here.  Most of the supervision is people from India and I am afraid I will lose my job also.  Trump is giving hope to the unemployed and employed citizens alike.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      There is a difference between hope and reality. I do believe that Trump can stop the influx of illegals and he can put a check on bringing here Moslem "refugees," but his approach to "keeping jobs here" will cause a complete crash of the economy. Just look at Venezuela. Atlas Shrugged should tell you that the government cannot make people productive (Hitler and Stalin can be viewed as exceptions, if one is willing to bring back their methods). Penalizing companies for going overseas will simply make them close shop. The American worker does not want to work and the American regulatory system does not support businesses. It is only due to the better quality labor and less regulations that America is able to import much of what it consumes and keep the standard of living relatively high. If that lifeline will be shut off, you may or may not keep your job for a little while, but won't be able to afford much on the salary received.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years ago
      Good luck with that.

      A Persian buddy of mine was writing software for our local water company. He was really ticked one day because he lost the work to a guy from India who said he'd take the work for $15/hour. I immediately responded, "You should have said, 'I'LL DO IT FOR $7/HR!'" We still laugh about that (he agreed). Let's start some real bidding wars! Imagine what Uncle Sam will do when the engineering grad starts reporting on his W-2 that he's working for $8/hr. Twisted...but, you're chuckling...

      Talk about a deflationary recession...
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
    Why voting for Johnson is not a toilet paper vote.

    In the first place you need all the charmin available for the stuff Hillary and Bernie are spewing

    In the second place it's a start point and a continuation of the effort to get political representation for the 46% or more by now who are disenfranchised by having only two socialists from which to choose. higher that number goes the more change is possible as the disgrunted masses look for local candidates.

    Sign up for the primary in which ever party you want and like me vote for the weakest candidate. And the local issues....

    Re register for the General Election. and leave the presidential box blank...

    Anything else is a winner take all using your vote...write in whatever.

    then you won't need toilet paper to look in the mirror
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  • Posted by Danno 9 years ago
    Before we all get worked let's realize there is no practical way to fix the fiscal problems the USA faces now. The cuts would be too extreme therefore politicians would NEVER take those steps. We should expect massive inflation and world war as that is the common tactics based on history.
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  • Posted by Danno 9 years ago
    Trading with China and NAFTA are hardly free trade. Given the situation, measures need to be put in place to offset China/USA vendor finance.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      What kind of measures are you suggesting?
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      • Posted by Danno 9 years ago
        I would not have granted China MFN at WTO. End Vendor-Finance. But forget all that. Only a monumental global crash will cleanse the wounds for a rebirth. Then get government out of trade. With like minded countries trade will be private.
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        • Posted by 9 years ago
          Getting the government out of anything and everything would be nice - but don't count on it as long as people are unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions and would do anything for someone else to think for them (government).
          Now, as far as MFN status - picture yourself buying a car from a car dealer. You are one notional entity (country), the dealer another entity (country). Someone comes into the middle of this transaction and, rightly, says that the transaction is unbalanced. The dealer is giving you a new car. That's value. You are giving the dealer a promise to eventually pay for the car. That's dubious value. So, the solution is that there needs to be a 20% tax (tariff) on the transaction, which will be given to someone who has no direct connection to this transaction (actually, most of it will be spent on the needs and desires of that third party and a little given away for high visibility "causes"). So, your cost on the car is now 20% higher, all of which you now have to pay up front. Would you agree that the value that you have gained for this help is at least negative 20% (add administrative and other expenses, and it becomes more than 20%). So, who benefits and who loses with the "tough" stance against free trade, even if in one direction only?
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