Who Cares if NSA Snooping Is Legal? It's Still Disgusting. - Hit & Run : Reason.com
Posted by gwcalvert 11 years, 8 months ago to Government
Free people don't tolerate government officials who think "legal" trumps "right." We can do a hell of a lot better than the likes of Feinstein, Rogers and Holder assuring us that they did good because they gave themselves permission to do evil.
Are these the same free people who sat silent when the car industry put little black boxes in our cars or the same free people who are totally ok with live shots of everyone's home being shown by Google maps?
They didn’t give themselves permission; our epathy did.
Cuffy and Tinky and Mr. Thompson would be darned proud of the current Administration...
My 2 favorite quotes from the Founders:
"Government is like a fire. Useful in the fireplace, but when it gets out of it's place, it will consume everything you own". George Washington
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery". Thomas Jefferson