Putin and Obama share the same beliefs .

Posted by overmanwarrior 10 years, 12 months ago to Culture
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This is one part of a two part radio broadcast I did the other day with Matt Clark on WAAM. It's about the USSR and how they never really stopped their game of global domination.
SOURCE URL: http://youtu.be/aulPE27gwmM

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  • Posted by Notperfect 10 years, 11 months ago
    And how do you share beliefs? You LIE! It will end because Iron and Clay do not mix. This not a riddle it was foretold many years before you or I. This is not conspiracy. Truth is not conspiracy. Some will turn their backs and laugh, but some will not.
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  • Posted by $ TimCutler 10 years, 11 months ago
    The darndest thing is, "How come we didn't know about this whole Ukraine thing in advance?" Our diplomats and embassy staffers are supposed to pay attention to local issues. So, how did the Russian desks at State and Commerce miss this?

    Either staggering incompetence or pure genius on Putin's part.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 11 months ago
      Let's see, Sarah Palin mentioned this back in 2008. So, depending on your assessment of the competence of Palin, you make your evaluation of O's admin.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 11 months ago
    Putin runs a foreign policy through action. Obama runs a foreign policy with words. The words are not backed up with sufficient action. The American voters have been over-kind to Obama, with the toady press falling all over themselves touting how wonderful his golden throated thoughts were. In Europe and the middle east they have no slobbering love affair with him. He has proven that his honey-coated rhetoric does not impress nor change the minds of anyone but those who became his acolytes based on the color of his skin and his ability to speak well. It didn't work in Syria, it doesn't work in the Ukraine. Wasn't it Einstein who said something to the effect that getting a wrong result yet repeating the same thing over and over in an attempt to get the right result is insanity? The words must be backed up with actions that will severely hurt Putin or why bother?
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 11 months ago
    In Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand did not consider any foreign adversary to be a worthy adversary. This although every country in the world except the United States was the People's State of Whatever. The most detailed mention was by Ragnar Danneskjöld. Who said he had customers in those People's States who would occasionally raid the private treasuries of the self-righteous Servants of the People to get gold. With this they bought the goods Ragnar seized from the ships of the Bureau of Global Relief.

    But in another context, Rand said explicitly: "Just as the United States had the right to invade Nazi Germany, so also the United States has the right to invade Soviet Russia, or any other slave pen." She gave four specific tests by which to judge a country worthy of invasion for liberation. They were:

    1. Execution without trial.

    2. Detention without formal charges.

    3. Restrictions on ex-migration.

    4. Censorship.

    Any government doing all four, would be liable for invasion by any free country whose people decided the exercise might be worth doing.
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  • Posted by mminnick 10 years, 12 months ago
    Putin is a Communist. Obama is a Socialist. Not much difference there. Putin is a virtual dictator. Obama wants to be one. There is o difference in the way they see the world. Except one. Putin see Russia as the greatest Power. Obama doesn't want the US to be any form of Power and is making that happen. One Rises the other Falls. The world turns. and it is another new day with new World powers.
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    • Posted by LeeRex 10 years, 11 months ago
      I think Obama is actually cooperating with Putin. After all Obama is a communist too. Obama's weak response is just a way to hide the fact that these two tyrants have shaken hands over this outrage. In his heart, Obama is a treasonous tyrant!
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 11 months ago
      I really think that O wants to be Putin's Ceauşescu... then again, you look at the cozyness of Frau O to the Chinese leader & his wife, guess we better start converting these worthless dollars to Yuan, and brushing up on our Mandarin...

      I am surprised the media isn't playing more on this cozyness... then again, considering the leanings of the media... maybe not.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 12 months ago
      They always did have trouble moving south, but never to the east or west.
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 12 months ago
        Russia has been expanding and contracting for centuries. It’s harsh country that has always relied on and fought to control ports to the east of it.

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        • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 11 months ago
          And the ports on the eastern seaboard and beyond are just too darned far away from the rest of Trans-Ural and European Russia to help. We live on the edge of Russia's easternomst push, everyone here knows the history of their realizing the logistics of being halfway around the world didn't make economic sense. Now, had they found the Alaskan and California gold deposits first...
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          • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
            It would have been a different story. In all reality they probably have vast riches in Siberia, but they are too backward to find any wealth on their own. Instead they just plot to steal other people's wealth.
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            • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 11 months ago
              They have huge mineral wealth deposits, tho there is a LOT of undiscovered country out there - such "garden spots" as Kolyma are testament to that... The issue has always been how to get that wealth out to the west, and how to get the labor to discover and extract that wealth back east. The GULAG system used prison labor to do just that - and get rid of the troublemakers (read anti-socialists) at the same time.
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