Is America ready to go Galt and doesn't know it?

Posted by coaldigger 9 years ago to Politics
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I spend a lot of time lately contemplating “natural laws”. The evolution of mankind occurred by and under the influence of things that are and that he cannot control over time. The leaning tower of Pisa is not defying the law of gravity, but succumbing to it gradually despite the efforts of Italian engineers and we know who will win in the long run. The pyramids have lasted far longer than other man-made structures because the use gravity instead of oppose it.
It is possible to organize society in many ways, most of which have resulted in chaos because they only work by the use of outside force. Statist systems rely on force to command individuals but even those that benefit the most eventually come to the conclusion that they are dissatisfied with the coercion and corruption that thrives as an unintended consequence. Systems based on individual rights and freedom comply with natural laws and outlast those organizing philosophies based on the collective.
The flaw in systems based on freedom was clearly identified at its birth by one of the founding fathers of the most successful government in the history of mankind. Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to a pair of priests in Passy who he knew during his time there, he said “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.” The degree of success achieved by the American people has been in direct proportion to their virtue and this is a natural law as well. This virtue is not religious but the actions of individuals acting in their own long-term interest while accepting that all others must have the right to do likewise.
I see us failing not because of any intellectual shift to the right or left but due to inattention to the law of virtue. Lying to achieve public office, cronyism, looting, seeking unearned rewards, coercion of others for personal gain and shirking personal responsibilities are not virtuous behaviors and a vast majority of America has become addicted to these traits.
We were never perfect. Franklin saw that but felt that the rewards of striving to maintain a life of freedom would inspire an effort to be a people of virtue. I see the current “voter revolt” to be an unconscious rejection of the mess that has been made but without the presence of a virtuous leader they are saying we don’t really know what we want but we know that we don’t want the political class that brought us to this result. Be it Sanders or Trump, neither is more of the same. This may seem like a dangerous reaction but is probably better than more of the same. All we need is a Galt.

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years ago
    A perfect time for going Galt en masse would be when the Federal Reserve follows through on negative interest rates. When people decide that it makes more sense to put money under their mattresses rather than in banks, that could easily be the tipping point.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
      I agree, jb.
      For the past 6 years the only reason to have money in a bank is for convenience in making payments. That is the original function of money. The market is slowly bringing alternative methods to achieve this and that process is being inhibited by the federal reserve act which gives an unearned and unfair advantage in the cost-free creation of "legal tender" to the banking cartel. If we want a free market and a productive economy, the banking cartel (established by the federal reserve act) must end. True free market competition in banking would do more to encourage business formation and job creation than any other (budget neutral) single government action.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 9 years ago
        A true free market in banking might well bring about an explosive expansion in credit. So-called "paper money" (now electronic) of all kinds might spring up. I point to Friedrich von Hayek's theories, for example. Also, have you ever heard of E. C. Riegel who was touted in Harry Browne's Coming Devalution? Riegel advocated a system of ad hoc credit in which the extension of credit is the generator of wealth.

        It is not a new idea.

        We have writing and counting because of clay tokens representing debts. That system went back maybe to 6000 BCE or earlier. Before that, there was no such thing as "five" but only one-one-one-one-one. And it took 4000 years for that system of tokens to become cuneiform. Meanwhile, cities were invented. Debt is the seed of civilization. Silver as money came thousands of years later. Another two thousand and the first gold coins were struck.

        A totally free market in money is an intellectual challenge to the imagination.
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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 9 years ago
      You need to read the history of modern banking. We have had so-called "negative interest rates" several times in the golden days of the 19th century. Banks did not want deposits. They charged people to hold their money for them. People paid for the safety of the vault.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years ago
        I have read the history of modern banking, and know that negative interest rates existed before. Both my wife and I had ancestors who stored their money at home in safes (under their proverbial mattresses) for that reason.
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years ago
    Let's take a specific example. If a 25 year old woman and her boyfriend want to have a baby,they have 2 choices. If they marry before having that baby, therefore taking personal responsibility, the costs involved are substantial, probably requiring both the mother and father to work full time in order to pay for their and their child's existence.
    On the other hand, if they choose instead to not marry, then the costs of the birth and the maintenance of the child are "free". In Hawaii, an un wed mother with 2 children would have to get a job making $64,000 a year in order to live the same lifestyle she lives while on welfare.
    Can we reasonably expect virtue in these circumstances? I maintain that the virtue is not the act of marriage, but rather self reliance.
    Considering these economic facts, I find it amazing and heartening that so many young couples choose the high road. It certainly punishes them financially.
    My point is that our culture today punishes virtue and rewards indolence, which definitely goes against the natural order, doesn't it?
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years ago
    very well said, and Thank You! . this IS a perfect time
    to go Galt and revise this nation's trajectory. . the "democracy"
    has turned into a vote-yourself-a-free-ride nation. -- j
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  • Posted by gcarl615 9 years ago
    The other day on Fox Business I heard Sanders montra described as the "War on Success". I thought this was quite accurate. When taken to its logical conclusion it means one day we will all be equal, Equally under the slavery of the Federal Government. We will all be equally poor and equally unable to defend ourselves against the jack boot thug enforcers. Do we need to go Galt and live free while we can,,Yes, absolutely and NOW! Certainly there is no real Gulch ( at least I haven't been invited), The Gulch exists in our free minds, we will eventually find each other or we will die. But we will die free.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years ago
    We had her; Ayn Rand. For without her his character would never have existed. Now if you take the time to read beyond Atlas she expands on all that has gone wrong as you will find out and after reading all of here essays you will unfortunately realize that this country the USA is going down hill and never coming back. I give it 40 years or sooner.
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    • Posted by 9 years ago
      I have read everything Ayn Rand wrote that I know of plus two biographies that added insight to her thought process. I also have Atlas I, II and II, The Fountainhead and We The Living on CD's.
      Most of her essays require a greater intellect or more of a concentrated effort that I have to get all there is to obtain from them. Nevertheless I have them in paperbacks and have read them. I also read The Objective Standard, opinions on the ARI website and view videos of lectures by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins.
      I do not conclude that our society is going to completely fail and not recover. Freedom and Liberty are consistent with the laws of nature and a system based on reason will prevail over the long run. It may not take a full Galt to effect the change. The masses follow a leader that attracts them even if that leader is taking them somewhere they don't want to go. Most people do not act in their own best interest but are compulsively driven to fads, emotions and peer pressure. When a great number of people are unhappy with their status quo, they are susceptible to go where a charismatic leader takes them.
      The question I proposed is are there signs that we are at a tipping point and is there anyone, not yet identified that can seize the controls to a better society. The founding fathers gave us a free roadmap that guided us to good places when we followed it so it is not necessary to reinvent the map, just to find a pilot.
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      • Posted by cowboynuclear 9 years ago
        I'm early on in my reading of those works. I believe the answer to your proposed questions are a) yes, and b) goodness I hope not. Seizing controls - other than seizing them away from others in order not to use them but to dismantle them - ok, I can go for that.

        The use of "pilot" as the one needed also gives me a twitch. Trail-blazer/Trail-breaker/Trail-buster absolutely, but again some to control our path (which is what a pilot does) not so much.
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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 9 years ago
      I disagree. I started expecting the end of the world in 1966. I bought and sold bumper stickers that read:
      "Barbarians. Mystics. Bread and Circuses. /
      Save your candles. /
      The Dark Ages are coming."

      45 years later ... here we are... Are you aware of the power outages in New York City in 1965 and then in 1977? Right out of Atlas Shrugged ... and then 25 years later in 2003 ... Read here in the Gulch about every train wreck. It is confirmation bias, explained, all to well, unfortunately by Reason editor Virginia Postrel in her book, The Future and Its Enemies.

      After Y2K, I stopped expecting the end of the world. After Postrel's book, I stopped wanting it.
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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 9 years ago
    I see "natural laws" as those principles that one, increase the ability to survive, and, two, enhance the quality of life for everyone, equally. I also see the Ten Commandments as specificity toward natural law. For example, "Thou shalt not steal" is a natural law in that if you take someone's stuff, he might kick your ass. Same with "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife"..... because that guy might kick your ass. Natural laws are not about morality, they are about common sense approaches to dealing with the vicissitudes of life. That they fit someone's sense of morality is irrelevant, though a moral basis, for some people, strengthens their effect/affect on life in general which is good. Natural laws increase survival and enhance the quality of life, equally IF they are exercised equally.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years ago
    This post is my thought exactly. I keep expecting a Ron Paul-like alternative, instead of a Sanders or Trump, to appear. I imagine people oscillating back-and-forth between Trump-like and Sanders-like figures until they conclude gov't isn't the answer for whatever problem they were hoping Trump or Sanders would solve.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years ago
      I see much on here comparing Sanders and Trump, with the implication both are power-seeking tyrants. Rather than let the media shape my opinions, I spend much time listening to interviews of both candidates, with surprising results.

      I find Sanders incredibly naive, thinking that he can transfer righteous anger to a willing and supportive Congress, to enact rules to establish a socialist state. Sanders believes in a class-based, immobile society made up of an aristocracy and subject victims, with only a powerful central authority having the ability to correct the wrongs he sees. Crony capitalism has done much to create such division, but unlike pre-EU European societal structure, it can be corrected without resorting to radical restructuring.

      Trump, whom I originally took an instant dislike to based on his obnoxious public persona, turned out to be more insightful than his outrageous behavior. The best interview of Trump I found was by the Wall Street Journal, which managed to pose hard questions without the downright stupid, sensationalist style now in vogue. He provided a perspective that what was needed was to extract the instruments of power from corrupt banking, corporate, and political elements, without transferring those powers to Federal government hands. The best way, in his view, is to take action to limit the power to control by government fiat, and return the right and opportunity to succeed to an upwardly mobile society. He admittedly refuses to provide much detail about the mechanisms he intends to use, except to say that executive action, isolated from legislative concurrence and judicial approval is specifically not the tool he favors.

      I'm still a Rand Paul fan, and disappointed his message didn't inspire more people. I appreciate Kasich's experience and achievements, but he seems too willing to accept the defunct political environment as-is. Cruz is incredibly knowledgeable, but there are elements to his persona I find unsettling upon close inspection. Rubio is entirely too slick, and seems the alternative to Bush for the GOP bureaucracy. Am I a Trump fan? Hardly, but I'm more comfortable with the idea of a Trump Presidency than either Sanders or Clinton.
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  • Posted by jimslag 9 years ago
    The only real problem I have with whole escape thing is that I cannot repatriate. I am a military retiree and rely on that income for living expenses. With Social Security (in 6 years, when eligible) you can still get it but with the Military pension , you have to maintain US Citizenship.
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  • Posted by IamThereforeIThink 9 years ago
    …"All we need is a Galt"
    Okay Mr.coaldigger here's exactly what you need and it is embodied in one person as identified by Miss Rand in Atlas Shrugged - I'm assuming that by 'a Galt' that you mean the inventor of the motor she projected:

    1) Moral Code
    2) Motive Power
    3) Motor Unit

    Ayn Rand succeeded in the first two but could only hint/hope of the possibility of the third in the novel i.e..the instruction manuscript was defaced when found by Dagny - so Rand left that to us. Not only that, she expressed that it would take "a tremendous feat of abstract science"-(RobertStadler) for any man to actualize such an invention.
    Going Galt is pretty much a fruitless pretention (see all attempts so far to build one) unless you have the above three parameters and the man that embodies them in a complete and integrated whole, to build the perfect society around.
    So, take a look at the Factory Remnant image at the head of the address below and go from there.


    Put yourselves in Dagny's place in the ruins of a motor factory rummaging through scraps and finding this and if you see what she did - we'll see you in June.

    And I mean it.
    JohnGalt Iamoura
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  • Posted by Stormi 9 years ago
    But, what a shame we must reinvent the wheel. We had it all, pretty much. All we had to do was maintain it. Sadly, the government and their evil public education stole our children, taught them parents were old fashioned and there was no right and wrong, and that they were entitled and were the best - no effort required on their part. Somewhere along the line, they convinced parents they did not understand, and that it took a village to raise their child. Those without virtue have turned the children into clones, despite the best efforts of parents to undo it.
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  • Posted by jimslag 9 years ago
    I am already planning my escape, if you want to call it that. I bought 3 acres in Belize, originally to be near my parents but it will suffice. I am getting a house built by a Mennonite builder that will be ready in March. Fruit trees and a fenced garden to be as self sufficient as possible. It is not perfect but that does not exist in this world, there is always something pro and con everywhere. People say guns here, well you can get a gun but it takes paperwork to get it. Tourists being killed, it is called situational awareness and staying out of bad areas. Everyone has a machete here, so you will want one also. It is beautiful here and I love it, but it is not for everyone. If you want to visit, I will be moving here in October or November to stay and I have a couch available or an acre of land if you want it.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
      What specific area (more or less, not prying) in Belize did you decide to settle in, jimslag?
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      • Posted by jimslag 9 years ago
        Hello Freedom, I am in the Cayo. My property is just outside the capital of Belmopan in the village of Camalote. A quiet little village and I am close enough to Belmopan to go shopping and conduct business.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
          What attracted you to that area as opposed to northern Belize, e.g. Corozal ?
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          • Posted by jimslag 9 years ago
            My parents live only about 2-1/2 miles from my land and they are in their late 60's,early 70's. So I am close enough if needed. I am also retired Navy, so I don't need the ocean views, I got enough of that in 22 years of service.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
              I think I may have to plan a trip to Belize. Its one place I didn't investigate when I was looking for a place outside the US. The ease of immigration is attractive to me.
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              • Posted by jimslag 9 years ago
                They have a program called QRP. You have to be over 50 with an income of at least $2000 per month. You can bring in household goods and vehicles for first year with no tariffs. It is run through tourism department so you are effectively a long term visitor. I am going longer as a resident and dealing with immigration. Beach is an option on the Cayes (Ambregris Caye, San Pedro Town) or Corozal or a development like Sanctuary but more expensive. Or go inland to the Cayo, jungle and small towns but hills and mountains. Only 3 highways that are paved plus the roads in cities plus Spanish Lookout (a Mennonite community). 1 goes Belize City to the Guatemala border, another from Belize City to the Mexican border. The 3rd goes from Belmopan to the south city of Punta Gorda. Others branch off to the coastal cities. I am just west of Belmopan off the Western Highway, about a half mile behind Westar Truck Stop and 3 blocks off the Valley of Peace Road but I will be back in the US until towards the end of the year.
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                • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
                  I doubt I will go the QRP route, not ready to retire;^) Any thoughts on the government meddling factors? Possible gulch location ?
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                  • Posted by jimslag 9 years ago
                    Government is not a real big factor here. Most gov"t income is from tariffs on products. So, if you need your American products, you will pay more. Belize exports oil to Venezuela but taxes the gas that comes back, so gas is going for around $8BZ or about $4US (exchange $1BZ is worth $0.50US). But if you live like a local, it is cheaper. It is going to be my gulch, others have to assess if it meets what they desire.
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                    • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
                      I assume locals (and you) are thrifty with electric use and that it is also dearly priced? Remember reading 33% to 50% is imported from Mexican power plants at cost of ~23 UScents/kwh (about double US rates.) Also read that MEx is being replaced as they don't have adequate generation capacity for export. Is solar (or wind) competitive on cost for a homeowner?
                      Can't speak for others but I have lived overseas for 5 years and I can live without less nutritious boxed, canned, frozen foods. (I did miss Trader Joes for ice cream and US rib eyes ;^) I suspect the biggest complaint is likely to be the pace of life, the manana atttitude.
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                      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
                        Who is replacing Mexico? Canada?

                        While true their infrastructure building continues to grow. In the Gringo Grocery you can get TJ and BJ ice cream I rarely go in. As you suggested absence doesn't make the taste buds grow fonder with full blown chain super markets everywhere. But I don't miss a lot of things I thought i would miss...

                        DHL is getting hot on old style ups type deliveries and we have courier service from the nearest US city.

                        one million of us live down here six to 12 months of the year. us meaning USA and that does not count Canadians.
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                        • Posted by freedomforall 9 years ago
                          In Belize there are only 10,000 expats in the entire country, and the country population is only 250,000 ;^) The market size is tiny. I think that's one reason that Corozal Belize is popular with expats; Chetumal Mexico is 20 minutes drive away with Walmart and other big box stores.
                          The replacement of Mexico I was referring to was the electric generation being imported to Belize from Mexico. Belize has a relatively new plant that generates about 20% of the power needs for the country that runs primarily on refuse from cane fields. Don't know how they are replacing the rest. That's why I asked.
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                          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
                            shame they can't trade dive trips for coal crush and pulvereize the coal mix with cane alcohol and use in a slurry jet for both mechanical and heat produced electricity.

                            interesting way of producing ...

                            or go solar but no good in the rainy season so must double up with wind.....ocean motion probably maybe not too good witih the barrier reef
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  • Posted by bassboat 9 years ago
    what does one need to do in order to go Galt and continue in a upper middle class life style? It sounds like you need to vanish from the face of the earth.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
      First thing is use accurate definitions..instead of the definitions of the dark side. upper middle class? what's that? Median income is $50,000 per annum. it doesn't include the 35% loss in buying power presented to us by the government and not addressed by GDP or COLA.

      I want to know what is NDP - AFTER the debt is serviced and when COLA will be worth more than a cheap campaign gimmick terminology.

      In other words face reality as it is not some socialist fairy tail - spelling intentional..
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      • Posted by bassboat 9 years ago
        ok, I didn't use the terms that you prefer. I think that you have a reasonable idea what I meant as you quoted the median income correctly. I'm a little more than double that amount, taxed to the hilt but I can get by as long as I watch my spending. How do I replace this income by going Galt?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years ago
          well i took the very hard route and worked until 65 the last job was deck hand on a tanker ship. I have three incomes, military retirement social security and a small union check and speaking of taxes this year military retirement no send 1099 and claim I don't exist. I give that problem to congressional....and used turbo tax adding 1.7% to be on time and close....you can't talk to these people mostly just pre programmed machines now...well that is a good definition of bureaucrat mentality humanoids. But i don't jump through their stupid hoops anymore. and just spend most of time except for here ignoring them. we are working on annual melodrama now to buy a new ambulance for community. that is much more interesting way to earn the funds needed and spend time ..The gulch IS a state of mind...whatever else it might be.
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  • Posted by BrettRocketSci 9 years ago
    A very great little essay! Thanks for it.
    We may need a Galt to save the country as we know it. But we cannot wait for such a person to save ourselves and our families and those we care about. We must be our own Galt!
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 9 years ago
    I do not see a collapse, but an explosion. When new technologies meet new philosophical paradigms, our global capitalist society will take off - literally... We will live under the oceans of Earth and Europa both. Some will scoop methane from Titan and while others build methane with nanobots here on Earth in their homes. We will live to be 1000 years old. Sheldon Cooper will live his dream with his brain in an interstellar spaceship.

    It is not the end of the world. It is just the beginning. And a correct, reality-based philosophy is the essential ingredient. It is the catalyst. The reactants are already in place.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 9 years ago
    Every year since FACTCO the number of US citizens giving up their citizenship as increased, with 2015 having set the record. Not merely people moving out of the country, I am talking about giving up US passports. Gone Galt?
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