Here. We. Come??? Atlas Shrugged III

Posted by $ dhinet 10 years, 9 months ago to Movies
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In the Atlas Shrugged III Movie Newsletter 3.20.2014, The headline Here. We. Come. disturbed me. Asking us to promote the AS III to insure the production will be in our local theatre!! Crappy movies are in the theatres without me voting to get them locally. Are we going to see a very limited release for Galt's Gulch subscribers. I spread the word but I am doubt it does much. Are only Ayn Rand fans going to be interested in ASIII?
I hope there will be some controversy to make sure the masses are interested enough to find the movie.
I want to see commercials on all the networks, not just Fox News. Maybe I am missing something, but asking me to vote and seeing 1 person in my zip code is interested, I will be driving past 10 theaters to the one 50 miles away. Al Jazeera can get on cable, but The Blaze still needs votes.

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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 9 months ago
    you will be pounding the beat d. adjust yourself to it, and get those gumshoes on. this is grassroots kinda thing. where do you live? let's look at getting a couple of tea party groups together and getting them to help you. Let's plaster posters around where college kids and high schoolers hang out.they love unanswered questions like "Who is John Galt?". If I know where you are, some producers can help give you ideas on how this works. CHALLENGE. we rise to those ;)
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 9 months ago
      I did not know this is a DYI production!! Now I know they really did mean, Join Now and become a Producer! I am in CT, I may need to move to another state!!
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 9 months ago
        you do! Euda and non mooch are in your neck of the woods. when things get closer, you'll see there's lots you can do!
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years, 9 months ago
          when we get the goo ahead start with plastering the posters downtown-put one somewhere on the inside window of your car(like when you park it-no blind spot making!) any local clubs you can think of. call into to talk radio...wear a teeshirt! there's alot of basic stuff we can do. pony up for a private showing of your local high school
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          • Posted by $ 10 years, 9 months ago
            Start a rumor, the MH370 has been located in Galt's Gulch. CNN will cover the rumor for a few days. They will have John Galt & Dagny giving all the details.
            This would be controversial, but a great tie into ASIII. I am sure all on MH370 would be happier in Galt's Gulch. Maybe the poor souls would like that something good would come out of their misfortune.
            Our White House's Motto, never let a crisis go to waste.
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