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  • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 8 months ago
    This story is hard to read.

    We have a "citizen's arrest" law that allows Joe Six-Pack to take arrest matters in hand when there is no law enforcement around. But you don't see many people stepping up to the plate.

    But there is a ton of successful Hollywood movies based upon vigilante justice, I watched a good one just last night. We love to see it in action, but we are not too keen on taking the risk.

    Glad to see that he is out of the court system, but is anyone helping him with his costs?

    And, most importantly: Is that same drug dealer still plying his trade?
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    • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
      A thought's crossed my mind several times lately. If 'superheroes' like Batman & Spidey were to exist in reality, they'd be normal folk who are prudent enough to avoid being identifiable, knowing full well that if they were, they'd be prosecuted for ensuring justice was done.

      Court costs? Don't know. And I expect the dealer has gone very quiet all of a sudden out of embarrassment.
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      • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years, 8 months ago
        They were persecuted as being outside of the law in the recent movies, which I found ironic given the positive reception in the pulp fiction. Even the early Batman movies never cast any negative slander on his mission.

        It is almost as if the Hollywood message today is that there is no legitimate justice outside of the justice dealt out by the powers to be. In other words: evil can only be resolved by those in power...and we must depend on our illustrious leaders to make our lives safe, and worthwhile.
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        • Posted by 11 years, 8 months ago
          Until such time as the law becomes crooked or incapable of executing justice - like right now.

          I think I posted something recently saying that if I were to witness a car accident & an injured person required immediate attention, if I was a hero & took steps to save someone's life before the ambulance/paramedics arrived, I would run the risk of being prosecuted for putting that person's life in 'danger' even though they lived because of my actions. Too many ambulance chasers. The only way to avoid prosecution is to not be identifiable at the scene.

          Of course British law pretty much states that nobody is allowed to enter business premises or public venues with their faces covered or wearing hoods or hats (unless your religion requires it of course) so anonymity is 'pretty much' against the law.
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