THE 1 OFFICER WHO STANDS BETWEEN YOU AND MILITARIZED POLICE 'I can nullify any kind of unconstitutional law forced upon the people'

Posted by Bobhummel 10 years, 11 months ago to Government
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Day after day, we see the Cuffy Meggs of America trying, sometimes successfully, to over throw the rule of law and establish tyranny in the name of the public good under cover of authority. This article discusses the gun grabs in Connecticut and Colorado. The one fighting to protect our freedom are our elected law enforcement officers - the county sheriffs.

In talking about his plans to double the size of the peace corps and nearly quadruple the size of AmeriCorps and the size of the nation’s military services, candidate Obama, in July 2008, made a shocking pledge: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

Our county Sheriffs believe differently. “The sheriff’s job is to protect the individual people first and not the people as a corporate group,” Christopher said. “When you do that you have a republic; when you go the other way you have tyranny.”

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  • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 11 months ago
    What do you think Homeland Security has become? BO is neutering the military, allowing them to be wimpified with political correctness and replacing the their power stateside with the SS like HLS. The possi comma - something act restricts the military from acting as the thug arm of POTUS, but HLS has no limits. They are who we should be watching since the local police can be rolled into HLS overnight. Thats why HLS is giving locals armored vehicles, weapons police have never had before such as grenades and mines and C4. HLS trains local police in tactics and urban warfare and since everything the police and HLS are identical, all that's needed for us to wake up one day with a huge, unrestrained nation police force in place from the cop on the beat to guy sitting next to BO is a uniform and signature on an executive order.

    Does ANYBODY not think BO is moving this way?
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 11 months ago
    Sheriffs are county officials, most have elected dpt heads, and thus are more accountable to the local populace. Relegating them to mere process servers is a step to disarm the local populace and take all enforcement to the state and city level.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
      I agree Robbie.

      Not all HLS personnel are part of the problem, but the appointed ones and the ones who are dependent on them certainly are. Cheers.
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      • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 11 months ago
        Sure, they are the puppet masters. The scary thing to keep in mind is that a recent survey of police officers said that they would have no problem arresting anybody on charges that were a clear violation of the constitution. They would let the court settle if your rights were violated. By the same percentage, they also said they would fire on people if ordered to do so.

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        • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
          SG that is truly a scary statistic if true. But I suspect it is more likely true in those municipalities where the police are "owned" by the politicians and not elected by the people like Sheriffs. Adolf found a lot of those types when he formed the the Sturm Apteilung and Sturm Staffel SA/SS units in the lat 30s. Those who set cats on fire for fun, in their youth. BHO will likely recruit the likes of the Black Panthers, Eric Holder and MS13. You know, those who really respect our Constitution.
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          • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 11 months ago
            I think that's also true Bob. Just who the police answer to, defines their attitude. That said, remember who is currently doing ALL training, or at least who provides all training materials and tactics procedures for police anywhere - the same people who answer to BO, and NOT to any other elected official. Military and police both follow a training concept that goes "train as you expect to function". The goal is that in a critical event, muscle memory and training will take over and the result will be the survival of the troop or officer. All to often, innocence of bystanders is secondary. In every occasion the target of the officer is eliminated, and their quilt is seen as a given. They are a target, not a innocent citizen. Guilty before proved innocent, and if they are dead, the officer still goes home.

            The same people are providing the training materials will one day give the orders and they answer to BO. These same people have no problem using the IRS as an offensive weapon, it's a small step to the police.
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            • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
              I guess I expect many of my fellow military veterans to step up and be the warriors that took a solum oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. That is why the 2nd Ammendment is so important. It is tough fighting MRAPs with rifles but they have to get out of them at some point. The man who forwarded this article that I posted, is one of the bomb techs the cleared all of Klebold and Harris' bombs at Columbine High School here in Colorado. He would not stand for a state sponsored attack on the citizen. There not many sheriffs or police officers in Colorado who want to serve the no knock warrants on gun owner. They may get a few, but then all he'll would break loose. IMO.
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              • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 11 months ago
                This Vet hasn't forgotten his oath, but a 61 yo paralyzed guy in a power wheelchair just has to take care of business from a few blocks away. It's a good thing I practice a lot. ohyeah!
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                • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
                  Thank you sir for your service. I'm right behind you in age, turn 60 in May. I practice gun control - I hit what I aim at. I'm an old Navy fighter pilot. Next week I have the sad honor to attend the internment of my first Commanding Officer of VF-161. A great man and a great warrior. We took our oath with no intention of evasion. Most of our politicians look for loop holes
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