Argentina achieves a Happy Planet Index Score of 54.1 and ranks #17 of all the countries analysed.
Posted by ShrugInArgentina 11 years, 8 months ago to Culture
"The new HPI results show the extent to which 151 countries across the globe produce long, happy and sustainable lives for the people that live in them. The overall index scores rank countries based on their efficiency, how many long and happy lives each produces per unit of environmental output."
In previous posts I stated that I was happier in Argentina than I ever was in the USA.
This study ties happiness to the average lifespan and ecological footprint of each country. The perceived happiness and average lifespan of those living in the USA is actually higher than either of the figures for Argentina, bt the giant ecological footprint of the USA brings its ranking down to #105 out of 151 countries.
The WGI governance ranking for Argentina is 73rd while the USA is ranked at 21st. The ranking for the USA will probably fall dramatically in the next three years as Obamacare is implemented and tens of thousands of new federal regulations go into effect.
Notice that the GDP per capita in Argentina is only one third of the GDP per capita in the USA, but I would need at least three times the income to live in the USA as I need to enjoy my life in Argentina.
That would mean that I would have to work and that would not make me happy.
PS: Let me be the first to point out that some countries which ranked high on the list (in the top 20) are Cuba, Venezuela, and Bangladesh (countries I never considered visiting, let alone living in...just to name a few).
In previous posts I stated that I was happier in Argentina than I ever was in the USA.
This study ties happiness to the average lifespan and ecological footprint of each country. The perceived happiness and average lifespan of those living in the USA is actually higher than either of the figures for Argentina, bt the giant ecological footprint of the USA brings its ranking down to #105 out of 151 countries.
The WGI governance ranking for Argentina is 73rd while the USA is ranked at 21st. The ranking for the USA will probably fall dramatically in the next three years as Obamacare is implemented and tens of thousands of new federal regulations go into effect.
Notice that the GDP per capita in Argentina is only one third of the GDP per capita in the USA, but I would need at least three times the income to live in the USA as I need to enjoy my life in Argentina.
That would mean that I would have to work and that would not make me happy.
PS: Let me be the first to point out that some countries which ranked high on the list (in the top 20) are Cuba, Venezuela, and Bangladesh (countries I never considered visiting, let alone living in...just to name a few).